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ABSTRACT The topic quality check management in a company with particular reference to Emenite Company Limited was purposefully designed to x-rayed the operational strategies and effects of quality check management system of the Emenite Manufacturing Company Limited. The study become imperative due to increase in low quality output of many... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The topic quality check management in a company with particular reference to Emenite Company Limited was purposefully designed to x-rayed the operational strategies and effects of quality check management system of the Emenite Manufacturing Company Limited. The study become imperative due to increase in low quality output of many... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The topic quality check management in a company with particular reference to Emeinte Company Limited was purposefully designed to x-rayed the operational strategies and effects of quality check management system of the Emenite Manufacturing Company Limited.The study become imperative due... Continue Reading
1.0INTRODUCTION Increase competition and more discerning consumers has meant that all types of organization including Emenite Company Limited are striving for greater productivity, whilst maintaining or enhancing quality. This applies to both services and manufacturing organizations. In manufacturing the greatest stimulus has been form Emenite... Continue Reading
1.0 INTRODUCTION Increase competition and more discerning consumers has meant that all types of organization including Emenite Company Limited are striving for greater productivity, whilst maintaining or enhancing quality. This applies to both services and manufacturing organizations. In manufacturing the greatest stimulus has been form Emenite... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Edwards (2010) describe Total Quality Management (TQM) as a management tool in which its basis is to reduce the errors produced during the manufacturing or service process, increases the customer satisfaction, streamline supply chain management and aim for modernization of equipment and ensure... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION Doug Wallace, a Materials Management subject expert with Life Cycle Engineering [L.C.E] Consultancy Company Charleston, South Carolina; in a paper presentation titled “Maintenance and Reliability Inventory Management” gave an apt and practical illustration that underscores the need for inspection. He said, have you heard of the... Continue Reading
Impact Of Total Quality Management On Production Cost Of An Organization (A Case Study of Nigeria Bottling Company Plc, Kaduna) CHAPTER i: Introduction 1.1     Background of the Study Total quality management is known as the primary role of management to lead an organization in its daily operations and maintains it as a viable entity into the... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION Doug Wallace, a Materials Management subject expert with Life Cycle Engineering [L.C.E] Consultancy Company Charleston, South Carolina; in a paper presentation titled “Maintenance and Reliability Inventory Management” gave an apt and practical illustration that underscores the need for inspection. He said, have you heard of the... Continue Reading
Abstract This study investigates the effect of Total Quality Management (TQM) in enhancing the profitability of business organizations. Variables used to capture Total Quality Management (TQM) are management commitment through leadership, Quality control, inspection, employee training, customer focus, benchmarking as the basis for enhancing... Continue Reading
Abstract Total Quality Management (TQM) has been practised in diverse industries from manufacturing to services. But its important in banking sector has attracted only few researchers. By providing the best service quality in Banks higher organizational performance will be expected. So customer satisfaction plays a major role to survive in the... Continue Reading
Abstract Total Quality Management (TQM) has been practised in diverse industries from manufacturing to services. But its important in banking sector has attracted only few researchers. By providing the best service quality in Banks higher organizational performance will be expected. So customer satisfaction plays a major role to survive in the... Continue Reading
Abstract This project analyzes the relevance of audit committee functions on the quality of financial statement in Nigeria, the users’ perception. The broad objective of the study is to ascertain if audit committee reports strengthen the decision relevance of corporate report and also to find out if the information content of audit committee... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In every social formation or environment, man finds it necessary to bring themselves together in other to work and achieve a common goal. Before the existence of civilization, man have a different way of sharing information... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to undertake the relevance of motivation in enhancing staff productivity in business organization. A case study of Fan Mille Plc, Edo, Edo, State, with some suggestions that could help in enhancing staff productivity in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to find out the importance of using costing techniques such as standard costing, direct costing, absorption costing etc in the measurement of service oriented organizations. And also to show the extent on the less of these techniques in planning in the organization. For the purpose of this research, questionnaire... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page                                                                                                                     Certification... Continue Reading
AN EVALUATION OF THE APPLICATION AND RELEVANCE OF COSTING TECHNIQUES IN SERIVES ORIENTED ORGANIZATION (A CASE STUDY OF NITEL NEPA) ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to find out the importance of using costing techniques such as standard costing, direct costing, absorption costing etc in the measurement of service oriented organizations. And also to... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The aim of the study is to find out the importance of using costing techniques such as standard costing, direct costing, absorption costing etc in the measurement of service oriented organizations. And also to show the extent on the less of these techniques in planning in the organization. For the purpose of this research, questionnaire... Continue Reading
Total Quality Management has advanced as an area of great interest to both researchers and practitioners. On a quarterly basis, the Government Press of Kenya, which is the largest of the four public printing firms in Kenya in this study, outputs an average of 10 million units of information products against a target of 12 million units. The top... Continue Reading
The aim of every hotel is to deliver quality service that matches customers’ expectations in any  service encounter at the same time remaining profitable. The hotel industry in Kenya is faced with  competition emanating from a competitive market described by globalization, changing, and  soaring consumer demand for quality services, emerging... Continue Reading
Abstract Grid computing is a collection of computer resources from multiple locations assembled to provide computational services, storage, data or application services. Grid computing users gain access to computing resources with little or no knowledge of where those resources are located or what the underlying technologies, hardware, operating... Continue Reading
` ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to establish a relationship between the International Financial Reporting Standards and the quality of financial Reporting. The data required for this research work was basically the primary data, which was obtained through the use of questionnaire. Therefore, the research design used for this research work was... Continue Reading
` ABSTRACT The aim of the study was to establish a relationship between the International Financial Reporting Standards and the quality of financial Reporting. The data required for this research work was basically the primary data, which was obtained through the use of questionnaire. Therefore, the research design used for this research work was... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF METROCK INVESTMENT NIG) TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION                                                                 1.1              BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY            ... Continue Reading
                   CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Financial Function has always been important in business management. Irrespective of differences in structure, ownership and size, the Financial Organisation of the enterprise ought to be capable of ensuring that the various... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Management information system is network of communication channel in an organization from the points of data origination through the processing procedures to the decision making (feed back) then from the point of decision back through the information channels to the points of implementation of the decision (control).  This suggests that... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Is the computer really a new frontier opportunity and means to solve our problem is it of any help to management information system.  It is the aim of research work to concentrate on computerization of management information system application of computer to customer billing system in NITAL Plc and application of computers to any... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF NITEL PLC ENUGU) ABSTRACT Management information system is network of communication channel in an organization from the points of data origination through the processing procedures to the decision making (feed back) then from the point of decision back through the... Continue Reading
  CHAPTER ONE 1.0       BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The history of UBA can be traced to British and French Limited, which originated from BANOGE NATIONAL four Le Commerce etc industries (established in 1832). Early in 1949, Messer E.E Hunger Buler and C. H. Baker were seconded from Banyae National Pour le Commerce etc industries (established... Continue Reading
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