Stop Thinking About How You're Going To Quit Smoking When You Can Instantly Stomp It In Less Than 30 Days With A Proven Set of Techniques! Smoking Is So Freak'n Cool - Kick The Butt Once and For All! Get The Mental and Physical Preparation To Quitting!
Kicking the Habit: A Smoker's Guide is your way to actually breaking that hellish cycle in all of its forms. It teaches you step-by-step how to mentally and physically prepare yourself for each and every obsticle you will face during your walk to nicotine FREEDOM!
This is what's inside:
* Understanding the Psychology of Smoking
* Are You Addicted To Smoking? The Smokers Quiz
* Why You Should Quit Smoking Today
* Smoking and its ill effects
* Smoking and Heart Disease- The Connection
* Quit Smoking Today!
* Admit your Addiction to Smoking