How To Save Yourself A Ton Of Time, Cash and Embarrassment, While Harnessing The Power Of Automated Digital Delivery To Deliver Your eBooks and Software INSTANTLY and SECURELY While You Sleep!
SmartDD LITE is a complete all-in-one system that allows you to safely, securely and reliably deliver your ebooks and other downloadable products to your customers. At the same time, it prevents unauthorized access to your download pages thus preventing people from stealing your products or giving your download link to others. SmartDD is very easy to use and it works whether you are selling downloadable products on your own website or via Ebay.
This is how SmartDD LITE automated digital delivery works, in a nutshell:1. You receive a payment from a customer via PayPal.2. PayPal sends the details to SmartDD LITE.3. SmartDD LITE sends an email to your customer with a UNIQUE link to the download page.4. Your customer goes to the download page and downloads their purchase by clicking on another UNIQUE link.5. After they've downloaded, the link expires. SmartDD LITE has now completed its automated digital delivery on your behalf.