THE ROLE OF ACCOUNTANT IN MANAGING AND LIQUIDATING DISTRESSED BANKS PROPOSAL My main focus of writing this project goes this way, the importance of the managing and liquidating distress banks in sense that she carried out her study on who intend to ascertain how the assets of the distress banks should be disposed as a result of recovering in full the money deposited by the customers during the banking operation.The reason while this study bring out a lot of problem especially at the banking sector today in Nigeria. In recent time, some of the commercial banks gone distress as a result of fraudulent and poor management.The role of accountant in managing and liquidating distress banks should be given a serious attention so as to see that all the necessary factors are followed accordingly in order to see the successful completion and execution of the system without incurring more lost any longer. TABLES OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUD OF THE STUDY 1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM 1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY 1.3 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF STUDY 1.6 RESEARCH QUESTION CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE/ESSAY DEVELOPMENT 2.1 THE ORIGIN OF MODERN BANKING 2.2 NATURE OF BANKING 2.3 HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF BANKING IN NIGERIA 2.4 THE NIGERIA BANKING SYSTEM/HOW IT OPERATES 2.5 DISTRESS IN BANKS 2.6 POSSIBLE CAUSE OF DISTRESS IN BANKS 2.7 THE ROLE OF ACCOUNTANTS IN DISTRESSED BANKS 2.8 THE ROLE OF ACCOUNTANTS AS LIQUIDATOR OF DISTRESSED BANKS CHAPTER THREE 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1 CONCLUSION 3.2 RECOMMENDATION 3.3 BIBLIOGRAPHY CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Banks plays crucial roles in the process of economic development by mobilizing funds from the surplus spending units into the economy, and by on. Lending such funds to the deficit spending units fro investment, banks increase I the process. The quantum of national savings and investments through an appropriate investments multiplier, the volume of goods and services produced in an economy increases overtimes as a result of the investment projects embarked upon through banks funds. Also through banks direct and indirect contributions towards the growth of the national economy, they (banks) succeed in promoting an efficient payment system, and in creating banking habits and in developing the society at large. I intend to look at the possible reasons for bank distress and the effects of such failures on the rest of us before looking at “The Role of Accountant in Managing and Liquidating a Distress banks”. A various times over the past five years of the structural adjustment programme (SAP) the banking industry had to cope with different types and forms of difficulties, all in a bid to record and sustain what one may call impressive performance we have for instance been at different times, the removal and late re-introduction of selling on interest rates. The seemingly nectarous and dreaded stabilization securities have also become one source of treasury management policy devotement that banks have learnt to live with. The term “distress” means great pains discomfort or serious sufferings caused by wants of money or mismanagement of money by bank officials which as we know is a complete relation of the trust reposed I them by innocent investors. The role of accountant in managing and liquidating a distress banks are too much and cannot be over emphasized when liquidating a distress banks. Accountants has to see that all the assets and liabilities of distress banks are being valued by expert values. The accountant has to be fully involved in appointing an expert liquidator who would then sell the assets and liabilities of the distressed bank by means of auction to the general public. In this case, it is not only that the property of the bank is being liquidated but also, the property of the debtors of the distressed bank. The liquidator has to fall back on the assets which the debtors of the bank used as their collateral when borrowing money from the bank. The money being recovered from the proceed should be used to settle the creditors of the distressed banks. This is so because the bank has been turned “DISTRESS” by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) as a result of its inability to meet up with the stipulated guidelines of having of capital and non-marketable assets base. 1.2 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM There are many problems which could eventually lead to bank distress just as there are many possible causes of death of a human being. Some of the problems are stated here but they are in no way exhaustive. i. Bad management ii. Inadequate capital iii. Risk asset portfolio iv. Assets and liabilities management v. Boardroom crisis vi. Inability to adopt to changes vii. Fraud viii. Planning etc. 1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The researcher is precisely focusing mainly on the objective of the managing and liquidating a distress bank in the sense that she carried out her study which intend to ascertained how the property of the distress bank should be disposed as a way of recovering in full or part of the money deposited by the customers during the banking operation. The study is also designed to highlight the consequences of liquidating a distress bank which include how exactly the asset should be valued to make sure that the auctioneer does not pay less or making a pledge of paying later. In order further, this course of study the following aims are being considered as some of the objectives of managing and liquidating a distress bank: a. Distress bank b. The accountants should see that he procedures for liquidation are duly completed before execution c. To make sure that all the money which are suppose to be paid by auctioneers are fully valued at the time and at the place of the auction. 1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Nigeria is facing a lot of problems today especially at the banking sector. In recent time, some of the commercial and specialized banks gone distress as a result of fraudulent and poor management. Bank failure, and its inability to meet liquidating capability as from time to time is a good sign of it being turned distress in a short distant time. The role of accountant in managing and liquidating distress banks should be given a serious attention so as to see that all the necessary actors successful completion and execution of the system without incurring more lost any longer. HYPOTHESIS The study will test the following hypothesis a. Ho: Whether this is any relationship between the increase in distress bank and the low recovering of debt from debtors by the distressed banks. b. Hi: Whether this is a relationship between increased credit facilities by the distress banks to its customers and its loan recovering during liquidation as a result of auction seller. 1.5 RESEARCH QUESTION In order to successfully carryout this project some research questions were formulated as follows: - i. What will the management foregone in order to effect a sound restructuring? ii. What shape will the restructuring take in other not to effect prompt customers services? iii. What will be the effect of restructuring on the staff?
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Accountant is a person who undergo a training in accounting system. He has to obtain a certificate as an evidence that he has concepts of accounting efficiently A banker is any person carrying out the business of banking which... Continue Reading
IN ABSTRACT This term paper talks about the role of Nigeria deposit insurance corporation play in revaring mother to unfold this. This time paper is divided into 5 segments or 5 chapters. Chapter one talks about the introduction and the background of the study that is... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION As part of the reform measures taken to strengthen the supervisory framework for the banking sector, the Nigeria deposit Insurance corporation (NDIC) was established by decree N.22 of 1988. This reinforcement became imperative given the up surge in the member of licensed bank following the adoption in addition to this, there was... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION As part of the reform measures taken to strengthen the supervisory framework for the banking sector, the Nigeria deposit Insurance corporation (NDIC) was established by decree N.22 of 1988. This reinforcement became imperative given the up surge in the member of licensed bank following the adoption in addition to this, there was also... Continue Reading
THE ROLE OF NIGERIA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION IN DISTRESSED BANKS IN NIGERIA. ABSTRACT The project has attempted to take an overview of the role of the Nigeria deposit insurance corporation in distressed banks in Nigeria. In chapter it focus attention of the major problem some banks facing. In literature review it focusers the control of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research is concerned with the impact of Nigerian deposit Insurance Corporation on the banking industry. This research is intended to reveal and evaluate the program made since the inception of the corporation as well as area which might be some short coming. In an attempt to correct this unhealthy development the regulatory’... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research is concerned with the impact of Nigerian deposit Insurance Corporation on the banking industry. This research is intended to reveal and evaluate the program made since the inception of the corporation as well as area which might be some short coming. In an attempt to correct this unhealthy development the regulatory’... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The project has attempted to take an overview of the role of the Nigeria deposit insurance corporation in distressed banks in Nigeria. In chapter it focus attention of the major problem some banks facing. In literature review it focusers the control of distress in bank. The research design it helps the researcher to know how he will... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The project has attempted to take an overview of the role of the Nigeria deposit insurance corporation in distressed banks in Nigeria. In chapter it focus attention of the major problem some banks facing. In literature review it focusers the control of distress in bank. The research design it helps the researcher to know how he will... Continue Reading