Association between waist hip ratio and blood pressure in young male - Project Ideas |

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CHAPTER ONE 1.0     Introduction 1.1     Background of the Study           The number of people with high blood pressure is in the increase and research has shown that this condition is heightened by overweight of the patient. That is to say, the more one increases in weight, the higher the tendency of him or her becoming... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study The number of people with high blood pressure is in the increase and research has shown that this condition is heightened by overweight of the patient. That is to say, the more one increases in weight, the higher the tendency of him or her becoming hypertensive. Mori TA (2007). In essence, there... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The prevalence rate of high blood pressure (HBP) among youths in Nigeria and the world at large is said to be on the increase. This is attributed to lack of knowledge of several modifiable risk factors (excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, lack of exercise etc) and non-modifiable risk factors (age, hereditary, race and sex).... Continue Reading
This project work is aimed at investigating whether there is a relationship between weight and blood pressure of patients with high blood pressure. Background of the Study The number of people with high blood pressure is in the increase and research has shown that this condition is heightened by overweight of the patient. That is to say, the more... Continue Reading
This project work is aimed at investigating whether there is a relationship between weight and blood pressure of patients with high blood pressure. Background of the Study The number of people with high blood pressure is in the increase and research has shown that this condition is heightened by overweight of the patient. That is to say, the more... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT ABO and Rh blood group systems are of major clinical significance amongst the thirty (30) human blood group system. The Distribution of ABO, Rh blood grouping and hepatitis B virus among blood donors with National Blood Transfusion Service, Kaduna was carried out. Two hundred voluntary blood donors (200) were used. Questionnaire was used... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT ABO and Rh blood group systems are of major clinical significance amongst the thirty (30) human blood group system. The Distribution of ABO, Rh blood grouping and hepatitis B virus among blood donors with National Blood Transfusion Service, Kaduna was carried out. Two hundred voluntary blood donors (200) were used. Questionnaire was used... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In the recent past, it was thought that Obesity is a disease associated to adults, leaving the young (children) out of it. In studies carried out by Guo et al. (1994) & Must et al (1992), it was reported that adolescent weight is a good... Continue Reading
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ABSTRACT The investigation carried out of Emmanuel Hospital Eket in Eket Local Government Area AkwaIbom State. Random sampling technique of 20 patient with equal ration to male and female. These research to was conducted to determine or estimate the glucose or sugar level of the youth, and ageing adult, secular Question like what is the hormonal... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Objective: There is currently little information on the acceptability of male circumcision In Uganda, This study investigated the acceptability of male circumcision among Mothers in Kiryandongo district with male children. Design: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among a convenience sample of 100 women attending a reproductive... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study was carried out to investigate the effect of leachate toxicity on the male reproductive  parameters. The research objective was to determine the effect of leachate exposure on body  weight, reproductive organs weight, serum level of testosterone and luteinizing hormone, semen  variables including sperm count, motility, and... Continue Reading
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ABSTRACT Monitoring and maintenance is a continuous process in the various phases of a well’s life. One of the essential part of monitoring is well testing. Just as a regular medical checkup is advised for humans so is well testing advised for a target formation. Well testing provides a means of obtaining information about the well and the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In the last five decades, genetic structure of populations are being studied in via ABO blood groups system, mtDNA and Y chromosome makers to understand history of human migration and relatedness of ethnic groups settled in close proximity. In the present study, the distribution of ABO and Rh blood groups and associated traits among... Continue Reading
A BSTRACT Today, millions of people in the world are without food especially in the developing world which has been of great concern as stipulated in the United Nations millennium development goal 1, sub-targets A, B and C to fight hunger, povertyand starvation across the world and ensure environmental sustainability(UNCSD, Aug, 2011) .This study... Continue Reading
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ABSTRACT The present study investigated the relationship between personal growth and self efficacy in young adults, although a lot of research has been carried out on personal growth, levels of personal growth are associated with higher levels of well being, a lower levels of distress, including depression and anxiety. Bandura theory of self... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Pregnancy is associated with significant physiologic and anatomic changes which occur at different rates throughout the body to provide a good upshot for both mother and foetus. This study aimed at determining the changes in the blood glucose levels in the three trimeers of pregnancy and assessing the changes in the urine constituents... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Pregnancy is associated with significant physiologic and anatomic changes which occur at different rates throughout the body to provide a good upshot for both mother and foetus. This study aimed at determining the changes in the blood glucose levels in the three trimeers of pregnancy and assessing the changes in the urine constituents... Continue Reading
Abstract Hydraulic fracturing is an effective well stimulation technique which is introduced in the 1950s and widely used in the oil and gas industry. Most of the works about hydraulic fracture assumed that the fracture is symmetric and either vertical or horizontal. But, several field and laboratory observations show very complex fractures,... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Maximum production from an oil well can be achieved through proper selection of tubing size. The selection of optimum tubing size must be evaluated when completing a well in any type of reservoir especially solution gas drive reservoir since there is likelihood of producing more gas as the reservoir pressure declines. The most widely used... Continue Reading
3.About Project Blood Bank Management System 3.1 Introduction The BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM  is great project. this project is designed for successful completion of project on blood bank management system. the basic building aim is to provide blood donation service to the city recently. Blood Bank Management System (BBMS) is a browser based... Continue Reading
3.About Project Blood Bank Management System 3.1 Introduction The BLOOD BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM  is great project. this project is designed for successful completion of project on blood bank management system. the basic building aim is to provide blood donation service to the city recently. Blood Bank Management System (BBMS) is a browser based... Continue Reading
CHAPTER1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGRAND OF STUDY      Interpretation of data from Well test analysis have been based on the implicit assumption that the reservoir is a homogeneous single layer. However, the  rea l petroleum reservoir, is a composition of layers with unique interlayer characteristics. The individual layers are usually... Continue Reading
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CHAPTER1 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGRAND OF STUDY Interpretation of data from Well test analysis have been based on the implicit assumption that the reservoir is a homogeneous single layer. However, the real petroleum reservoir, is a composition of layers with unique interlayer... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study examined demographic variables and social isolation as predictors of young adults’ aggressive behavior. Three hundred and twenty-four (324) participants made up of one hundred and forty-seven (147) males and one hundred and seventy-seven (177) females were drawn from six (6) faculties; forty-five (45) participants were... Continue Reading
DEMOGRAPHICS AND SOCIAL ISOLATION AS PREDICTORS OF YOUNG ADULTS’ AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR ABSTRACT The study examined demographic variables and social isolation as predictors of young adults’ aggressive behavior. Three hundred and twenty-four (324) participants made up of one hundred and forty-seven (147) males and one hundred and seventy-seven... Continue Reading
DETERMINATION OF LEVELS OF LEAD IN PAINTS TO WHICH YOUNG CHILDREN AND ADULTS ARE EXPOSED CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 History of paints Paints have been manufactured since prehistoric times. It is used to decorate, protect and prolong the life of natural and synthetic materials and act as a barrier against environmental conditions. They are used... Continue Reading
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