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The research project attempt to examine the effect of motivation on employees’ performance in global polythene industry Kaduna. The objectives of the study amongst others are to determine the relationship between motivation and performance and to assess the adequacy of employees reward in global polythene industry. The researcher adopted questionnaire and interview in the collection of primary data and documentary evidences such as literature review for secondary data. It was found out that incentives are not the only tools for motivating employee’s other motivational factor or tools discovered includes good working tools, good work environment, equitable salaries, and recognition e.g. promotion. The researcher recommended that motivational tools such as training should be extended to junior staff and those employees should not be forced to own shares in the company.
Cover page-      --i
Title Page ----ii
Declaration ----iii
Approval page ---iv
Dedication ---v
Acknowledgement ---vi
Abstract ---viii
Table of Contents ---ix

1.0Introduction ---1
1.1Background of the study ---2
1.2Statement of the problem ---3
1.3Objectives of the study ---3
1.4Significance of the study---4
1.5Research question---5
1.6Scope and limitation of the study---6
1.7Definition of terms---7

Literature Review
2.1The Concept of Motivation ---10
2.2Factors Influencing Motivation in an Organization--15
2.3Motivation of Employees and Commitment---26
2.4Motivation and Commitment in Comparison---29
2.5Motivation Tools ---31
2.6Importance of Motivation ---34
2.7Motivation and Job Satisfaction ---35
2.8Implication of Motivation and its Effect on the Nigerian 
Working Environment --36

Research Methodology
3.0Introduction ---38
3.1Research Design ---38
3.2Area of Study ----38
3.3Population of Study ---39
3.4Sample and Sampling Techniques ---39
3.5Instrument of Data Collection ---39
3.6Validity of the Instrument ---40
3.7Reliability of the Instrument --41
3.8Method of Data Collection --41
3.9Method of Data Analysis --41

Data Presentation and Analysis
4.0Introduction ---43
4.1Data Presentation and Analysis --43
4.2Research Findings ---49
4.3Proof of Hypothesis ---51
4.4Interpretation of result ---52

Summary Conclusion and Recommendations
5.0Introduction ---53
5.1Summary ---53
5.2Conclusion ---54
5.3Recommendations ---55
For more Info, call us on
+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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    Type Project
    Department Business Administration and Management
    Project ID BAM4451
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 76 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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