The A-Z Step-By-Step, Complete System On How To Make Money Online From Facebook Fanpages!
Facebook Fanpages are very hot right now. Big companies such as COCA COLA and NIKE are relying on their Fanpages to get people buying their products. FANPAGES are powerful for branding and they have opened the doors for many businesses.
So What Does Fanpage Dollars Contain?
Fanpage Dollars contains a detailed, step-by-step 86 paged guide that teaches you how to make your own money from your own Fanpage.
The best part of this course is that Kerstin starts everything from scratch.
He creates a Fanpage from scratch and he shows you (step-by-step) on how to monetise this Fanpage and start directing traffic.
Here are some of the things he covers in this guide...
* Creating Your first Fanpage from scratch (with lots of examples)
* How to create Traffic Hubs for your Fanpage so you start receiving Autopilot traffic!
* Different Traffic Generation Techniques for your Fanpage and which ones are the ones he personally uses.
* Monetisation Techniques for your Fanpage
* How to SKYROCKET your CPA Earnings with just a few little amendments!
* Types of CPA/Clickbank Offers to target
* How to BUY and SELL fanpages for Profits! (The exact source he uses to buy Fanpages with 500k people!)
* How to embed Youtube Videos on your Fanpages...