Evaluation of the problems and the prospect of debt recovery in commercial bank - Project Ideas | Grossarchive.com

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PROPOSAL PAGE This work is to carry out research on debt recovery techniques in the banking sector issues, problems and prospects (a case study of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc). This research will enhance to find out how non-distressed bank brings effective resolution to a distressed bank because of the effective means of recovery the debts. And if... Continue Reading
PROPOSAL PAGE This work is to carry out research on debt recovery techniques in the banking sector issues, problems and prospects (a case study of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc). This research will enhance to find out how non-distressed bank brings effective resolution to a distressed bank because of the effective means of recovery the debts. And if... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT When banks face distressed, it is in the best interest of the non-distressed ones that have an effective resolution of them to carry out investigation. This is because the distress in one Bank can lead to a loss of confidence in the effected bank. It can also affect lack of confidence in the entire banking system, the corporation requires... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT When banks face distressed, it is in the best interest of the non-distressed ones that have an effective resolution of them to carry out investigation. This is because the distress in one Bank can lead to a loss of confidence in the effected bank. It can also affect lack of confidence in the entire banking system, the corporation requires... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT When some banks in the system are distressed, it is in the best interest of the non distressed one that an effective resolution of the distressed is carried out. This is because, the distress in one bank which leads to a loss of confidence in the effected bank can also affected confidence in the entire banking system, the corporation... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT When some banks in the system are distressed, it is in the best interest of the non distressed one that an effective resolution of the distressed is carried out. This is because, the distress in one bank which leads to a loss of confidence in the effected bank can also affected confidence in the entire banking system, the corporation... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work was undertaken to assess the Loan granting and its recovery problems on Commercial Banks. The research was intended to achieve the following objectives: To find out the several problems facing loan recovery, the effects of loan default on commercial banks and the measures that will be used in reducing the incidence of... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF GUARANTY BANK PLC, KADUNA) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1     Background of the Study To every nation, the existence of banking industry is inevitable. This necessitates the need for deposit and credit mobilization. Osayeme (1936) reported that lending has... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The growing case of classified debts and the increasing trend in the yearly provisions for bad and doubtful debts in commercial banks suggest that there may be errors in the administration of credit by the commercial banks in Nigeria. With this background, the leading policies of the credit management in a typical commercial bank the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to examine “An Evaluation of Credit Management and The incident of bad Debt in Nigeria (A study of union bank of Nigeria). The introduction of the prudential guideline in banking industry, the volume and value of loans and advances classified into non-performing account ahs continued to increase in bank... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION  BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF THE STUDY In a modern Economy there is distinction between the surplus economic unit and the deficit in consequences a separation of the saving investment mechanism. This has necessitated the existence of financial institution whose job includes the transfer of fund from sales to investors. One... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to examine “An Evaluation of Credit Management and The incident of bad Debt in Nigeria (A study of union bank of Nigeria).   The introduction of the prudential guideline in banking industry, the volume and value of loans and advances classified into non-performing account ahs continued to increase in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The growing case of classified debts and the increasing trend in the yearly provisions for bad and doubtful debts in commercial banks suggest that there may be errors in the administration of credit by the commercial banks in Nigeria. With this background, the leading policies of the credit management in a typical commercial bank the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The growing case of classified debts and the increasing trend in the yearly provisions for bad and doubtful debts in commercial banks suggest that there may be errors in the administration of credit by the commercial banks in Nigeria. With this background, the leading policies of the credit management in a typical commercial bank the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The growing case of classified debts and the increasing trend in the yearly provisions for bad and doubtful debts in commercial banks suggest that there may be errors in the administration of credit by the commercial banks in Nigeria. With this background, the leading policies of the credit management in a typical commercial bank the... Continue Reading
DEBIT RECOVERY TECHNIQUES IN THE BANKING SECTORS ISSUES, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS (A CASE STUDY OF UNION BANK NIG PLC) ABSTRACT When some banks in the system are distressed, it is in the best interest of the non distressed one that an effective resolution of the distressed it carried out . This is because, the distress in one bank which leads to a... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF UNION BANK NIG PLC) ABSTRACT When some banks in the system are distressed, it is in the best interest of the non distressed one that an effective resolution of the distressed it carried out . This is because, the distress in one bank which leads to a... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In Nigeria, Commercial Banking dates back to 1894 when the Bank of British West Africa (BBWA) was established. Since then, the general concept of the Nigerian Commercial Banking has changed... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Debt recovery is a major problem in our public Enterprises, most especially the National Electric power Authority (NEPA). A lot of consumers ranging from the residential to the industrial/ maximum status, owed billions of Naira belonging to the authority through the consumption of electricity supply. The product ‘electricity’... Continue Reading
PROBLEMS OF DEBT RECOVERY IN PUBLIC ENTERPRISES (A CASE STUDY OF NATIONAL ELECTRICAL POWER AUTHORITY (NEPA) ABSTRACT Debt recovery is a major problem in our public Enterprises, most especially the National Electric power Authority (NEPA). A lot of consumers ranging from the residential to the industrial/ maximum status, owed billions of Naria... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Debt recovery is a major problem in our public Enterprises,  most especially the National Electric power Authority (NEPA). A lot of consumers ranging from the residential to the industrial/ maximum status, owed billions of Naira belonging to the authority through the consumption of electricity supply. The product... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Chapter one portals the problems associated with the Nigeria commercial banks why serves as the introduction of the problems associated with loan recovery and it also gives the historical development of commercial banks in Nigeria. Chapter two, lays emphasis on the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Chapter one portals the problems associated with the Nigeria commercial banks why serves as the introduction of the problems associated with loan recovery and it also gives the historical development of commercial banks in Nigeria. Chapter  two, lays emphasis on the loan, origin and deification and how loan playa vital role in loan... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Chapter one portals the problems associated with the Nigeria commercial banks why serves as the introduction of the problems associated with loan recovery and it also gives the historical development of commercial banks in Nigeria. Chapter  two, lays emphasis on the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The project work was carried out to find the problems of loan recovery in commercial banks in Nigeria. The information and data contained in this project work were collected by means of questionnaire and consultation from various journals, textbooks and various websites. The key... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  This research work was undertaken to assess the Loan granting and its recovery problems on Commercial Banks. The research was intended to achieve the following objectives: To find out the several problems facing loan recovery, the effects of loan default on commercial banks and the measures that will be used in reducing the incidence of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Chapter one portals the problems associated with the Nigeria commercial banks why serves as the introduction of the problems associated with loan recovery and it also gives the historical development of commercial banks in Nigeria. Chapter two, lays emphasis on the loan, origin and deification and how loan playa vital role in loan lending... Continue Reading
Loan granting and it's recovery problems on commercial banks (A case study of first Bank plc, Ojo-Alaba branch) This research work was undertaken to assess the Loan granting and its recovery problems on Commercial Banks. The research was intended to achieve the following objectives: To find out the... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DEDICATION ....................................................................................................................... I DECLARATION ................................................................................................................... 2 APPROVAL... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In carry out this research, Attempts was made to evaluate the causes and the effect of bad bests in banks lending to fulfill this task. We established the objectives of this study which included the identification of the causes of bad debt or the banks and the economy at large recommendation of possible solutions. In conclusion on the... Continue Reading
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