CONSTRUCTION OF STEEL CUPBOARD ABSTRACT A cupboard in its proper term. Is a well shaped structure, which could either be rectangular, square or oval in shape, used for the storage of valuables at homes, and offices. Reniff defined cupboard as a rectangular shaped structure of cabinet that accommodates, or is used to keep details for future use. Moreover, a cupboard could be defined as a set of shelves made with doors which can be used for storing books and non – books materials. The aim of the construction of the steel cupboard was to designed and bring to light the various measures, which are put in place in the construction of a standard steel cupboard, and to enable student to know how to fabricate the modern steel cupboard and to acquire knowledge on metal handling and fabrication. This project set out to explain the vigorous process involved in the construction of a steel cupboard. The construction procedure started with sketching and drawing operation in which the dimensions of the cupboard (3ft x 16 x Aft) were drawn on paper to a scale of 1cm to 10 units, in isometric view. This was followed by the marking out operations, in which the sketched out dimensions were transferred to the steel sheet and marked on the steel sheet. The dimensions of the doors were also marked out. The steel sheet was cut into 2.8ft x 18” for the doors. The back was also cut 3ft by 4ft and the base and the top of the cupboard, each was cut 3ft by 16” pieces and 4ft pieces; the cutting was done with the handsaw. The body frame was welded together at the joints, the frame was enclosed and welded in place using the guage 12 electrode. The welding procedure used was the electric arc welding. Fillers were also used to finished t he work, and to filled the pores in the welded joints. The work was concluded by washing and drying the cupboard, after which painting was done on the cupboard by spraying method. At the end, a standard steel cupboard was constructed in full shape and size. As a result of the various construction procedures involved, a solid steel cupboard which stands a high chance against corrosion and attack by termites or simple chemicals was constructed. The cost of the construction of the steel cupboard which include: the labour cost, cost of materials, transportation cost and fabrication cost was sum up to eighteen thousand naira (N18000). Comparing the finished fabricated steel cupboard with the wooden cupboard, the mild steel has qualitative properties of construction than wood. The steel cupboard can be attacked by corrosion, but this was prevented by painting the steel cupboard. The steel cupboard can carry much load than wooden cupboard, this is due to the physical properties of mild steel which has a very good strength. It has the ability to withstand, inelastic deformation without fracture, which is not the case in wood. Furthermore, the steel cupboard cannot be attacked by insect and termites but in the case of wooden cupboard, termites can easily destroy the wood, which can lead to the destruction of the stored materials. TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE LETTER OF TRANSMITIAL APPROVAL PAGE DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW CHAPTER THREE CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURE CHAPTER FOUR DISCUSSION CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION REFERENCES CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Since human wants are practically unlimited, therefore, the satisfaction or the creation of storage structure was initiated. The storage structure is known as a cupboard. A cupboard is a set of shelves with door or doors either built into a room as a fixture, or a separate books and non – books material cupboard can be used in storing valuable and laboratories. The book and the non – book materials which can be stored in the cupboard include; food, clothes, dishes, files, books, audio and video cassette. Cupboards can be constructed with different materials of construction. These materials include; wood, glass, steel and some other materials. Wood was formerly used for the construction of all sizes of cupboards because it is readily available. This kind of storage structure constructed with pieces of wooden materials has a lot of disadvantage attached to it such as easy access to thieves, destruction by termites. However, as technology advanced, he introduction of a metallic cupboard was called to play. Considering the importance of cupboards to the human race, many types of cupboards have come to be known, each type depending on its demand. The steel cupboard was generally accepted for offices uses, while the wooden cupboard fitted for most domestic uses. Steel is primarily used as material for construction of steel cupboard. Steel has its variety of characteristics, which make it far better than wood. It is not attacked by termites or simple chemicals, and it lasts longer than wood and some other metals. It cannot be broken into pieces with ease like the wooden or glass cupboard, thus, materials which are kept in it are kept safe. Metals, however, are known to corrode by the effect of air, moisture and some chemicals. These can be prevented especially on steel by processes like painting and coating, so that the cupboard mad of steel, stands the chance of such protection steel generally has a quality that makes it non hazardous and resistant to termite and chemical attack. In the construction of a steel cupboard, wide ranging research work is carried out to obtain the best possible design, with the desired types of structural material for the cupboard being put to use. This is due to the fact that there is a wide variety of materials that could be used for construction. In the construction of this cupboard, the researching consideration were based on the materials availability, its durability and quality, affordability and the maintenance, replacement of the parts of cupboard or shelf. The wood class of construction materials consists of all the construction materials obtained from plants (Stems and branches). Wood is generally known to be composed of 44% carbon, 6% hydrogen and 50% oxygen and nitrogen thus, it could be referred to as an organic substance. The very important class refers to the metals. These include iron (cast iron, wrought iron, malleable iron, pig iron), steel (cast steels, low carbon steels, mild steels, high carbon steel), alloy steels (stainless steels, magnetic steels, tool steels), aluminum and aluminum alloys. This class of construction materials has a very high range of advantages over wood, as they are stronger and more machinable. They offer properties like electrical and thermal conductivity, high tensile strength, ductility and reflectibility. Mild steels are generally considered for most construction processes. It is usually the most suitable for fabrication processes that involve cutting, bending, folding, because it is easily machined and can be handled without risks of wear and tear. It is taken as a better option in the fabrication of a steel cupboard, as these processes are involved in the construction process. It is usually resistant to insect and chemical attack and is resistant to corrosion and rusting agents. The steel cupboard has wide ranging application and importance. It is useful in the preservation, storage and securing of documents (paper, and non-paper materials) laboratory wares and equipment, and chemical species.
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ABSTRACT The aim of this project was to construct a steel cupboard in order to help us acquire the knowledge of fabrication of a modern cupboard and the essence of it. Also to enable us (the students of chemical Engineering) to know how to construct as future engineers. The construction of steel cupboard was done... Continue Reading
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