entrepreneurship as a tool for unemployment in Edinburgh state - Project Ideas | Grossarchive.com

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ABSTRACT Education in Nigeria is devoid of the element crucial to averting the surging rate of unemployment in the country, therefore the breeding of psychological dependence on direct access to money. Entrepreneurial development through education will advance the economy of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Education in Nigeria is devoid of the element crucial to averting the surging rate of unemployment in the country, therefore the breeding of psychological dependence on direct access to money. Entrepreneurial development through education will advance the economy of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine efficacy of mentorship as a veritable tool for entrepreneurship action on entrepreneurship education. The study seeks to determine the relationships between formal mentoring and entrepreneurship action on entrepreneurship education. Furthermore, scanty studies by other authors were also reviewed.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine efficacy of mentorship as a veritable tool for entrepreneurship action on entrepreneurship education. The study seeks to determine the relationships between formal mentoring and entrepreneurship action on entrepreneurship education. Furthermore, scanty studies by other authors were also reviewed.... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF IYAYI FISH FARMING) ABSTRACT This study aims to look into youth employment creation in the country, identifying the causes, effects and the possible efforts being made by the government to create employment. The fish farming can be seen as an option to... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1    BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Unemployment, both of the educated and the uneducated manpower, has become one of the most topical and thorny issues in contemporary Nigeria. The unemployment situation has changed from previous position marked by prolonged period of unemployment and misemployment, to one in which... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work was carried out to show the importance of Entrepreneurship as a tool for sustainable job creation, a key factor needed to grow every country’s economy especially in sub-Saharan Africa or third world countries.  This study analyses entrepreneurship and how it has grown over the years in Nigeria.  It also helps to... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study aims at looking into entrepreneurship development as a tool for wealth creation, which will serve as a panacea to some social economic problems. Survey research design was used for the study. The population is made up of entire final year students of Distance Learning Institute (DLI). The questionnaires were issued to one... Continue Reading
SOCIAL MEDIA ENTREPRENEURSHIP AS A TOOL FOR NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (A CASE STUDY OF SELECTED BLOGGERS AND WEBMASTERS IN IKEJA, LAGOS) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1   BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and has the potential to be one of the prime drivers of development on the continent. Nevertheless, the... Continue Reading
(A STUDY OF SELECTED ENTREPRENEURS IN ENUGU METROPOLIS) ABSTRACT This research work, examined business mentoring as a tool for sustainability of entrepreneurship development in Nigeria. A study of selected entrepreneurs in Enugu metropolis. The objectives of... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Entrepreneurial education is the incorporation into the student syllabus steps involved in starting a new business based on a recognized business opportunity as well as operating and maintaining that business. The belief of... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background to the Study 1.2       Statement of Problem 1.3       Objective of the Study 1.4       Research Question 1.5       Statement of the Hypothesis 1.6       Scope of the Study 1.7       Definition of Terms 1.8       Justification of the study... Continue Reading
EFFECTIVENESS OF TRADE EXHIBITIONAS A MARKETING TOOL IN SMALL & MEDIUM SCALE ENTREPRENEURSHIP CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0   Background to the Study The origin and traditional background of trade fairs can be traced to the time when neither good communication network of security needed for the establishment of pertinent commercial... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0   INTRODUCTION The origin and traditional background of trade fairs can be traced to the time when neither good communication network of security needed for the establishment of pertinent commercial relationship were easily obtain. The first significant trade fair in Nigeria was held in 1960 to add glamour to Nigeria... Continue Reading
1.1       BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The entrepreneur plays a vita role in the process of economic growth and development. Iwu Eze A. [1986] in a paper presented in on entrepreneurship development in Nigeria said that an entrepreneur is a contractor, an organizer of an enterprise for the public, a resourceful person with a dream. Entrepreneurs... Continue Reading
1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The entrepreneur plays a vita role in the process of economic growth and development. Iwu Eze A. [1986] in a paper presented in on entrepreneurship development in Nigeria said that an entrepreneur is a contractor, an organizer of an enterprise for the public, a resourceful person with a dream. Entrepreneurs are bold men... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The entrepreneur plays a vita role in the process of economic growth and development. Iwu Eze A. [1986] in a paper presented in on entrepreneurship development in Nigeria said that an entrepreneur is a contractor, an organizer... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The present study examined the relationship between entrepreneurship education programme of universities in Benue State and job creation, career intention, self productivity and poverty alleviation of undergraduate students. Four research questions and three hypotheses guided the study. The correlational research design was adopted for... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work, examined Effect of Foreign Capital in the Development of Entrepreneurship Business in Enugu State. The objectives of the study include to: ascertain the extent foreign capital has increased new businesses in Enugu State, determine... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work was directed at the phenomenal of distress facing or affect the graduate in Benin City. The need for this study is to bring about a drastic reduction of unemployment in the country. Some of the objectives of this research is to find out why a large number... Continue Reading
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In the delta state urban and rural communities, a steady increase in unemployment has been observed. It is not an overstatement if we say the unemployment is the highest social problem in the country. it is one of the major societal evil which beset the citizen in their efforts to achieve their life goals. No wonder Akerele... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In the delta state urban and rural communities, a steady increase in unemployment has been observed. It is not an overstatement if we say the unemployment is the highest social problem in the country. it is one of the major societal... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT           The study examined Poverty and Youth Unemployment in Ekiti State, which is crucial to the development of the Ekiti State. The broad objective of the study is to investigate the effects of youth unemployment and poverty, the causes of youth unemployment and poverty, and also to analyze the possible resolution in reducing... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT           The study examined Poverty and Youth Unemployment in Ekiti State, which is crucial to the development of the Ekiti State. The broad objective of the study is to investigate the effects of youth unemployment and poverty, the causes of youth unemployment and poverty, and also to analyze the possible resolution in reducing... Continue Reading
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In the delta state urban and rural communities, a steady increase in unemployment has been observed. It is not an overstatement if we say the unemployment is the highest social problem in the country. it is one of the major societal evil which beset the citizen in their efforts to achieve their life goals. No wonder Akerele... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT An Appraisal of the application of marketing strategy by state Economic Empowerment and Development Strategy (SEEDs) in reducing poverty and unemployment in Enugu state... Continue Reading
(A STUDY OF WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS IN ENUGU NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA) ABSTRACT  This research work examined influence of culture and socio-economic factors on female entrepreneurship in Enugu state. A study of women entrepreneurs in Enugu North Local... Continue Reading
. (A CASE STUDY OF NATIONAL DIRECTORATE OF EMPLOYMENT (N.D.E) ABSTRACT Government have set up agencies that are specifically charged with training the people, providing funds and other services for the promotion and development of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The focus of this research “An Evaluation of the Impact of NAPEP on Entrepreneurship development in Nigeria” was to access the impact of entrepreneurship activities in Nigeria, a case study of Imo State. The programme was designed by the government to cater for unemployed youth and jobless person all over the country. To arrive at my... Continue Reading
THE PRACTICE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN NIGERIA: (A CASE STUDY OF SELECTED ENTREPRENEURS IN ENUGU STATE) ABSTRACT Entrepreneurship as we all know is a self employed business which is written for student who must live in a world influenced by business activities, because without business human being cannot operate on his own self. The aim of this... Continue Reading
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