The Kindle publishing platform allows ANYONE to publish or earn from their writing. Whether you sell, or plan on selling, fiction or non-fiction you'll find the information inside this guide valuable!
Never before has there ben a better time for writers. Never before has there been for people who'd like to build some passive income streams. The Kindle platform allows anyone to publish and earn from their writing. If you do it right, your earnings can match or exceed your current full time income.
It's not that you have to be the next Stephen King or Nora Roberts. Normal writers like you are making great strides through Kindle, every day. It used to be relatively easy to just load a bunch of books up to Kindle and make some descent sales.
This book will help you if you've never published a Kindle at all. Maybe you've just been collecting eBooks on how to be a successful Kindle author but you just haven't tried taken the plunge yet.