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TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE……………………….…………………………………. i CERTIFICATION…………………………………………………….. ii DEDICATION………………………………………………………... iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………. iv TABLE OF... Continue Reading
Abstract The Judicial Service as the third arm of the government of Ghana is the body mandated by the country’s constitution to dispense justice in the country, in a manner that peace, tranquility and stability prevail to ensure socio-economic development. In court operations in the country however, effectiveness, efficiency and speed of justice... Continue Reading
Abstract This research was designed to determine and compare the technical efficiency and input levels used in rice production under farmer managed irrigation systems (FMIS) and rain fed systems (RFS) in Kogi State. It also compared the effects of socioeconomic characteristics on the technical efficiency of farmers in the FMIS and RFS. Four null... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project examined the use of the committee system in organizational decision making. Literature related to the subject area were reviewed in order to have a sound academic backing to the research work. Secondary data and oral interview were used as a supplementary... Continue Reading
AUDIT COMMITTEE AND FINANCIAL REPORTING IN NIGERIA TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE Introduction Statement of the Research Problem Objectives of the Study Research Hypotheses Scope of the Study Relevance and Significance of the Study Limitations of the Study References CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Historical Background of Audit... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Out of the worries ignited by the incessant occurrence of corporate failure and liquidation in Nigeria, even with the presence of audit committees in these corporate entities, this project topic was born. A topic aimed at evaluating audit committee relevance to corporate financial... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Out of the worries ignited by the incessant occurrence of organisations failure and liquidation in Nigeria, even with the presence of audit committees in these organisations, this project topic was born. A topic aimed at evaluating audit committee and financial reporting Nigeria. In... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Out of the worries ignited by the incessant occurrence of corporate failure and liquidation in Nigeria, even with the presence of audit committees in these corporate entities, this project topic was born. A topic aimed at evaluating audit committee relevance to corporate... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGORUND TO THE STUDY The spate of corporate failures in recent times has instituted the need for serious examination and investigation of their causes and possible solution. This helped foster the need for a committee to critically and thoroughly oversee... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research is concerned with inquiring. The use of committees and group meeting in enhancing decision making in Anambra State House of Assemble. The problems facing this research work is the inadequate use of committee and group meeting in solving the day to day problem of the House. The main purpose of this study is to identify how... Continue Reading
THE IMPACT OF AUDIT COMMITTEE ON FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF AN ORGANIZATION        (A CASE STUDY OF 7UP BOTTLING COMPANY PLC 9TH MILE CONNER ENUGU) ABSTRACT The impact of a Good Audit committee on the financial management of an organization can not be over emphasized. This is because internal control is the bedrock of any organization that... Continue Reading
. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Financial reporting is the preparation of published report for users of financial statements. Theissues relating to financial reporting could be traced back to 1975 with the advent of what wasthen known as corporate... Continue Reading
. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Financial reporting is the preparation of published report for users of financial statements. Theissues relating to financial reporting could be traced back to 1975 with the advent of what wasthen known as corporate... Continue Reading
DEFINITION OF FINANCE According to Hornby (2001), finance is the money needed to support an activity, project, programme etc. and or the management of money. Finance is a term for matters regarding the management, creation, and study of money and investments. Finance can be broadly divided into three categories: public finance, corporate finance,... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Management of people at work is an integral part of the management process. Organization cannot succeed without due recognition and appreciation of people through whom any task is accomplished. Nkereuwem (1986) observed that human factor is a major component of enhance the growth of any... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study examines the effect of Audit committee characteristics on profitability of listed food and beverages firms in Nigeria. The study adopted an ex-post factor research design and used Audit committee financial expertise and audit committee meeting as independent variables to represent audit committee characteristic. It used return... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study examines the effect of Audit committee characteristics on profitability of listed food and beverages firms in Nigeria. The study adopted an ex-post factor research design and used Audit committee financial expertise and audit committee meeting as independent variables to represent audit committee characteristic. It used return... Continue Reading
What is Linear Programming? A typical optimization problem is to find the best element from a given set. In order to compare elements, we need a criterion, which we call an objective function f(x). The given set is called the feasible set which is usually defined by {x ∈ Rn | gi (x) ≤ 0, i = 1, . . . , m}.... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION Big data is a word used for detailed information of massive amounts of data which are either structured, semi structured or unstructured. The data which is not able to be handled by the traditional databases and software Technologies then we divide such data as big data. The term big data is originated from the web companies who used... Continue Reading
Abstract This project analyzes the relevance of audit committee functions on the quality of financial statement in Nigeria, the users’ perception. The broad objective of the study is to ascertain if audit committee reports strengthen the decision relevance of corporate report and also to find out if the information content of audit committee... Continue Reading
(A Case Study Of Selected Banks In Enugu Metropolis) ABSTRACT The degree to which computer is used in offices has been of serious concern to secretarial profession. This study investigated the impact of the introduction of the computer on the secretarial profession and how... Continue Reading
IN EGOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF EDO STATE TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE- INTRODUCTION Background of the study Scope of the study Purpose of the study Significance of the study Research questions Limitation Definition of terms CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW    The concepts of sex education... Continue Reading
           ABSTRACT The degree to which computer is used in offices has been of serious concern to secretarial profession. This study investigated the impact of the introduction of the computer on the secretarial profession and how the secretarial react to the introduction of computer.             In order to arrive at a... Continue Reading
ABSTRACTThis   study   was   carried   out   to   determine   the   effectiveness   of   school   basedmanagement committee in the development of secondary education in FederalCapital Territory. In order to realize the objectives of the study which is toassess the most important challenges and difficulties the principals... Continue Reading
ABSTRACTThis   study   was   carried   out   to   determine   the   effectiveness   of   school   basedmanagement committee in the development of secondary education in FederalCapital Territory. In order to realize the objectives of the study which is toassess the most important challenges and difficulties the principals... Continue Reading
THE ROLE OF AUDIT COMMITTEE FOR THE PROPER ACCOUNTABILITY OF COMPANY’S FUNDS (A CASE STUDY OF DEPARTMENT OF PETROLEUM RESOURCES (DPR). ABSTRACT This research work was designed to study and investigate precisely the Role of Audit for the proper Accountability of Company’s Fund with special emphasis on Department of Petroleum Resources.Prudent... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study Management of people at work is an integral part of the management process. Organization cannot succeed without due recognition and appreciation of people through whom any... Continue Reading
(A STUDY OF ESUT ICT UNIT) ABSTRACT This research work, examined effect of the introduction of computer into business organization in Nigeria with ESUT ICT unit as a case study. The objectives of the study include to: find out the extent the introduction of computer has... Continue Reading
. (A case study of Golden Investment, Enugu) ABSTRACT A computer is an electronic device that accept data as input, processes it into information which is them display on the screen as an output. The important of information to the general success of any organization... Continue Reading
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