Exchange rate movements and the value of naira - Project Ideas |

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ABSTRACT The remote cause of the problem that necessitated this study in perhaps, the chronic balance of payment deficit which the country has been experiencing since independent.  An attempt to solve the problem through the use of exchange control measure ha not been quite successful rather, it has succeeded in bringing about on over valued... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The remote cause of the problem that necessitated this study in perhaps, the chronic balance of payment deficit which the country has been experiencing since independent. An attempt to solve the problem through the use of exchange control measure ha not... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The economy of any nation is greatly dependent on the level and stability of its exchange rate, with our nation’s (Nigeria) dwindling exchange rate, exploring the trend and pattern of our exchange rate is very needful. A secondary data on monthly exchange rates from 2010 to 2020 was obtained from ExchangeRate UK was analyzed using the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  The research work critically examined the extent to which naira exchange rate depreciation has affected domestic inflationary rate in Nigeria between the year 2000-2013. Therefore, in this study the researcher examined the trend of inflation and exchange and the relationship between the two variables. A model was specified to show the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The research work critically examined the extent to which naira exchange rate depreciation had affected domestic inflationary rate in Nigeria between 1985 – 2000. Therefore, in this study, the researcher examined the trend of inflation and exchange and the relationship between the two variables.   A model was specified to show the... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1            BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY The naira exchange rate depreciation coupled with persist increase in the inflationary rate has been a major bane on economy of Nigeria.  To a layman inflation is a phenomena to embrace as his income... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  The research work critically examined the extent to which naira exchange rate depreciation has affected domestic inflationary rate in Nigeria between the year 2000-2013. Therefore, in this study the researcher examined the trend of inflation and exchange and the relationship between the two variables. A model was specified to show the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The research work critically examined the extent to which naira exchange rate depreciation had affected domestic inflationary rate in Nigeria between 1985 – 2000. Therefore, in this study, the researcher examined the trend of inflation and exchange and the relationship... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The research work critically examined the extent to which naira exchange rate depreciation had affected domestic inflationary rate in Nigeria between 1985 – 2000. Therefore, in this study, the researcher examined the trend of inflation and exchange and the relationship between the two variables. A model was specified to show the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The research work critically examined the extent to which naira exchange rate depreciation had affected domestic inflationary rate in Nigeria between 1985 – 2000. Therefore, in this study, the researcher examined the trend of inflation and exchange and the relationship between the two variables. A model was specified to show the... Continue Reading
A TIME SERIES ANALYSIS OF DAILY EXCHANGE RATE OF U.S DOLLAR TO NAIRAFROM 2016-2017 (RECESSION PERIOD) ABSTRACT This project presents an empirical study of time series modeling and forecasting of the official daily Exchange rate of Nigeria Naira for US Dollar in terms of buying rate, central rate and selling rate, from the period of 1st January... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT   This project presents an empirical study of time series modeling and forecasting of the official daily Exchange rate of Nigeria Naira for US Dollar in terms of buying rate, central rate and selling rate, from the period of 1st January 2016 to 19th of May 2017 (recession period). In this view, Box Jenkins approach was applied for the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  The main objective of the study is to examine the impact of real exchange rate and inflation on private investments in Uganda. The two objectives were to determine the effect of real exchange rate on private investment; to determine the effect of inflation rate on private investment. The study used Real exchange rate, Inflation rate,... Continue Reading
NTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY            Foreign exchange is the means of payment for international transactions and it is made up of convertible currencies that are generally acceptable for the settlement of international trade and other external obugations.         The foreign exchange market is an arrangement or medium of... Continue Reading
NTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Foreign exchange is the means of payment for international transactions and it is made up of convertible currencies that are generally acceptable for the settlement of international trade and other external obugations. The foreign exchange market is an arrangement or medium of interaction between the sellers... Continue Reading
PROPOSAL This work titled analysis of the persistent depreciation of the naira in the foreign exchange market: Causes, effects and solutions. Captures the performance of Nigeria economy in the face of the continuous depreciation... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study carried an assessment of the relationship between airfares and aircraft movements in Nigeria with focus on Murtala Mohammed International Airport (MMIA). The study adopted empirical research method. Data on the relationship between airfares and aircraft movement, airfares and air passenger movement, airfares and air cargo... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another currency. Exchange rate stability has to do with government actions in order to stabilize exchange rate so as to increase export in Nigeria especially export of primary products (agricultural produce) over the years, Nigeria has adopted various exchange rate regimes ranging... Continue Reading
5 ABSTRACT Exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another currency. Exchange rate stability has to do with government actions in order to stabilize exchange rate so as to increase export in Nigeria especially export of primary products (agricultural produce) over the years, Nigeria has adopted various exchange rate regimes ranging... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to describe and investigate the monetary policy and exchange rate in Nigeria and effect on economy over the period 1990-2010, using Econometrics technique. The researcher used Regression Analysis to analyze the data with the help of social science statistical package SPSS. Two models were used by the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work is an empirical attempt to examine determinants of exchange rate in Nigeria with annual data from 1980 to 2016. The main type of data used in this study is secondary sourced from central bank of Nigeria statistical bulletin. For this purpose, annual figures of interest rate, inflation rate, balance of payments and gross... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Nigeria is a mono-product economy, where the main export commodity is crude oil, changes in oil prices has implications for the Nigerian economy and, in particular, exchange rate movements. The latter is mostly important due to the double dilemma of being an oil exporting and oil-importing country, a situation that emerged in the last... Continue Reading
5 ABSTRACT Exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another currency. Exchange rate stability has to do with government actions in order to stabilize exchange rate so as to increase export in Nigeria especially export of primary products (agricultural produce) over the years, Nigeria has adopted various exchange rate regimes ranging... Continue Reading
Real Exchange Rate And Non Oil Export In Nigeria CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1                                     BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Since exportation has a special share in the economic growth of many advanced and developing countries; as far as making those countries as the strongest countries, the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study empirically investigates the effect of exchange rate on the Nigerian economy. In Nigeria, the role of exchange rate in the economy is very well documented. Using annual time series data covering a period of twenty six years (1986 to 2011), the Ordinary Least Squared... Continue Reading
This research study examined the determinants of exchange rate in Nigeria from 1980-2014. For this purpose, annual figures of interest rate, inflation and degree of trade openness at the economy were regressed on exchange rate in a framework of multiple models; ordinary least square (OLS) technique at estimation was employed. The result revealed... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This paper empirically investigates the impact of exchange rate on the Nigeria External sector (the balance of payments position) using the Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method of estimation for data covering the period between 1970 and 2008. We found that exchange rate has a significant impact on the balance of payments position. The... Continue Reading
E x c h a n g e   r a t e  i s   t h e  p r i ce   o f   o n e   c u r r e n cy i n   t er m s   o f   a n ot h er   c u rr e n c y . E x c h a n g e ra t es   this   e x c h a n g e   ra t e   i s   a ls o   u s ed to   d e t er m in e   t h e  l e v e l  o f   o u tp u t   g r o w t h of   th e c o u n t r y .   O v er... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Exchange rate is the price of one currency in terms of another currency.Exchange rate s This exchange rate is also used to determine the level of output growth of the country. Over the years, Nigeria has adopted various exchange rate regime ranging research work is centered on the... Continue Reading
CHAPETR ONE INTRODUCTION  1.1        Background of the study 1.2        Statement of problem 1.3        Objective of the study 1.4        Research Hypotheses 1.5        Significance of the study 1.6        Scope and limitation of the study 1.7       Definition of terms 1.8      ... Continue Reading
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