the role of govrnment funding on small and medium scale interprisis in aba, abia state - Project Ideas |

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ABSTRACT There is no doubt that Nigeria as a nation, since attaining independence to 1960 has tried out various economic policies in a bid to achieve meaningful economic development. Most of these policies, one must say, are centrally planned and government dominated. The resultant impact of this excessive government domination of the economy left... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT There is no doubt that Nigeria as a nation, since attaining independence to 1960 has tried out various economic policies in a bid to achieve meaningful economic development. Most of these policies, one must say, are centrally planned and government dominated. The resultant impact of this excessive government domination of the economy left... Continue Reading
    CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The production of goods and services in the most efficient manner has continued to be the only viable and reliable option for development, growth and survival of any economy.... Continue Reading
         ABSTRACT The efficiency and effectiveness of any organization weather small or big depends on the people that manage it. And manning an organization has been a serious problem of small and medium scale companies like Nigeria and because of this, these companies have not been able to achieve their goals. It is against this... Continue Reading
The efficiency and effectiveness of any organization weather small or big depends on the people that manage it. And manning an organization has been a serious problem of small and medium scale companies like Nigeria and because of this, these companies have not been able to achieve their goals. It is against this background that this research work... Continue Reading
The efficiency and effectiveness of any organization weather small or big depends on the people that manage it. And manning an organization has been a serious problem of small and medium scale companies like Nigeria and because of this, these companies have not been able to achieve their goals. It is against this background that this research work... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The efficiency and effectiveness of any organization weather small or big depends on the people that manage it. And manning an organization has been a serious problem of small and medium scale companies like Nigeria and because of this, these companies have not been able to achieve their goals. It is against this background that this... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Over the recent years, small-scale enterprises have become more fashionable, this is because everybody. This arises given the vital role they play in the economic development of advanced  countries such as united states of America (USA), France, etc and developing countries like Nigeria. However, the Nigeria government attaches great... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Over the recent years, small-scale enterprises have become more fashionable, this is because everybody. This arises given the vital role they play in the economic development of advanced  countries such as united states of America (USA), France, etc and developing countries like Nigeria. However, the Nigeria government attaches great... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work is centered on the contribution of small and medium scale in the development of Nigerian economy a case study of Ako and sons limited, Delta state, this research brings into prominence the role of small scale and medium sale business in our economy. In the course of this work, various techniques were used in collecting... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  This research work is centered on the contribution of small and medium scale in the development of Nigerian economy a case study of Ako and sons limited, Delta state, this research brings into prominence the role of small scale and medium sale business in our economy. In the course of this work, various techniques were used in... Continue Reading
A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE ROLE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES IN THE ECONOMIC GROWTH OF AN ECONOMY. A CASE STUDY OF ENUGU STATE ABSTRACT This study was aimed at examining the role being played by the small and medium scale enterprises towards economic growth of an economy with E-nugu state as our case study. From the study, it was observed... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Inadequate support in terms of credit facilities from government and financial institution has been identified as one of the major problem affecting farming operation particularly that of the small scale farmers in Nigeria. This study analyzed the impact of credit facilities to the operation of small scale farms in Nigeria using BENDE... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Inadequate support in terms of credit facilities from government and financial institution has been identified as one of the major problem affecting farming operation particularly that of the small scale farmers in Nigeria. This study analyzed the impact of credit facilities to the operation of small scale farms in Nigeria using BENDE... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT   Inadequate support in terms of credit facilities from government and financial institution has been identified as one of the major problem affecting farming operation particularly that of the small scale farmers in Nigeria. This study analyzed the impact of credit facilities to the operation of small scale farms in Nigeria using BENDE... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  Inadequate support in terms of credit facilities from government and financial institution has been identified as one of the major problem affecting farming operation particularly that of the small scale farmers in Nigeria. This study analyzed the impact of credit facilities to the operation of small scale farms in Nigeria using BENDE... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Inadequate support in terms of credit facilities from government and financial institution has been identified as one of the major problem affecting farming operation particularly that of the small scale farmers in Nigeria. This study analyzed the impact of credit facilities to the operation of small scale farms in Nigeria using BENDE... Continue Reading
ANALYSIS OF CREDIT FACILITIES TO SMALL SCALE FARMERS . (A STUDY OF SMALL-SCALE FARMERS IN BENDE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF ABIA SATE)  CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1     BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY  Agriculture according to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (New Edition) is the science or practice of farming. Agriculture has a key role to... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Inadequate support in terms of credit facilities from government and financial institution has been identified as one of the major problem affecting farming operation particularly that of the small scale farmers in Nigeria. This study analyzed the impact of credit facilities to the operation of small scale farms in Nigeria using BENDE... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF ANZY SHOES NIGERIA LIMITED ABA ABIA STATE) PROPOSAL This project topic titled “The Role of small and medium scale enterprises in the Nigerian Economy” with a case study of Anzy shoes Nig Ltd Aba is consist of (5) five chapters: Chapter one: Introduction Chapter... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The work is an academic exercise which attempts to study the problems and prospects of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. The researcher by undertaking this survey was able to unearth the contributions of small and medium scale business in changing a depressed economy. Research questions were formulated from which the major... Continue Reading
This study investigates the role Small and Medium Scale Enterprise and Infrastructural Development in Nigeria. The basic objective of the study i s to examine how infrastructure contributes to the Nigerian economic development. The use of questionnaire was employed to get the needed information from the selected population. The information gotten... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The relevance of SME-sub sector in Nigeria’s economy has necessitated the need for empirical investigations into the nature of its financial challenges. This study evaluated the extent accountants can help to ameliorate the financial challenges of SMEs in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work focus on the role of microfinance bank in small and medium scale industries in Nigeria with a specific reference to a case study of ifelodun  micro finance bank ltd ikirun . An analysis of the profile of SMEs shows that most SMEs area their Micro stages since they employ less than six people and these ctoris... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work focus on the role of microfinance bank in small and medium scale industries in Nigeria with a specific reference to a case study of ifelodun micro finance bank ltd ikirun . An analysis of the profile of SMEs shows that most SMEs area their Micro stages since they employ less than six people and these ctoris considerably... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) have been acknowledged the world over as the driver of economic development and growth.  This is because these enterprises have great potential for employment generation, economic empowerment, poverty alleviation, improvement of standard of living,... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0     Introduction An appraisal of small scale industries in employment creation in Nigeria: A study of Onitsha metropolis. 1.1     Background of the Study Many scholars have written widely on small scale industries and its potency to generate employment, thus, underscoring the quintessence, significance and relevance of this... Continue Reading
This study investigates the role Small and Medium Scale Enterprise and Infrastructural Development in Nigeria. The basic objective of the study i s to examine how infrastructure contributes to the Nigerian economic development. The use of questionnaire was employed to get the needed information from the selected population. The information gotten... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The research study seeks to examine the effects of cedi depreciation on the activities of  small scale businesses in the country. The aim of the research is to examine the impact of  cedi depreciation on imports, income, size and the growth and performance of the small  scale industries. In addition the research work aims at finding... Continue Reading
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