Cars And Automobile Niche Blog

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  • Price: ₦2,000 ($3.99)
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Cars and automobiles niche is a very good Adsense money maker. This is a fantastic addition to your collection of niche empires. By using using to Set-up affiliate websites, you can completely eliminate the long hours of hard work of setting up money sites!

This blog comes with a premium plugin that will allow you to easily install the whole blog package in practically less than five minutes. No more trouble installing Wordpress, messing with SQL files, myPhPAdmin, and messing with codes. In short, simply upload the blog package's file to your webhost, follow the three step installation and you're done!

This blog comes with:

  • Easy installation guide - Comes with 5 fully illustrated PDF Manual.
  • Custom admin panel - Custom made admin panel to quickly and easily ad your ad codes, affiliate links, and banner promotions
  • 40+ Pre-posted articles - These "starter" articles are already posted as part of the complete blog.
  • PLR articles - Comes in .txt and .doc format. You have full PLR rights with this articles. You can sell, give away, and re-use any way you like.
  • Its own logo - If you want to make the blog's logo unique for "branding" purposes, a PSD file is included for easy editing.

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Type eBook
Fee ₦2,000 ($3.99)
Format PDF

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    Type eBook
    Fee ₦2,000 ($3.99)
    Format PDF

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