Trade openess in Africa - Project Ideas |

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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1   AN OVERVIEW OF THE STUDY The insufficiency of fund for capital investment is a known common factor in every economy especially in developing countries of the world.  In developing countries like Nigeria, the low level of capital investment manifests in high unemployment rate, low productivity and a corresponding... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In light of the regional integration efforts, this study sought to find out the impact of regional trade integration on economic growth of East Africa Community. One of the provisions to increase the EAC intra-trade is Article 75 of the Treaty and the Customs Union (CU) Protocol whose implementation would increase the value and volume of... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................... i APPROVAL BY SUPERVISOR .............................................................................. ii DEDICATION ....................................................................................................... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research study focuses on the role of trade fairs in business development a case study of Enugu International Trade fairs and its organizers Enugu chamber of commerce industry, mines and agriculture (ECCIMA)  The researcher tries to define marketing as a fundamental business function which identifies unsatisfied needs of the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research study focuses on the role of trade fairs in business development a case study of Enugu International Trade fairs and its organizers Enugu chamber of commerce industry, mines and agriculture (ECCIMA) The researcher tries to define marketing as a fundamental business function which identifies unsatisfied needs of the consumers... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The World Trade Organization (WTO) emerged in view of the developmental crisis in the third world countries, the 146 member countries of the World Trade Organization (WTO) are currently engaged in a round of trade negotiations. This new round is meant to focus on the needs of developing countries. This paper attempts to analyze the role... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE……………………….…………………………………. i CERTIFICATION…………………………………………………….. ii DEDICATION………………………………………………………... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………. iv TABLE OF... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1       Background of the study 1.2       Statement of the problem 1.3       Aim and objective of the study 1.4       Significance of the study 1.5       Scope of the study 1.6       Limitation of the study CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1       Marketing concept 2.2... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF ENUGU STATE CIVIL SERVANT) ABSTRACT This researcher project is a very crucial study for Enugu State Civil Service. The study was motivated by the necessity to establish the extent of democracy in trade union. To solve the research problem both primary and secondary data were collected. The researcher... Continue Reading
Abstract Dependency and underdevelopment in Africa is our main thrust which we try to relate the above to the Nigerian context. Dependency as we all know is a product of underdevelopment which is prevalent in Africa in general and Nigeria in particular. It is certain that Nigeria is an independent nation, but it does not reflect in all the facts... Continue Reading
(A Case Study The Nigerian Experience) ABSTRACT Dependency and underdevelopment in Africa is our main thrust which we try to relate the above to the Nigerian context. Dependency as we all know is a product of underdevelopment which is prevalent in Africa in general and Nigeria in particular. It is certain... Continue Reading
(A STUDY OF NESTLE NIGERIA PLC, LAGOS) ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate trade unionism and organizational effectiveness (a study of Nestle Nigeria plc), Lagos. The study adopted the descriptive survey research design with the following objectives; to assess the priority accorded... Continue Reading
The Nigeria and India Trade and others Relationship ABSTRACT The establishment of the Diplomatic House in Nigeria in 1958 (two years prior to Nigerian independence) by India laid the foundation for what was to become solid, warm and concrete bilateral relations between India and Nigeria. The subsequent diplomatic and commercial visits between... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work is concerned with effects of globalization on non-oil export trade. Globalization as a concept can be attributed to two major reasons: The first is its scale and speed and the way technology (especially in communications and transportation) is changing the world. Second, it... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Without a doubt, parts of the macroeconomic objectives which the administration endeavors to accomplish are the upkeep of stable local value level and full-livelihood. Macroeconomic performance is judged by three wide measures-unemployment... Continue Reading
THE ROLES OF BANKS IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE ABSTRACT This project work has critically highlighted the compact of the Role of Banks International Trade in Nigeria, the problems affecting the Role in Banks in international trade in Nigeria have been identified and how they can be controlled is also includes in the study and ways to solve them are... Continue Reading
EXTERNAL TRADE FINANCING IN NIGERIA PROPOSAL The main objective situated under this study is the External trade financial in Nigeria. The study has been formed into five chapters to make for easy reading and under standing. Chapter one dealt much on the External trade financing in Nigeria with reference to the federal government and commercial... Continue Reading
Housing for the poor in South African is the least problem dealt with in this country, looking at the past years of South Africans low cost housing for most people that are living in rural areas that are not economically active or at a distance from the economical areas have not been provided with housing at all. People living in area of low... Continue Reading
Housing for the poor in South African is the least problem dealt with in this country, looking at the past years of South Africans low cost housing for most people that are living in rural areas that are not economically active or at a distance from the economical areas have not been provided with housing at all. People living in area of low... Continue Reading
This is an 86 page research project evaluating institutional repositories in Africa SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study focuses on Institutional Repositories in Africa in the three major directory of repositories. The webometrics ranking will be the main focus for this study with keyattention to repositories that have their contents in English Language.... Continue Reading
This is an 86 page research project evaluating institutional repositories in Africa SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study focuses on Institutional Repositories in Africa in the three major directory of repositories. The webometrics ranking will be the main focus for this study with keyattention to repositories that have their contents in English Language.... Continue Reading
(A Dialectical Inquiry)   TABLE OF CONTENT Title page………………………………………………………………………. Certification…………………………………………………………………….... Continue Reading
This is an 86 page research project evaluating institutional repositories in Africa SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study focuses on Institutional Repositories in Africa in the three major directory of repositories. The webometrics ranking will be the main focus for this study with keyattention to repositories that have their contents in English Language.... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.1     INTRDUCTION Unemployment is a serious macroeconomic problem which poses great danger to the peace, security and even the existence of this African continent particularly in Nigeria. Because some people are of the views that even the crisis Sect Boko Haram in North East and Niger-delta militant has connection with... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work tries to give an insight into the issue of the problems of financing international trade in Nigeria from the period (`1990-1995). This study is aimed at analyzing Nigeria’s foreign transactions during and after (SAP) periods. The work is organized into chapters to easy comprehension and deduction. Chapter one deals... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT It was discovered that Nigeria as a third world country lacks certain infrastructural facilities necessary for the smooth exportation and importation of goods and services. The research intends to identify and evaluate the utility rendered by the importation and exportation of goods and services to the Nigerian people and the economy as a... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work has critically highlighted the compact of the Role of Banks International Trade in Nigeria, the problems affecting the Role in Banks in international trade in Nigeria have been identified and how they can be controlled is also includes in the study and ways to solve them are inductive in the study. This study also... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT It was discovered that Nigeria as a third world country lacks certain infrastructural facilities necessary for the smooth exportation and importation of goods and services. The research intends to identify and evaluate the utility rendered by the importation and exportation of goods and services to the Nigerian people and the economy as a... Continue Reading
2.1  Theoretical Literature Balance of payments of a country is a systematic record of all its economic transactions with the outside world in a give year. It is a statistical record of the character and dimensions of the country's economic relationships with the rest of the world (Johnson H... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT It was discovered that Nigeria as a third world country lacks certain infrastructural facilities necessary for the smooth exportation and importation of goods and services. The research intends to identify and evaluate the utility rendered by the importation and exportation of goods and services to the Nigerian people and the economy as a... Continue Reading
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