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Abstract In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background.  But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis. However, all essentials part of the role of local government administration in economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria are... Continue Reading
Abstract In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background.  But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis. However, all essentials part of the role of local government administration in economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria are... Continue Reading
Abstract In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis. However, all essentials part of the role of local government administration in economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria are discussed... Continue Reading
Abstract In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis. However, all essentials part of the role of local government administration in economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria are discussed... Continue Reading
Abstract In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background.  But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis. However, all essentials part of the role of local government administration in economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria are... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis. However, all essential part of the role of local government administration in economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria are discussed.... Continue Reading
THE ROLE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION IN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL AREA IN NIGERIA. (A CASE STUDY OF UDI LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA IN ENUGU STATE) ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis. However, all essential part of the role of local government administration in economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria are discussed.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis. However, all essential part of the role of local government administration in economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria are discussed.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis. However, all essential part of the role of local government administration in economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria are discussed.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis. However, all essential part of the role of local government administration in economic and social development of rural areas in Nigeria are discussed.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY This study is a modest attempt at a lucid explication of the role of local government in Nigeria. Nigerian local government... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background.  But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis. However, all essentials part of the impacts of local government administration on  economic and social development in Nigeria are discussed. In... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The title of this research work is, Social accounting as a method of the impact of development activities’’ with particular referent to Nsukka local Government Area in Enugu State. It has been identified that accounting and financial reporting in the public sector particularly at the local government level was not given adequate... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The title of this research work is, Social accounting as a method of the impact of development activities’’ with particular referent to Nsukka local Government Area in Enugu State. It has been identified that accounting and financial reporting in the public sector particularly at the local government level was not given adequate... Continue Reading
Abstract This study undertook a historical overview of the development of the local government system in Nigeria, especially from 1950, when Nigeria became a federal unit (that is North, West and East). It was discovered that before 1976... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF NSUKKA LOCAL GOVERNMENT OF ENUGU STATE) ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background.  But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF NSUKKA LOCAL GOVERNMENT OF ENUGU STATE) ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis.... Continue Reading
THE (A CASE STUDY OF IDEMILI LOCAL GOVERNMENT) ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion and analysis. However, all... Continue Reading
1.0 RESEARCH BACKGROUND 1.1 INTRODUCTION The term “fund accounting” is as old as the world itself. The origin of fund accounting could be traced to the parable of talents in the holy Bible (Mathew 25: 14-30) about a man who delivered his goods to three of his servants and traveled to a far country two of them traded with their and made profits... Continue Reading
  1.0RESEARCH BACKGROUND   1.1INTRODUCTION   The term “fund accounting”  is as old as the world itself. The origin of fund accounting could be traced to the parable of talents in the holy Bible (Mathew 25: 14-30) about a man who delivered his goods to three of his servants and traveled to a far country two of them traded with their and... Continue Reading
PROBLEMS OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUE GENERATION (A CASE STUDY OF NSUKKA LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN ENUGU STATE CHAPTER ONE 1.1 INTRODUCTION Revenue is the pivot of any economy, it is given priorities in the national budgets preparation because it is on the revenue available that expenditure is based. Revenue generation is never an easy task hence the... Continue Reading
. (A CASE STUDY OF UDI LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA IN ENUGU STATE) ABSTRACT In this research work, the researcher intended to have a general discussion with local government as my background. But lack of space may not allow me for detailed discussion... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The research work examines The Impact of Inter-Governmental Relations on Local Government Administration in Nigeria, A case study of Enugu North 'local government area.... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF IDEMILI LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN ANAMBARA STATE) ABSTARCT This project gives a description of the practical knowledge and working experience acquired by us, during our staying in this school and some research made so far. In that case we started the... Continue Reading
LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADMINISTRATION AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (A CASE STUDY OF IDEMILI NORTH LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, ANAMBRA STATE) ABSTRACT This research work was undertaken with a view to ascertaining the community development in Anambra state of Nigeria with a focus on Idemili North local government Area- as a case study. The work looked critically... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: 1.0 General Introduction or background of the study 1.1    Introduction 1.2    Statement of the problem 1.3    Purpose/objectives of the study 1.4    significance of the study 1.5    Research hypothesis 1.6    Scope and limitations of the study 1.7    Organization of the study/plan of the study... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE: 1.0 General Introduction or background of the study 1.1    Introduction 1.2    Statement of the problem 1.3    Purpose/objectives of the study 1.4    significance of the study 1.5    Research hypothesis 1.6    Scope and limitations of the study 1.7    Organization of the study/plan of the study... Continue Reading
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