Developing Friendships That Last A Lifetime In This Fast Paced World!
We cannot do without friends. But we cannot do with the wrong friends either. We come into this world with several relationships thrust upon us. Friendships are God’s way of allowing us to choose our own people that we remain close with. With friendships, we have a choice. We must make the best use of it.
There are two sides to this story. On one hand, some people think they always land with the wrong people. On the other hand, there are people who think they can never make friends. Are any of these your story?
Inside this eBook, you are about to learn the following exciting information:
Chapter 1: Are You Really Ready for More Friends?
Chapter 2: Where to Look for Friends Suitable to Your Tastes?
Chapter 3: Breaking the Ice with New People – The First Step to a Potential Friendship
Chapter 4: Watering the Sapling of Your Friendship Fern
Chapter 5: Taking Your Friendship to New Levels
Chapter 6: The More, the Merrier
Chapter 7: Being a Friend Yourself
Chapter 8: Making Your Friendship Permanent
Chapter 9: Where Lines are Drawn Even in the Closest of Friendships
Chapter 10: Ensuring that You Remain a Friend-Maker Forever