corrupt practices and port performance in calabar seaport - Project Ideas |

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Approval Page Dedication Acknowledgement Certification List of Tables Table of Contents Abstract CHAPTER ONE: Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study 1.2 Statement of the Problem 1.3 Purpose of the Study 1.4 Significance of the Study 1.5 The Scope of Study 1.6 Research Questions 1.7 Research Hypotheses CHAPTER TWO:... Continue Reading
ORGANISATION OF THE WORK This work is organized in seven chapters and appendices as follows: CHAPTER ONE: Deal with the introduction of cargo handling, statement of the problem, aims/objectives, purpose of study, importance of study, definition of terms, assumptions. CHAPTER TWO: Gives review of related literature researched. CHAPTER THREE: Method... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Handling of cargo has been a circular task all these while in our various ports. And Nigerian Ports Authority (N.P.A) being an organization responsible for seeing to the affairs of our various sea ports in Nigeria, have worked endlessly to make sure cargoes are properly handled without much complain of damage or misplacement. To ease the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Handling of cargo has been a circular task all these while in our various ports. And Nigerian Ports Authority (N.P.A) being an organization responsible for seeing to the affairs of our various sea ports in Nigeria, have worked endlessly to make sure cargoes are properly handled without much complain of damage or misplacement. To ease the... Continue Reading
ORGANISATION OF THE WORK This work is organized in seven chapters and appendices as follows: CHAPTER ONE: Deal with the introduction of cargo handling, statement of the problem, aims/objectives, purpose of study, importance of study, definition of terms, assumptions. CHAPTER TWO: Gives review of related literature researched. CHAPTER THREE: Method... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Handling of cargo has been a circular task all these while in our various ports.  And Nigerian Ports Authority (N.P.A) being an organization responsible for seeing to the affairs of our various sea ports in Nigeria, have worked endlessly to make sure cargoes are properly handled without much complain of damage or misplacement. To ease... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Handling of cargo has been a circular task all these while in our various ports.  And Nigerian Ports Authority (N.P.A) being an organization responsible for seeing to the affairs of our various sea ports in Nigeria, have worked endlessly to make sure cargoes are properly handled without much complain of damage or misplacement. To ease... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The issue of corruption has led to loss of confidence in Nigeria by its citizens at home and abroad including the international community at large due to the activities of fraudsters, corrupt public officials and mis-governance by our leaders. On the international scene, Nigeria has been blacklisted as a slate in which integrity and... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF GENERAL SANI ABACHA) ABSTRACT           The main objective of this work is to access and evaluate how corruption has eaten deep into the economy of Nigeria. Also to understand the negative impact on the economy growth and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The issue of corruption has led to loss of confidence in Nigeria by its citizens at home and abroad including the international community at large due to the activities of fraudsters, corrupt public officials and mis-governance by our leaders. On the international scene, Nigeria has been blacklisted as a slate in which integrity and... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter one Background to the study Endnotes Chapter Two Brief History of Transparency International Endnotes Chapter Three Transparency International and Corrupt Practice Under Gen. Sani Abacha Endnotes... Continue Reading
TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL AND THE CHALLENGES OF CORRUPT PRACTICES IN NIGERIA 1993 – 1998 (A CASE STUDY OF GENERAL SANI ABACHA) ABSTRACT The main objective of this work is to access and evaluate how corruption has eaten deep into the economy of Nigeria. Also to understand the negative impact on the economy growth and development of Nigeria.... Continue Reading
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ABSTRACT This study is aimed at assessing the students’ perceptions of examination malpractice in the Department of Nursing Science, University of Calabar. Three specific objectives, three research question and one null hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. Descriptive research design was adopted. Purposive sampling technique was used... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study is aimed at assessing the students’ perceptions of examination malpractice in the Department of Nursing Science, University of Calabar. Three specific objectives, three research question and one null hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. Descriptive research design was adopted. Purposive sampling technique was used... Continue Reading
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ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to assess the compliance to use of intermittent preventive therapy (IPTp) against malaria among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH), Calabar Cross River State, Nigeria. In order to accomplish this purpose, three specific objectives were formulated... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS   Title Page ​ i Approval Page ​ ii Dedication ​ iii Acknowledgement ​ iv Abstract ​ v Table of Content ​ vii   CHAPTER ONE: ​ INTRODUCTION 1.1 ​  Background to the study ​ 1 1.2  Statement of problem ​ 4 1.3  Objective of the study ​ 6 1.4  Formulation of Hypothesis ​ 6 1.5  Scope of the study ​... Continue Reading
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CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Introduction Transparency international is a non-governmental organization. Transparency international has been in the forefront in the fight against corruption in Nigeria. This research will attempt to look into the causes, effects... Continue Reading
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(A CASE STUDY OF NIGERIAN PORT AUTHORITY LAGOS) ABSTRACT Handling of cargo has been a circular task all these while in our various ports. And Nigerian Ports Authority (N.P.A) being an organization responsible for seeing to the affairs of our various sea ports in Nigeria, have... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Handling of cargo has been a circular task all these while in our various ports. And Nigerian Ports Authority (N.P.A) being an organization responsible for seeing to the affairs of our various sea ports in Nigeria, have worked endlessly to make sure cargoes are properly... Continue Reading
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