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                 ABSTRACT Bingham University is a Faith based University, owned by ECWA (Evangelical Church Winning All). The University is said to have graduated five (5) sets of students since inception in 2006. In view of this development, there is a need for the University to adopt the principles of Total Quality Management. The... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Bingham University is a Faith based University, owned by ECWA (Evangelical Church Winning All). The University is said to have graduated five (5) sets of students since inception in 2006. In view of this development, there is a need for the University to adopt the principles of Total Quality Management. The problem of poor service quality... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Hotel industry business in the past evidence has shown that Total Quality Management programs have failed because the success factors were not in place. In order for hotel business to increase performance, the critical success factors of Total Quality Management should be implemented well. These factors appear to be compatible with... Continue Reading
Abstract This study was about total quality management and organizational performance, a case study of Mukwano group of companies. The general objective of this study was to determine the effect of Total Quality Management practices on manufacturing industries with reference to Mukwano group of companies along with the following specific... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ............................................................................................................................. i APPROVAL .................... : ...... , ....................................................................................................... ii DEDICATION ....................... ::... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1                       Background of the study The  success of any organization is completely determined by the quality of services that they produce, especially in competitive market place, this therefore... Continue Reading
. AN ANALYSIS OF STANDARD TRUST BANK ABSTRACT The purpose of every business is customer satisfaction. But, management controlled system makes it impossible for organization to achieve this goal. this project reveals total quality management (TQM) as a sine qua non for... Continue Reading
It is not news to say that the image of public service is fraught with red tapism, tribalism, nepotism, quota system, ethnicity and geo-political zone concept.   In fact, the issue of federal character (1999 Constitution, S. 14(3) which is a deliberate policy of federal government aimed at ethnic balancing in public sector (Inyang, 2000:142) has... Continue Reading
It is not news to say that the image of public service is fraught with red tapism, tribalism, nepotism, quota system, ethnicity and geo-political zone concept.   In fact, the issue of federal character (1999 Constitution, S. 14(3) which is a deliberate policy of federal government aimed at ethnic balancing in public sector (Inyang, 2000:142) has... Continue Reading
TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT: A SINE QUA NON FOR ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS. AN ANALYSIS OF STANDARD TRUST BANK ABSTRACT The purpose of every business is customer satisfaction. But, management controlled system makes it impossible for organization to achieve this goal. this project reveals total quality management (TQM) as a sine qua non for... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of every business is customer satisfaction. But, management controlled system makes it impossible for organization to achieve this goal. this project reveals total quality management (TQM) as a sine qua non for organizational effectiveness achieving customer satisfaction. TQM is simply a customer focused performance enhancing... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  The purpose of every business is customer satisfaction. But, management controlled system makes it impossible for organization to achieve this goal. this project reveals total quality management (TQM) as a sine qua non for organizational effectiveness achieving customer satisfaction. TQM is simply a customer focused performance... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1    BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Quality improvement is the only hope for work redemption, recognition of the need for change through systematic and planned development is therefore a strength that organisation must... Continue Reading
Abstract This study investigates the effect of Total Quality Management (TQM) in enhancing the profitability of business organizations. Variables used to capture Total Quality Management (TQM) are management commitment through leadership, Quality control, inspection, employee training, customer focus, benchmarking as the basis for enhancing... Continue Reading
( A CASE STUDY OF FIRST BANK) ABSTRACT The study examined the impact of TQM on the performance of First Bank, using Uyo branch as a case study. The primary and secondary sources of data collection were adopted in the research methodology. One hypothesis... Continue Reading
AN ASSESSMENT OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) IMPACTS ON BANKS PERFORMANCE IN NIGERI A (A CASE STUDY OF FIRST BANK NIGERIA PLC.) ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to gain a better understanding of the theoretical and empirical relationship between Total Quality Management and some measure of banking performance. (Profitability, Speed Service... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT A firm‟s performance is a function of how well managers use quality management practices to improve the quality of products and services. In today‟s global environment, organizations are constantly looking for ways to expand and improve their businesses in terms of quality to enhance performance. Quality management practices have been... Continue Reading
The beverage sector in Kenya has consistently been characterized by persistent operational inefficiency and poor customer services. In order to address the problems of inefficiency in service delivery these organizations are fast adopting quality management in order to make them effective in meeting public demands. The beverage sector in the... Continue Reading
Expanding the manufacturing sector is a major part of the government‟s Vision 2030 economic development plan to transform Kenya into a middle-income country by growing the manufacturing to account for 20% of GDP by 2030 which is nearly twice today‟s level, at 10.6%. Addressing some outstanding constraints in the manufacturing sector is the... Continue Reading
Total Quality Management has advanced as an area of great interest to both researchers and practitioners. On a quarterly basis, the Government Press of Kenya, which is the largest of the four public printing firms in Kenya in this study, outputs an average of 10 million units of information products against a target of 12 million units. The top... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Total quality management (TQM) has been proposed to improve business performance and received considerable attention in recent researches .Despite the recent research efforts on effects on total quality management, little work has been done on effects of total quality management implementation in performance of microfinance institutions... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  Organizational performance has been the concern of both academicians and practitioners during the last many decades as the ultimate outcome of utilization of tangible and intangible resources. In addition the performance of an organization largely depends on its ability to effectively and efficiently produce cost effective... Continue Reading
The aim of every hotel is to deliver quality service that matches customers’ expectations in any  service encounter at the same time remaining profitable. The hotel industry in Kenya is faced with  competition emanating from a competitive market described by globalization, changing, and  soaring consumer demand for quality services, emerging... Continue Reading
The Airline industry in Kenya is faced by several challenges. The challenges being faced include diminishing market potential, high fuel prices, safety records, need for skilled human resources, internal liberalization, high taxes and the environment. While looking at the market capacity and potential perspective, intercontinental capacity to and... Continue Reading
Banking in Nigeria took a new dimension after the pronouncement of the former governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria professor Ifeanyi Emiefiele for the need to improve the banking industry in Nigeria thereby competing with other foreign banks, hence capital base to 25 billion naira. According to the governor of central bank professor Ifeanyi... Continue Reading
Banking in Nigeria took a new dimension after the pronouncement of the former governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria professor Ifeanyi Emiefiele for the need to improve the banking industry in Nigeria thereby competing with other foreign banks, hence capital base to 25 billion naira. According to the governor of central bank professor Ifeanyi... Continue Reading
THE IMPACT OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) ON PRODUCTIVITY (A CASE STUDY OF DIAMOND BANK, LTD OWERRI) ABSTRACT As regards to this topic, TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (TQM) it goes on reviewing the better ways of improving productivity, product quality, and deliver services. Organizations that adopt the concept of total quality management as culture... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION Embarking the  total quality management (TQM) phenomenon is a call for organizational excellence. The phenomenon which started spreading like will fire across the Globe in early 1980 has been spurred on by the fierce competitions raging between companies of Japan, North America and Europe, Japan which occupies only 0.3 percent of the... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION Embarking the total quality management (TQM) phenomenon is a call for organizational excellence. The phenomenon which started spreading like will fire across the Globe in early 1980 has been spurred on by the fierce competitions raging between companies of Japan, North America and Europe, Japan which occupies only 0.3 percent of the... Continue Reading
  ABSTRACT The topic of this project is “Total Quality Management in the Banking Industry. (A case study of Zenith Bank of Nigeria Plc) The major objective of the study is to ascertain the level of awareness and adoption of Total Quality Management  practices among staff of Zenith Bank in Enugu metropolis and also determine the major... Continue Reading
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