Mother tongue interference in English news:A case of a Kwara television - Project Ideas |

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ABSTRACT Language and man are inseparable and since the languages of the world come in contact, there is bound to be a problem like mother tongue interference which is a sociolinguistic phenomenon. This work takes for granted that grammatical competence is totally different from phonological competence and it has worked on this premise using... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Language and man are inseparable and since the languages of the world come in contact, there is bound to be a problem like mother tongue interference which is a sociolinguistic phenomenon. This work takes for granted that grammatical competence is totally different from phonological competence and it has worked on this premise using... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Language and man are inseparable and since the languages of the world come in contact, there is bound to be a problem like mother tongue interference which is a sociolinguistic phenomenon. This work takes for granted that grammatical competence is totally different from phonological competence and it has worked on this premise using... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Language and man are inseparable and since the languages of the world come in contact, there is bound to be a problem like mother tongue interference which is a sociolinguistic phenomenon. This work takes for granted that grammatical competence is totally different from phonological competence and it has worked on this premise using... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study examines the effects of mother tongue on students in their efforts to acquire English as their second language. My scope of study was limited to Ado Ekiti in Ekiti state. For the purpose of the study, the following hypotheses were postulated; There will be no significant difference in the vocabulary and grammatical patterns of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study examines the effects of mother tongue on students in their efforts to acquire English as their second language. My scope of study was limited to Ado Ekiti in Ekiti state. For the purpose of the study, the following hypotheses were postulated; There will be no significant difference in the vocabulary and grammatical patterns of... Continue Reading
(A CASE OF A KWARA TELEVISION NEWS) ABSTRACT Language and man are inseparable and since the languages of the world come in contact, there is bound to be a problem like mother tongue interference which is a sociolinguistic phenomenon. This work takes for granted that grammatical competence is totally... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0  INTRODUCTION 1.1  BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Language is generally used for the purpose of interaction among people in the society. It is also used to differentiate people by sex, age and social status within a particular society. Language serves as a tool for development in every society. It develops nations or societies socially... Continue Reading
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Language is generally used for the purpose of interaction among people in the society. It is also used to differentiate people by sex, age and social status within a particular society. Language serves as a tool for development in every society. It develops nations or societies socially and particularly for the purpose of... Continue Reading
IN ENUGU NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF ENUGU STATE ABSTRACT         The topic of the study is the effects of mother tongue in the study of English language in secondary school in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. The aim is to... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The topic of the study is the effects of mother tongue in the study of English language in secondary school in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. The aim is to know how the mother tongue affects the learning of English language in Secondary school especially in four selected schools in Enugu North Local Government Area of... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------i DECLARATION----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii  DEDICATION------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------i DECLARATION----------------------------------------------------------------------------ii  DEDICATION------------------------------------------------------------------------------iii... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Due to the place of English language in Nigeria, the poor performance of students in the use of the language is definitely an issue of national concern. Therefore, the study was designed to explore the perception of teachers on the influence of mother tongue interference on the secondary school students’ academic performance in English... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The topic of the study is the effects of mother tongue in the study of English language in secondary school in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. The aim is to know how the mother tongue affects the learning of English language in Secondary school especially in four selected schools in Enugu North Local Government Area of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The topic of the study is the effects of mother tongue in the study of English language in secondary school in Enugu North Local Government Area of Enugu State. The aim is to know how the mother tongue affects the learning of English language in Secondary school especially in four selected schools in Enugu North Local Government Area of... Continue Reading
, A CASE STUDY OF SOME SELECTED SECONDARY SCHOOL IN OVIA NORTH EAST LOCAL GOVERNMENT ABSTRACT This study investigates the effect of mother tongue on English language in some selected secondary schools in Ovia North East Local Government. The effect of mother tongue of the study includes students in... Continue Reading
IMPACT OF MOTHER TONGUE ON STUDENTS PERFORMANCE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Abstract This study has thrown an insight into the impact of mother tongue in the speaking skills of English language. The impact: of \'mother tongue\' was noticed in the section of grammar and sentence structure and this affected their dialect and their grammar and sentences... Continue Reading
IMPACT OF MOTHER TONGUE ON STUDENTS PERFORMANCE IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE Abstract This study has thrown an insight into the impact of mother tongue in the speaking skills of English language. The impact: of \'mother tongue\' was noticed in the section of grammar and sentence structure and this affected their dialect and their grammar and sentences... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL . II DEDICATION ACKNOWLEDGMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS V LIST OF TABLES Viii ACRONYMS ix ABSTRACT X CHAPTER ONE 1 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 1 1.3 General Objective 2 1.4 Specific Objectives 2 1.5 Research Questions 2 1.6 Scope of the Study 2 1.7 Significance 3... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study investigates the effect of mother tongue on English language in some selected secondary schools in Ovia North East Local Government. The effect of mother tongue of the study includes students in... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration Approval ii Dedication iii Acknowledgements iv Table of Contents v List of Tables vii Acronyms viii Abstract iv CHAPTER ONE 1 1 .0 introduction 1. 1 Background of the study 1 1 .2 Statement of the Problem 2 1 .3 General Objective 2 1 .4 Speciflc Objectives 2 1 .5 Research Questions 3 1.6 Scope of the Study 3 1.7... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study Language is the most distinctive human quality and attribute. Language ischaracterized by a set of vocal sounds which can be decoded. Language does notexist in a vacuum. It is always contextualized. There is a relationship betweenlanguage and society. The importance of the relationship between... Continue Reading
The study sought to asses s the effec t of m o th e r tongue and s tudents' academic performance in English language in selected secondary schools in Wajir District , K en ya. The study was conducted in five sc hool s .  The specific interest areas on the philo so phy and under s tanding of education by diff e rent scholars were reviewed... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study was carried out with an aim of finding out the influence of mother tongue and performance of English language in Kivaa Primary school in Kenya. The study objectively sought; to find out how mother tongues influence on the students' performance in English language in Kivaa Primary school in Kenya, to identify reasons as to why... Continue Reading
Abstract There have been many changes in Ghana’s school language policy and this is main due to the desire to improve literacy acquisition. However, there has been little improvement in the literacy and numeracy skills of students. There is now a recognised need for a better means of effectively teaching children, especially when it comes to... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Cover page Declaration ......................................................................................................... .i Approval ............................................................................................................ . Dedication... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE Cover page Declaration Approval Dedication Acknowledgement Table of contents CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Rationale of the study 1.2 Statement of the problem 1.3 Specific objectives 1.4 Research questions 1.5 Significance of the study .6 Assumptions of the study 1. 7 Theoretical framework of the study 1.7... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study examined the parents’ and teachers’ perception of the use of mother tongue as language of instruction in Lower Primary Schools (1 – 3). A total of four (4) public primary schools in Mainland Local Government Area of Lagos State were used. The study was carried out to ascertain whether the children’s mastery of mother... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION APPROVAL ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iv TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES vii ACRONYMS viii ABSTRACT ix CHAPTER ONE 1 1 .0 Introduction 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement of the Problem 2 1 .3 General Objective 2 1 .4 Specific Objectives 2 1 .5 Research Questions 3 1.6 Scope of the Study 3 1.7... Continue Reading
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