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TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement Abstract CHAPTER ONE: 1.0 Statement of the Study 1.1 Scope and Limitation of the Study 1.2 Methodology 1.3 Literature Review CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Conceptualizing Electoral Violence 2.2 Remote Causes of Electoral Violence 2.3 Immediate Causes of Electoral Violence... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page Certification Dedication Acknowledgement  Abstract CHAPTER ONE: 1.0Statement of the Study 1.1Scope and Limitation of the Study 1.2Methodology 1.3Literature Review CHAPTER TWO 2.0Introduction 2.1Conceptualizing Electoral Violence 2.2Remote Causes of Electoral Violence 2.3Immediate Causes of Electoral Violence CHAPTER... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Nigeria’s 2015 presidential election was the fifth in a row since the military left the political scene in 1999. PDP which has been the ruling party since 1999 faced its toughest opposition in APC which was formed on... Continue Reading
THE ROLE OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE CONSOLIDATION OF DEMOCRACY IN NIGERIA (1999 - 2015) ABSTRACT The problems of political parties in the consolidation of democracy in Nigeria has been of serious concern. In the course of carrying out the research some fundamental objectives were examined, such as: The role effectiveness of political parties in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The problems of political parties in the consolidation of democracy in Nigeria has been of serious concern. In the course of carrying out the research some fundamental objectives were examined, such as: The role effectiveness of political parties in Nigeria, impacts of political parties in consolidating Nigeria democratic system and ways... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme(SURE-P) in unemployment in Nigeria within the period 2012-2015. The study used the methodology of historical research and documentary analysis which involves the analysis of secondary data obtained from relevant books, journals, academic... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to evaluate the impact of Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme(SURE-P) in unemployment in Nigeria within the period 2012-2015. The study used the methodology of historical research and documentary analysis which involves the analysis of secondary data obtained from relevant books, journals, academic... Continue Reading
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BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The American National Standard (ANSI D16.1-2007) classifies a vehicle as ―any motorized (electrically or mechanically powered) transport device designed primarily for moving persons or property along with the device itself from one place to another‖. A motor-vehicle accident is a transport accident that: (1) involves a... Continue Reading
A STUDY OF 2007 PEOPLE’S DEMOCRATIC PARTY GUBERNATORIAL PRIMARY ELECTION IN RIVERS STATE ABSTRACT The democratization process is a continuous one and political parties play an integral role in it. Nigerian political parties are no different. However, since the inception of the Fourth... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Corruption is a form of or unethical conduct by a person entrusted with a position of authority often to acquire personal benefit. Corruption may include many activities including bribery and embezzlement : though it may also involve practices that are legal in many countries. Government, or 'political', corruption  occurs when an... Continue Reading
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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1   BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Democracy in its true meaning is synonymous with grassroots democracy. Grassroots democracy is a people/community – driven participation in elections, governance and decision making. Grassroots democracy can be seen as a tendency towards designing political processes where as much decision... Continue Reading
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The purpose of the study was to investigate the determinants of gender imbalance in education  administration among teachers in public secondary schools in the larger Thika district.The study  was guided by the following specific objectives: to establish the effect of gender roles on gender  imbalance in education administration among teachers,... Continue Reading
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ABSTRACT Genderism, an apt neologism for gender equilibrium in literary discourse and creativity is a sequel to feminism following the emergence of gender studies in the last quarter of the twentieth century. Since 1975 – declared by the United Nations as the international women’s year, there has been an uprising in the global ferment of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Genderism, an apt neologism for gender equilibrium in literary discourse and creativity is a sequel to feminism following the emergence of gender studies in the last quarter of the twentieth century. Since 1975 – declared by the United Nations as the international women’s year, there has been an uprising in the global ferment of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Gender equality is a concept that many feminist and sympathizers the world over have been trying to achieve over the past five decades. Various measures to bring about this new kind of concept have been put forward including legislation, mainstreaming, gender affirmative action just to mention a few. But despite all the efforts and... Continue Reading
  CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY The Nigerian state assumed a new governance status in 1999 following the demise of authoritarian regime in the country. Military dictatorship was replaced by representative democracy with the hopes and aspirations of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The primary objectives of this study was to examine how the financial institution export finance in Nigeria using First Bank of Nigeria Plc Onitsha branch as a case study. In carrying out this study, I used survey method in which I used the questionnaire to collect data. The target population was the staff of first bank of Nigeria Plc... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The desire to research on the independent national electoral commission and democracy in Nigeria stems from the fact that most political crisis in our country since independence was due to electoral malpractices. And as a student of Public Administration I suggest, there is the need for a free and fair election with perspective. Scholarly... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT   The desire to research on the independent national electoral commission and democracy in Nigeria stems from the fact that most political crisis in our country since independence was due to electoral malpractices.   And as a student of Public Administration I suggest, there is the need for a free and fair election with perspective.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study examined internal party democracy and political stability in Nigeria, a case study of PDP Imo state between 2007 and 2016. Documentary method of data collection was adopted. Qualitative description method based on content analysis was used as a method of data analysis. This work is predicted on the theoretical framework of elite... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The major purpose of this research was to examine the activities of the World Health Organization in humanitarian crises, through the study of North-East, Nigeria. The objective of the research is to examine the role of the World Health Organization in abating the impact of the humanitarian crisis in the North-East and the strategies in... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1    BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Nigeria, the most populous black nation on earth with a population of about 140 million people and over 350 distinct language groups, successfully transmitted to democratic governance on May 29, 1999 after so many years of military rule. A federal system of government often arises from the... Continue Reading
POLITICAL PARTIES AND DEMOCRTIC DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA  (A STUDY OF 2007 - 2015 ELECTIONS IN NIGERIA) 1.0   INTRODUCTION       1.1  BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The concept democracy  has gained world recognition as the most accepted system of government. The call for freedom and democracy echoes like a thunder across the globe.  The global... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work investigated the women and political participation in Nigeria democracy. To carry out these two basic assumptions were formulated and tested. That women has impacts toward Nigeria political. That women has impacts toward democratic system in Nigeria. Women whom... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work investigated the women and political participation in Nigeria democracy. To carry out these two basic assumptions were formulated and tested. That women has impacts toward Nigeria political. That women has impacts toward democratic system in Nigeria. Women whom... Continue Reading
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