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1.1.  Background of the study

 Educational development in Nigeria has over the period been treated with kid gloves. For a nation to be able to compete favorably with its contemporaries, a lot has to be done and invested in educating its citizenry. For Nigeria as a country to be judged educationally developed, a lot has to be done and this should start from the mindset of our youths as the development of education in Nigeria has to be sustained by this vibrant age grade in other to make a lasting impression on the fabrics of the nation. Educational development in Nigeria has to be a collective responsibility in other to realize this dream. Youths and adults must see it as a tool for economic development which must not be treated with kid gloves. The more interested our future leaders are in educational development the less the illiteracy rate in Nigeria. Over the period, Nigeria has witnessed a slow but steady rise in educational development spanning from the pre-colonial to the post-colonial dispensation. Our students are a principal agent in this onus task of educational development in Nigeria. Nigeria has made considerable progress in the domain of education. The educational system in the country is supervised by the state. There are 27 federal and state-owned polytechnics in Nigeria (Wikipedia, 2012). The first 6 years of primary education are mandatory in Nigeria. 
Nigeria is making a steady progress in the development of education. Many universities and schools have been established by the state. However, much still needs to be done.
Primary education in Nigeria is in the native language but brings in English in the third year (Akpan 2011). Higher Education has developed considerably over the years, which has resulted in a healthy literacy rate. For educational to be properly developed in Nigeria, our youths especially our undergraduates in the various institutions of higher learning must imbibe the culture or must be willing to give back to the educational sector by going back to the classrooms to assist. Though this may have been partially achieved by the compulsory national service where corp members are being deployed to the schools but this over the period has not yielded its desired result owing to the fact that they do not find the educational system in Nigeria attractive and entertaining. In other to minimize brain drain or capital flight in the educational sector in the country, government has that prerogative to ensure that the educational system is made as attractive as possible as this would help develop education in Nigeria which would in turn help us compete with our contemporaries all over the world.

1.2.  Statement of the general problem

Despite the recent development in the educational sector In Nigeria, some pressing issues have been a re occurring decimal in the problems surrounding educational development in Nigeria. Our youths who should be at the front burner in the nations development of the educational sector has suddenly grown cold in their quest for a better educational system and sector.  The near stagnant nature of the educational sector has had its negative effect on other sectors of the economy. This malady has equally led to the drastic rise in terrorism as witnessed in some part of the country. All these and other unmentioned over bearing consequences has led us to this study in knowing the real causes behind the lack of interest of the youths in helping to develop education in Nigeria.

1.3.  Objectives of the study

The following are the objectives of this study:

Ø  To know the relationship between students course of study and their attitude towards educational development in Nigeria.

Ø To know the real issues militating against educational development in Nigeria.

Ø To suggest ways of improving educational development in Nigeria.

Ø To know the mindset of the youths towards the nature of the educational sector in Nigeria.

1.4.  Research questions

1.  Is the educational sector in Nigeria developed?

2.  How important is the educational sector in Nigeria.

3.  Do students generally love to be employed into the educational sector in Nigeria?

4.  Would you willingly want to be a stakeholder in the educational sector in country?

5.  Has the educational sector improved overtime in Nigeria?

6.  What are the ways the educational system can be made attractive to the youths?

1.5.  Research Hypothesis

The following hypotheses will be tested to guide this study;  

1. H0: there is no significant relationship between the course of study of students and their perception towards educational development in Nigeria.

H1: there is a significant relationship between the course of study of students and their perception towards educational development in Nigeria.

2.       H0: poor educational development does not influence the general economy of Nigeria.

H1: poor educational development influences the general economy of Nigeria.

1.6.  Significance of the study

The following are the significance of this study:

Ø This study will unravel the unique relationship between the discipline of Nigeria’s undergraduates and their attitude or perception towards educational development.

Ø This research will also serve as a resource base to other scholars and researchers interested in carrying out further research in this field subsequently, if applied will go to an extent to provide new explanation to the topic

Ø This study would also suggest ways of making the educational sector more attractive to youths to help boost its development.

1.7.  Scope of the study

 This study is on the relationship between undergraduates’ course of study and their perception towards educational development in Nigeria.


1.8.  Limitations of the study

Financial constraint- Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview).

Time constraint- The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work.

1.9.  Definition of terms

Development: an event constituting a new stage in a changing situation.

Education: the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.


AKPAN, E. (2011), “Education and the crisis of the Nigerian polity: Keynote address,”in Education for sustainable democracy: The Nigeria Experience.  Ed. AdieleAfigbo, Calabar: University of Calabar Press.

Ajakeye, G.( 1982). Questions and answers on art and crafts for teachers: Grade II Certificate Examination. Ekiti, Nigeria: Omolaya Press.

Ajibade, B. and N. Elemi (2012), “The Importance of Visual illustrations in Recommended Primary and Secondary School textbooks in Calabar,” Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2(1), 161 – 170.

Ajibade, B. and I. Lawson (2003),  “The limitations of teaching and learning fine and applied arts at tertiary level in Cross River State,”Global Journal of Educational Research, 2(1&2), 27 – 32.

Ajibade, B., B. Enamhe and W. Oloidi (2011),   “Is fine arts inevitable requisite for bachelor’s degree in visual arts?: Notes from the admission policy of a Nigerian university,” Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2(3), 203 – 212.

Aniakor, Chike C. (2001), “Culture and tourism as aid to development in Nigeria,” Nigeria Magazine.

Enamhe, B. and C. Echeta (2010), “Drawing as an instrument of professional excellence in visual arts: Problems and prospects,” Global Journal of Social Sciences, 9(1), 83 - 86.

Enamhe, B. and E. Echeta (2007), “Visual arts: The hub in the wheel of communication,” Global Journal of Humanities, 6(1), 7 - 10.

Enamhe, B. and C. Echeta (2001), “Barriers to understanding fine arts,” Journal of Educational Issues (JEI), 3, 7 - 14.

National Planning Commission (May 2007). National economic empowerment and development strategy 2 (NEEDS 2). Abuja, Nigeria: National Government Publication.

Schofield, H. ( 1981).  The philosophy of educationAn introduction. London: Unwin Educational Books.

The Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004).The national policy on education (NPE). Abuja: Ministry of Education.

Ukpong, E. (2004),“Integrating education into Nigerian national development strategies,”in Education for Sustainable Democracy: The Nigerian Experience. Ed. AdieleAfigbo, Calabar: University of Calabar Press.

Uzoagba, I. ( 1982). Understanding arts in general education.  Onitsha: Africana Press.  


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  • Type: Project
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    Type Project
    Department Accounting
    Project ID ACC1497
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    Chapters 5 Chapters
    No of Pages 63 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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