Effect of Information Systems on the performance of e-commerce businesses in Nigeria. - Project Ideas | Grossarchive.com

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TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL .............................................................................................................................................. ii DEDICATIONS... Continue Reading
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INTRODUCTION At the beginning of the project, five students formed a team with the purpose of investigation on the use of an information system to support the e-commerce business strategy. According to Belbin (2012), when a team is performing at its best, there is usually a clear task assigned to each member of the team. Belbin (2014) reports that... Continue Reading
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ABSTRACT This study presents an extended technology acceptance model that integrates innovation diffusion theory to investigate what determine user mobile commerce acceptance. This paper models the factors relationships such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, personal innovativeness, subjective norms, behavioral control and intention... Continue Reading
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This project is about the incorporation of RFID and fingerprint system's for security for a library information system.  Scope Of The Study Here the fingerprint identification technique will be used for maintaining the attendance record. The record of the fingerprints of various students was maintained in a database. i. For implementing java... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION ·         Background of the Study Countries with small populations and higher levels of development may cope with globalization better, but they cannot afford to opt out of the mainstream forces that are shaping the world. There is, however, no doubt that economic and socio-political discontentment leads to... Continue Reading
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An overwhelming majority of the world population is considered to be poor. Various approaches have been employed in alleviating poverty, including provision of micro-credit to the poor populace. It is believed that with micro-credit, the poor will set up income generating projects, in this case SMEs. In the past, SMEs were seen to be constrained... Continue Reading
p{margin-bottom:.1in;direction:ltr;color:#00000a;line-height:120%;text-align:left}p.western{font-family:'Calibri',serif;font-size:11pt}p.cjk{font-family:'Calibri';font-size:11pt}p.ctl{font-size:11pt}a:link{color:#00f} An overwhelming majority of the world population is considered to be poor. Various approaches have been employed in alleviating... Continue Reading
p{margin-bottom:.1in;direction:ltr;color:#00000a;line-height:120%;text-align:left}p.western{font-family:'Calibri',serif;font-size:11pt}p.cjk{font-family:'Calibri';font-size:11pt}p.ctl{font-size:11pt}a:link{color:#00f} An overwhelming majority of the world population is considered to be poor. Various approaches have been employed in alleviating... Continue Reading
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ABSTRACT Over the years there have been stories of notorious oil spillages in the Niger Delta regions of the country, deposition of deadly industrial wastes into the seas at Lagos Lagoons and beaches, deposition of Biological and medical wastes in the Nigerian sea borders etc. which have led to death of sea and land animals including man in most... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APROVAL I DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEGEMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii ABSTRACT ix CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 .1 Background ofthe Study 1 1.2 Statement ofthe Problem 3 1.3 Purpose of the Study 3 1.4 Objectives of the Study 3 1 .5 Research Questions 3 1.6 Scope of the Study 3 1.6.1... Continue Reading
The objective of this study was to establish the factors influencing successful  implementation of core banking system. The specific objectives for the study were:  To find out the processes involved in implementation of a Core Banking Systems (CBS),  to identify the factors influencing the successful implementation of CBS and to design a ... Continue Reading
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