Effect of over dependence on crude oil revenue on the economic development of Nigeria - Project Ideas | Grossarchive.com

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CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.1     Introduction Petroleum is among the various resources produced by nature. They are used by human to satisfy their needs such as transportation, cooking, electricity power supply and others (Mike, 2012). The exploitation of natural resources such as crude oil is the use of natural resources for... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1   BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Government revenue refers to the revenue received by a government to finance its operations and development projects. It is an important tool of the fiscal policy of the government as it facilitates government spending (OECD, 2008b). Governments need to perform various functions in the field... Continue Reading
Abstract The bulk majority of the tax evasion and tax avoidance is caused by inadequate machineries and lack of skilled personal in administrative tax bodies as well as the legal framework upon which their relationship rest. This result in many problems of the tax collection in Nigeria. It is in this regard that the topic of this dissertation... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE  INTRODUCTION  1.1    Background to the Study  Crude oil is one among other natural resources endowment in a nation by nature. Natural resources are often regarded as free gifts of nature. All over the world, different countries are endowed differently with different resources, both in quality and quantity, to some less and others... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUD OF THE STUDY Oil price shocks have in recent years resurfaced and burgeoned to become one of the greatest global economic challenges of the 21st Century facing many countries of the world with developing countries such as Nigeria... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study was centred on the roles of revenue mobilization in the economic growth and development. The main objective of the study is to examine the roles of revenue mobilization in the economic growth and development in Akwa Ibom State. Primary and secondary data sources were applied and the population of this study is 57, however,the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study was centred on the roles of revenue mobilization in the economic growth and development. The main objective of the study is to examine the roles of revenue mobilization in the economic growth and  development  in  Akwa  Ibom  State.  Primary and secondary data sources were applied and the population of this study is 57,... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the study Revenue generation in Nigeria local governments is principally derived from tax. Tax is a compulsory levy imposed by government on individuals and companies for the various legitimate function of the state (Olaoye, 2008). Tax is a necessary ingredient for civilization. The history of man has shown... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study is on the effect of revenue generation on rural development. The study determined the general level of revenue generation in the Local Government Area under study by examining the two major sources (internal and external) of revenue available to local government in Nigeria. It also examined the relationship between revenue... Continue Reading
(2010-2014) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the study Revenue generation in Nigeria local governments is principally derived from tax. Tax is a compulsory levy imposed by government on individuals and companies for the various legitimate function of the state... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the study Revenue generation in Nigeria local governments is principally derived from tax. Tax is a compulsory levy imposed by government on individuals and companies for the various legitimate function of the state... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE Background to the Study Taxation as a concept involves more than mere imposition of compulsory payment of sums of money by the government and its agents. It is the sum total of compulsory sum of money by the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This impact of Task incentives of Economic and industrial development of Enugu state Intends to examine the extent individuals ad companies have been responding to the incentives scheme. How these incentive have been stimulating and motivating these bodies on employment opportunities. The researcher intends to examine also how these... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This impact of Task incentives of Economic and industrial development of Enugu state Intends to examine the extent individuals ad companies have been responding to the incentives scheme.  How these incentive have been stimulating and motivating these bodies on employment opportunities.  The researcher intends to examine also how these... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Over the years, the important of the taxation to all establish government, be it democratically elected or monarchical elected or even military rule has especially a greater deal of sophisticated. Tax law and statutes has been implemented to raise income for the government. This become massive project like building of the bridges, road... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research on ‘Effect of unemployment on the economic development of Nigeria, on Nkanu West Enugu State. The research work objectives to: identify factors that cause unemployment in Nigeria, investigate the extent to which government has helped in tackling unemployment problems in Nigeria, determine programmes that can help to tackle... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study investigated the effect of taxation in Ikpoba-Okha Local Government Area of Edo State. The objectives of the study are: To identify the various types of tax,  To analyze the revenue generated by the government from taxation 2002-2005                                             in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Value Added Tax on the Nigerian economy as it relates to how it can improve government revenue and throws more light in its contribution to the economic growth and development of Nigeria. A review of literature relating to the impact, administration and collection of VAT in Nigeria... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Over the years, the important of the taxation to all establish government, be it democratically elected or monarchical elected or even military rule has especially a greater deal of sophisticated. Tax law and statutes has been implemented to raise income for the government. This become massive project like building of the bridges, road... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Over the years, the important of the taxation to all establish government, be it democratically elected or monarchical elected or even military rule has especially a greater deal of sophisticated. Tax law and statutes has been implemented to raise income for the government. This become massive project like building of the bridges, road... Continue Reading
  ABSTRACT Value added tax (VAT) have tremendous roles to play in the academic development of the studies have shown that an increase in the number and variety of value added tax plus rise in the proportion of their activities in the course of generating money and other financial asset in the goods and services produced are essential feature of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Value Added Tax on the Nigerian economy as it relates to how it can improve government revenue and throws more light in its contribution to the economic growth and development of Nigeria. A review of literature relating to the impact, administration and collection of VAT in Nigeria... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT   Demulsification (emulsion breaking) is necessary in many practical applications such as the petroleum industry, painting and waste-water treatment in environmental technology. Chemical demulsification is the most widely applied method of treating water-in-crude oil emulsions and involves the use of chemical additives to accelerate the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Tax has impacted significantly on economy globally. In addition to the revenue generation function it performs for the government, it has also proved to be a useful tool of fiscal policy in achieving the country’s macro-economic objectives. In Nigeria, revenue generation from taxes has contributed substantially to the income of the... Continue Reading
Abstract This study focuses on the impact of recession on economic growth in Nigeria from 1980 to 2017. The Nigerian economy recently has been plunged into recession. This is as a result of over dependence on imports, falling prices of oil revenue, low investment inflows and high level of corruption. The study uses two multiple regression analysis... Continue Reading
PROPOSAL/ABSTRACT Effect of bank failure and economic development in Nigerian Banks occupy the most strategic point in the financial system of the economy. This study is not antagonistic of any other rather it is complementary. Others works have to been used here and duty acknowledge but everything is with an intent to find a lasting solution to... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Effect of bank failure and economic development in Nigerian Banks occupy the most strategic point in the financial system of the economy for a total of bank to fait between 1992 to 2002 a space of four years, means that something definitely is wrong. This study is not antagonistic of any other rather it is complementary. Others works have... Continue Reading
PROPOSAL/ABSTRACT Effect of bank failure and economic development in Nigerian Banks occupy the most strategic point in the financial system of the economy for a total of bank to fait between 1992 to 2002 a space of four years, means that something definitely is wrong. This study is not... Continue Reading
PROPOSAL/ABSTRACT Effect of bank failure and economic development in Nigerian Banks occupy the most strategic point in the financial system of the economy. This study is not antagonistic of any other rather it is complementary. Others works have to been used here and duty acknowledge but everything is with an intent to find a lasting solution to... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.1 Tax is a financial issue and its payment is a civil duty. It is the imposition of a financial burden for the government on individual firm and companies. In general based, the word tax means any contribution imposed... Continue Reading
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