bacteria cantaminats associated poltry feed - Project Ideas |

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ABSTRACT The bacterial contaminants associated with commercial poultry feeds from three companies in Nigeria (vital, Guinea and Top) were studied using streak plate techniques.  The culture media used were Nutrient agar and Mac Cokey agar.  The aim/ objective of the study is: To ascertain the microbial safety of commercial poultry feeds produced... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The bacterial contaminants associated with commercial poultry feeds from three companies in Nigeria (vital, Guinea and Top) were studied using streak plate techniques.  The culture media used were Nutrient agar and Mac Cokey agar.  The aim/ objective of the study is: To ascertain the microbial safety of commercial poultry feeds produced... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The bacterial contaminants associated with commercial poultry feeds from three companies in Nigeria (vital, Guinea and Top) were studied using streak plate techniques. The culture media used were Nutrient agar and Mac Cokey agar. The aim/... Continue Reading
  ABSTRACT The project envisages the establishment of a plant for the production of poultry feed with a capacity of 2500 tons per annum. Poultry feed it’s a balanced feed which aids proper development of chicks and pullet. Poultry feed mill processing factory provided opportunity of employment to the unemployed people of the proposed area. The... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project details the results of a research work carried out to develop fish feed compounded from locally available materials in the institute of oceanography fish farm and analyzed its nutritional values, in the biochemistry department all in the University of Calabar. On the basis of the feed production, it is recommended that the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project details the results of a research work carried out to develop fish feed compounded from locally available materials in the institute of oceanography fish farm and analyzed its nutritional values, in the biochemistry department all in the University of Calabar. On the basis of the feed production, it is recommended that the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project details the results of a research work carried out to develop fish feed compounded from locally available materials in the institute of oceanography fish farm and analyzed its nutritional values, in the biochemistry department all in the University of Calabar. On the basis of the feed production, it is recommended that the... Continue Reading
INTERNAL CONTROL AS A TOOL FOR EFFICIENT MANAGEMENT, (A CASE STUDY OF P & CO FEED LIMITED) ABTRACT This project was carried out wit the sole aim of investigating the internal control system as a toll for efficient management using Peco feeds as a case of study. The project is divided into many chapters, chapter one is introduction, and chapter... Continue Reading
ABTRACT This project was carried out wit the sole aim of investigating the internal control system as a toll for efficient management using Peco feeds as a case of study. The project is divided into many chapters, chapter one is introduction, and chapter tow is review of the related literature. Chapter three is research methodology, chapter four... Continue Reading
ABTRACT This project was carried out wit the sole aim of investigating the internal control system as a toll for efficient management using Peco feeds as a case of study.  The project is divided into many chapters, chapter one is introduction, and chapter tow is review of the related literature. Chapter three is research methodology, chapter four... Continue Reading
ABTRACT This project was carried out wit the sole aim of investigating the internal control system as a toll for efficient management using Peco feeds as a case of study.  The project is divided into many chapters, chapter one is introduction, and chapter tow is review of the related literature. Chapter three is research methodology, chapter four... Continue Reading
ABTRACT This project was carried out wit the sole aim of investigating the internal control system as a toll for efficient management using Peco feeds as a case of study. The project is divided into many chapters, chapter one is introduction, and chapter tow is review of the related literature. Chapter three is research methodology, chapter four... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT A study was conducted to determine the nutrient composition of selected locally available browse and grass plants commonly utilized by goats in Lungwena Extension Planning Area (EPA), Mangochi district, southern Malawi. A total of seventeen browse and grass samples were collected and subjected to proximate analysis to determine their... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT A study was conducted to determine the nutrient composition of selected locally available browse and grass plants commonly utilized by goats in Lungwena Extension Planning Area (EPA), Mangochi district, southern Malawi. A total of seventeen browse and grass samples were collected and subjected to proximate analysis to determine their... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the effect of different body weight of groups (below 120g and above 120g) and feed quantity (25g and 30g) on performance and egg quality characteristics of Japanese quail birds at six weeks of age. A total of 120 Japanese quails were allocated to four groups with respect to live weight and feed... Continue Reading
 ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the effect of different body weight of groups (below 120g and above 120g) and feed quantity (25g and 30g) on performance and egg quality characteristics of Japanese quail birds at six weeks of age. A total of 120 Japanese quails were allocated to four groups with respect to live weight and feed... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project details the results of a research work carried out to develop fish feed compounded from locally available materials in the institute of oceanography fish farm and analyzed its nutritional values, in the biochemistry department all in the University of Calabar. On the basis of the feed production, it is recommended that the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  This project details the results of a research work carried out to develop fish feed compounded from locally available materials in the institute of oceanography fish farm and analyzed its nutritional values, in the biochemistry department all in the University of Calabar. On the basis of the feed production, it is recommended that... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of initial body weight of gro,ups(above 120g and below 120g) and quantity of feed given (25g and 30g) to Japanese quails on egg laying performance at different periods and also egg storage time (7days, 14days and 2ldays) on egg quality parameters of Japanese quail egg. A total of... Continue Reading
 ABSTRACT This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of initial body weight of gro,ups(above 120g and below 120g) and quantity of feed given (25g and 30g) to Japanese quails on egg laying performance at different periods and also egg storage time (7days, 14days and 2ldays) on egg quality parameters of Japanese quail egg. A total of... Continue Reading
Petroleum-based products are the major source of energy for industry and daily life. The technology commonly used for the soil remediation includes mechanical, burying, evaporation, dispersion, and washing. However, these Technologies are expensive and can lead to incomplete decomposition of contaminants (Zaid A. Pirzada.2015) The Bioremediation... Continue Reading
Petroleum-based products are the major   source   of   energy for   industry and daily life. The technology commonly used for the soil remediation includes mechanical,   burying,   evaporation, dispersion,   and washing. However, these Technologies   are   expensive   and   can   lead   to   incomplete   decomposition   of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Bacteria contamination on Nigerian currency evaluated by exposure method. Pure colony of each isolates were identified using colonial morphological characteristics, as well as biochemical reaction. Nutrient agar, blood agar and sabouraud dextrose agar were exposed for 5 minutes in various Nigerian currency mention in chapter 3. Seven... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The isolation and identification of bacteria associated with 150ml sepsis studies were carried out to 250 patient at National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu. (250) Two hundred and fifty patients with 150ml sepstis was grouped in to in patients and out patients. The sample collected are wound pus and wound exudates which were collected from... Continue Reading
  ABSTRACT The isolation and identification of bacteria associated with  150ml sepsis studies were carried out to 250 patient at National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu. (250) Two hundred and fifty patients with 150ml sepstis was grouped in to in patients and out patients.  The  sample collected are wound pus and wound exudates which were collected... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The isolation and identification of bacteria associated with 150ml sepsis studies were carried out to 250 patient at National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu. (250) Two hundred and fifty patients with 150ml sepstis was grouped in to in patients and out patients. The sample... Continue Reading
Abstract Synthetic biology is the engineering of biology; it is the evaluation and design of biological systems in a rational and systematic manner. It blurs the lines between various science and engineering disciplines due its numerous applications, with one of the most significant being the use of biosensors in environmental remediation.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The isolation and identification of bacteria associated with  150ml sepsis studies were carried out to 250 patient at National Orthopedic Hospital Enugu. (250) Two hundred and fifty patients with 150ml sepstis was grouped in to in patients and out patients.  The  sample collected are wound pus and wound exudates which were collected... Continue Reading
Micro-organisms are ubiquitous and are found in almost every area around human bodies.  Some are specifically found in certain regions of the body as a normal flora where they live as commensals with man.  This association is important in protecting the body against other infectious diseases. Each area of the body surface acquires a... Continue Reading
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