Learn From This Audio, Give It Away To Build Your Email List & Sell The Whole Product With MRR
Hopefully, you aren't doing CPA offers just for the fun of it….you want to earn MONEY! That's the bottom line, but there are a number of different strategies you might use to make money, some of which cost money up front to begin with. At the very least, it costs you valuable time to code and run CPA offers, so whether it is time or money there is an upfront cost to create an ad campaign that eventually leads to profits.
Profits, though, aren't just net income. To get a true idea about how well an offer might perform for you, you have to take into account the costs to implement it versus the expected profit potential. Once you deduct the costs of implementation from the gross income you will have the profit potential, but you’ll probably still wonder how to tell just how much net income you might make if you choose to implement the offer. There are several ways to come up with a fairly solid estimate, especially if you have a good understanding of your unique traffic and the typical conversion rates for that traffic.
First, however, let's take a look at the potential costs to consider before deciding on an offer to implement.