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ABSTRACT This study was conducted to find out the factors influencing the low level of participation of women in partisan policies in Edo State. Specifically, the study was concerned with examining whether there existed socio-cultural myths, lack of economic empowerment, low... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Nigeria women has been relegated to the background of Nigeria politics in this research we set out to study the political participation of women in Abia State.  And to know why women have not been achieving involved in the process of shaping the political system.  The objectives of this research work is to find out if women are actively... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study is to assess the gender inequality and women participation in politics: 2011 General election in Nigeria, a case study of Kaduna state. The scope of the study was restricted to the 2011 general elections in Kaduna state. A total of 110 questionnaires were used, only 100 were recovered successfully. The questionnaire was analysed... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study is to assess the gender inequality and women participation in politics: 2011 General election in Nigeria, a case study of Kaduna state. The scope of the study was restricted to the 2011 general elections in Kaduna state. A total of 110 questionnaires were used, only 100 were recovered successfully. The questionnaire was analysed... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study Assessed the extent of women’s participation in community development projects in Nsukka Local Government Area of Enugu State. Five research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study was 4200 while 420 constituted the sample using proportionate stratified random sampling. The instrument used... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1         Background of the Study Women are underrepresented in most levels of government, as a result have made little progress in attaining political power in legislative bodies, or stamping equal relevance alongside their male counterparts in different political spheres in Nigeria. Consequentially, they have not... Continue Reading
PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN COOPERATIVE IN NIGERIA  CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1      Background of the study Contemporary world economic order shows that women have become critical in the affairs of any nation especially in economic and national development process, either in the formal or informal sector, urban or rural areas. The... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION . APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES ix LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xi ABSTRACT CHAPTER ONE 1 fNTRODUCTION 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background to the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 3 1.3 Purpose of the Study 4 1.4 Specific Objective 4 1.5 Research... Continue Reading
Abstract This research was embarked on to evaluate gender and politics and women in politics in Nigeria with special interest in Enugu State 1999-2016. The study formulated three objectives and three research questions to navigate the study. The major limitation to this study was that women participation in politics in Enugu State has no much... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work investigated the women and political participation in Nigeria democracy. To carry out these two basic assumptions were formulated and tested. That women has impacts toward Nigeria political. That women has impacts toward democratic system in Nigeria. Women whom... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work investigated the women and political participation in Nigeria democracy. To carry out these two basic assumptions were formulated and tested. That women has impacts toward Nigeria political. That women has impacts toward democratic system in Nigeria. Women whom... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF ABIA STATE) ABSTRACT Nigeria women has been relegated to the background of Nigeria politics in this research we set out to study the political participation of women in Abia State.  And to know why women have not been achieving involved in the process of shaping... Continue Reading
Purpose and Objective of the Study Purpose is defined as an idea or aim kept in the mind as the goals towards which ones   effort   is   directed.   It   is   a   definite   intention  an   object   or   reason   to   which something exist or is done. On the whole, the purpose of this study is to examine Newspaper... Continue Reading
THE IMPACT OF WOMEN PARTICIPATION ON THE POLITICAL SYSTEM ON NIGERIA (A CASE STUDY OF ABIA STATE) ABSTRACT Nigeria women has been relegated to the background of Nigeria politics in this research we set out to study the political participation of women in Abia State. And to know why women have not been achieving involved in the process of shaping... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Nigeria women has been relegated to the background of Nigeria politics in this research we set out to study the political participation of women in Abia State.  And to know why women have not been achieving involved in the process of shaping the political system.  The objectives of this research work is to find out if women are actively... Continue Reading
Purpose and Objective of the Study Purpose is defined as an idea or aim kept in the mind as the goals towards which ones effort is directed. It is a definite intention an object or reason to which something exist or is done. On the whole, the purpose of this study is to examine . It... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The world over, the number of women elected to public office has been increasing. The current percentage of women in all national parliamentary structures, upper and lower houses combined, stands at 20.4 percent, a significant improvement over 11.7 percent (1997) less than two decades ago. According to Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU),... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This work studies the discourse of political philosophy of Thomas Hobbes who committed Himself to the task of tracing the origin of the state. As a political entity in 1651 in his book titled ‘Leviathan’ This was necessitated by the fact in the 17th century; Europe experience a... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iv LIST OF TABLES viii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/ABSTRACT ix CHAPTER ONE 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of The study 1 1.2 Statement of the problem 3 1.3 Objectives of the study 5 1 .4 Research questions 5 1.5 Hypothesis of the study 6 1.6 Significance of the study 6 1.7 Scope of... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY           Women constitute a critical segment of the Nigeria population. They are active in the agriculture and economic sectors of the society and have also contributed immensely to the... Continue Reading
THE FACTORS AFFECTING WOMEN’S EFFECTIVE PARTICIPATION IN ADULT EDUCATION IN NIGERIA ABSTRACT This study was designed to find out the factors affecting women’s effective participation in Adult Education in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. Five (5) basic research questions were formulated. They are as follows: 1. What are the importance... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study was carried out to investigate the relationship between women participation and peacemaking processes in Mogadishu- Somalia. The study was guided by the following research objectives; the first objective was to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of: age, gender, highest educational qualification, and rank in the... Continue Reading
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 ABSTRACT The project examines factors influencing women's participation m agricultural production: evidence from small-scale farmers in Ekiti state, Nigeria. This project provides evidence that women play a significant role in agriculture through their influential participation. Multistage sampling technique was used for the selection of the... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE                                                                          i APPROVAL PAGE                                                                  ii... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The issue of democratic consolidation in the country remains sacrosanct in view of the fact that there is no alternative to democracy. Following the new democratic development in Nigeria a lot of anomalies began to show up like the incessant violation of stipulated rules and regulation which could threaten democracy .It is the essence of... Continue Reading
A CASE STUDY OF KADUNA 2011 GENERAL ELECTION IN NIGERIA CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1            Background of the Study Gender inequality has been an issue for several centuries, the world over. Though history has it that fewer women have been in power even before colonialism.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study examined the participation of women in transformation of agricultural development programme of Bauchi local government area of Bauchi state, Nigeria. Data were collected from 60 respondents in the study area using structured questionnaire.The data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study examined the participation of women in transformation of agricultural development programme of Bauchi local government area of Bauchi state, Nigeria. Data were collected from 60 respondents in the study area using structured questionnaire.The data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics and regression analysis. The... Continue Reading
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