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CHAPTER 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION The year 1999 is very significant in the history of politics in Nigeria. It marks the beginning of a new political generation in Nigeria which is the birth of democracy. The birth of democratic system of government in Nigeria was greeted with high hopes and expectations in... Continue Reading
CHAPTER 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION The year 1999 is very significant in the history of politics in Nigeria. It marks the beginning of a new political generation in Nigeria which is the birth of democracy. The birth of democratic system of government in Nigeria was greeted with high hopes and expectations in... Continue Reading
THE INFLUENCE OF GODFATHERISM IN NIGERIA POLITICS IN THE FOURTH REPUBLIC ABSTRACT The discourse of godfatherism had so much influenced the socio-economic and political life of the nation especially in the fourth republic. It had gained much attention at the present time as a result of its need forms of articulation. It has become almost impossible... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The insecurity challenge in Nigeria has assumed a formidable dimension that not only requires a multistakeholder approach, as it is being touted in various quarters, in quelling this conflagration threatening Nigeria’s statehood, but also necessitates a revival... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This investigation dealt with the Nigeria police and democratic sustenance in Nigeria fourth republic.Chapter one discusses general introduction of the study, background of the study, statement of the problem, research methodology, limitation of the study and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The necessity of building a workable synergy and desirable relationship between the forces of government both at the levels of executive and legislative systems towards ensuring democratic consolidation lies at the heart of this research.The Fourth Republic came into existence in 1999, this came after a long period of military... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The research explores the impact of leadership crisis on Nigeria national development. It appraises leadership crisis in Nigeria fourth republic and its impact on national development. The study projects the nature of leadership instability in Nigeria’s... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The discourse of godfatherism had so much influenced the socio-economic and political life of the nation especially in the fourth republic. It had gained much attention at the present time as a result of its need forms of articulation. It has... Continue Reading
FOREIGN AID AND IT IMPACT ON SOCIO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN NIGERIA’S FOURTH REPUBLIC CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1      Background of the study Developing countries are characterized by resource starved economies, specifically capital-related. Capital to boost economic growth and welfare is largely inadequate domestically, which consequently... Continue Reading
1.1       INTRODUCTION It is the most outstanding yardstick for differentiating amongst political parties in a multi-party democracy. The ideology constitutes a roadmap for the operations of viable political parties in the democratic society. The enthronement of civilian rule in May 1999 heralded the proliferation of political parties which... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The research explores the impact of leadership crisis on Nigeria national development.It appraises leadership crisis in Nigeria fourth republic and its impact on national development.The study projects the nature of leadership instability in Nigeria’s fourth... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY Africa is currently experiencing the paradox of her being. Poverty and squalor are but hallmarks of a great continent that has richly being blessed by nature. A continent that often has been spared of untold natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes (except for few landslides in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The issue of democratic consolidation in the country remains sacrosanct in view of the fact that there is no alternative to democracy. Following the new democratic development in Nigeria a lot of anomalies began to show up like the incessant violation of stipulated rules and regulation which could threaten democracy .It is the essence of... Continue Reading
The broad objectives or aims of this research work are simply to know the meaning and contributions of multi-party system in Nigeria political development. And these specific objectives are as follows: 1. To find out the relationship between multi-party system and political development in Nigeria.  2. To access the political implication of... Continue Reading
The broad objectives or aims of this research work are simply to know the meaning and contributions of multi-party system in Nigeria political development. And these specific objectives are as follows: 1. To find out the relationship between multi-party system and political development in Nigeria. 2. To access the political implication of... Continue Reading
  CHAPTER ONE 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Transition as project of democratization looms large of African political horizon. These projects now occupy an important place on the political agenda of many African countries. Every where on the African continent, one party regimes, one man rule, military rule and authoritarian rule generally are under... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the study Godfatherism establishes itself as a guiding principle in contemporary Nigerian politics. Godfatherism takes from Judeo-Christian origin to be a relationship that should exist between the spiritual guarantor and his spiritual... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The conduct of free and fair elections has become the yardstick for measuring the strength and credibility of a country’s democracy. The absence of free and fair elections has become an almost insurmountable obstacle to democratization in most African countries, especially in Nigeria. The history of the conduct of elections in the... Continue Reading
FEDERALISM AND MINORITY QUESTIONS: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE FOURTH REPUBLIC, 2010-2015                                     iv Chapter One:  1.0        Introduction                                                                         1.1        Background Information      ... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Nigerian is a plural or multi-ethnic society. It is made up of over 250 ethnic groups and therefore motley or heterogeneous. The main reason stems from cultural difference and hence to promote peace and unity in... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents Pages Title page - - - - - - - - - - i Table of contents - - - - - - - - - ii Certification page - - - - - - - - - iii Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iv Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - v CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - - 1-5 1.2 Statement of Research Problem - - - - - - 5-6 1.3 Research Questions - - - - - -... Continue Reading
THE ROLE OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN THE CONSOLIDATION OF DEMOCRACY IN NIGERIA (1999 - 2015) ABSTRACT The problems of political parties in the consolidation of democracy in Nigeria has been of serious concern. In the course of carrying out the research some fundamental objectives were examined, such as: The role effectiveness of political parties in... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the study Religion has been an indispensible phenomenon in Nigeria. It had become an important factor in political discourse (Adigwe and Grau, 2007). The influence of religion is not only limited to... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page - - - - - - - - - - i Approval page - - - - - - - - - - ii Dedication - - - - - - - - - - iii Acknowledgement - - - - - - - - - - - - -iv-v Table of content - - - - - - - - -- - - -vi-viii CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction - - - - - - - - 1-3 1.2 Statement of the research problem - - - - - -3-3 1.3 Research question - - - -... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE                                                                          i APPROVAL PAGE                                                                  ii... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Background of the study Democratic governance with its ideal of elective representation, freedom of choice of leaders, role of law, freedom of expression, accountability e.t.c has become the acceptable system of government all over the world. It... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The concentration of powers in one arm of government may lead to dictatorship and arbitrary rule, therefore there is need to avoid the concentration of power in one arm, of government and each arm of government... Continue Reading
REGRESSION ANALYSIS ON NATIONAL INCOME (FROM 1998 – 2003) (A CASE OF FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA) TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1.2 Statement of problem/motivation 13 Aims and objectives 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Significance of the study 1.6 Definition of concepts CHAPTER TWO Literature Review CHAPTER THREE 3.0 Methodology 3.1... Continue Reading
REGRESSION ANALYSIS ON NATIONAL INCOME (FROM 1998 – 2003) (A CASE OF FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA) TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1.2 Statement of problem/motivation 13 Aims and objectives 1.4 Scope of the study 1.5 Significance of the study 1.6 Definition of concepts CHAPTER TWO Literature Review CHAPTER THREE 3.0 Methodology 3.1... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION Tsamiya and Lolo Markets existed since the pre-colonial period. They are located at the extreme end of Nigeria's international border with Benin Republic in the north-west. The attainment of independence of the two countries by their former colonial masters has contributed significantly in the economic development of those two border... Continue Reading
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