• Type: Project
  • Department: Accounting
  • Project ID: ACC0245
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 83 Pages
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage and Z Test
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2.1K
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This study is aimed at finding a tool to effective unplementation of organizational policies and procedures in our day to day business. Its important can never be over emphasized.
To achieve this aim I target, it is backed on the designed of mangers who do not sit there as a ceremonial heads rather they have role of implementing the organic function of management in today dynamic and competitive business environment in Nigeria .
In generation the data needed for this profit, it well entails constants ie time money and lack of corporation by the audience .
The source of data comes from both primary and secondary modes of data collection. The secondary data form the centre stages on which this project was based.
The research depth of knowledge is broaden it embark on renew of related literatures. The data is also presented on frequency table and analysis  in sample percentages (%) hypothesis tested with Z. test.
Based on the data collected and analyzed some findings were made which was proceeded by conclusion and some recommendation. Suggestions were also made for further studies summarily from the questionnaire administrated and data collected which were analyzed and interpreted it has been generally in inter prated that most organization can not get the best out of their workers or reach to their target because of or implementation of organizational polices and procedure in Nigeria business.
1.1              Introduction
1.2              Background of study
1.3              Statement of problems
1.4              Purpose of study
1.5              Scope of study
1.6              Scope of the study
1.7              Research question
1.8              Significance of the study
1.9              Definition of terms
2.0              Review of related literature
2.1                                      Effective implementation of policies
2.2                                      Effective implementation of organization function
2.3                                      Effective control of organization policies.
2.4                                      Profile of first bank Nigeria plc.
2.5                                      The management structure of FBN Plc
2.6                                      Banking Nigeria
2.7                                      Electronic banking
2.8                                      Critical issues in banking
2.9                                      Effective function of bank generally
3.0              Research and methodology
3.1                                      Research design
3.2                                      Are of study
3.3                                      Population of the study
3.4                                      Sample size and its determination
3.5                                      Instrument for data collection
3.6                                      Validation of the instrument
3.7                                      Reliability of the instrument
3.8                                      Method of data collection
3.9                                      Method of data analysis
4.0              Data presentation and analysis
4.1                                      Presentation and analysis of data
4.2                                      Testing and prove of hypothesis
5.0              Summary of finding conclusion and recommendation
5.1                                      Conclusion
5.2                                      Recommendation
5.3                                      Bibliography
5.4                                      Questionnaire used
 Effective implementation of organizational policies and procedures in Nigeria business encourages delegation of decision making to business mangers who not sit there as a ceremonialteas rather they have the role of implementing the organize function id management in  to days    dynamic and competitive business environment in Nigeria., this  research work is designed to expose and aid the serious minded mangers to be adequately equipped to face the challenges ahead as future management pensioner in business.  Good policies provides definite an clear director by top management and at the same time allow subordinate to make   their own  decision with clearly stated limited. The usual source of policies and procedure in Nigerian business is embedded on manger and it is apartment to note that for a business to retain it position as a “going concernentity, it is imperative that managers formulated polices, plan strategies and also implement those plan effectively for the continued growth and survival of the business enterprise.  This is a major aspect           of a task facing mangers especially in a modern complex business situation. Therefore, to day’s mangers must take into consideration the following measured for effective implementation of organizational policies and procedure in Nigeria business.
They must specifically take into account the forces and trends such as environmental, economic, political social psychological technological legal and ethnical factors while formulating the policies that can facilitate the accomplishment of the over all objectives and goals of the business in question of course, if a policy has been formulated but has not been carried out or implemented into action it can not be effective since it has not come to the attention of the employees but it runs the risk of being overlooked or misinterpreted but according to (Akpala 1990: 59) he said that written  policies are more precise and less prone to misunderstanding for effective implementation of organization policies and procedures in Nigeria business to be properly executed the laid down rules guiding the organization must be followed.
Procedure on the other hand can be stated as the system that described in details the step to be taken in order to accomplish a set objective in business which is the  main target that he at to effective implementation of policies and procedures emphasis more in details while policies concentrate on the basic general approaches A policy is therefore a guilder for making decision thus according to AKPALA (1990:57) he simple define policy as a guidelines to managerial actions while Coventry and Barker (1985;93) defines policies as the guideline laid down in general or specific terms to make organization to reach the expected target or objectives.
This boils down to what constitute the problem of the study of effective implementation of organizational policies and procedure in Nigeria business can not exist on it own, it needs employers who will work in implement those polices needed for effective business environment and all these will not take expected standard unless workers who are properly motivated is given required training internal and external incentives and their     salary may even be increased paying them overtime and considering them as human beings and not machines by so doing the business will be booming since it I effectively structured and implemented but if the reverse is the case, things will be moving haphazardly and it will constitute a lot of  problem to the study.
1.4              PURPOSE OF THE STUDY
The study will seek to identify the implication of freedom of action at the operating level on effective implementation of organizational policies and procedures in Nigeria business.
Our case study will be first bank of Nigeria plc which is  nation wide bank including rural branches. We shall measure implementation or control effectiveness existing in the bank with respect to certain principles and safeguard, which must be incorporated in any control system as far as business is concern in Nigeria. These are as follows
i.                    The system in must have objective, which are realistic and well designed procedures.
ii.                  The system must have a sound organizational structure and wait designed procedures.
iii.                Each manger in the business organizational is given an opportunity to contribute towards the formulation of planning for which he will be held accountable.
iv.                He is given feedback information to ret him know how his a  actual compares with the plans in the business operation.
1.5              SCOPE OF THE STUDY
This study will be limited o a few operational activities of banks we must not forget that a control mission  of a bank as an intermediation id to protect the value which comes into its care therefore every activity received given or transferred. Receiving cash depot or paying with drawl request are fairly universal function and would appear to have little for variation from branch to branch. But there are other functions, which are not equally available at every branch or unequally demand at all branches Example will be foreign exchange transition capital and money market operational transfer etc. operational rules dealing with these make assumption about, the ability of a branch and its customers and the available of certain infrastructures. But this is not always the case so what happen s in the exceptional care? Our study should be limited to only such activities.
1.6              RESEARCH QUESTION
The following are the research question for the study
1.                  Has the effective implementation of organizational policies and procedures in Nigeria business speeding up services in First bank of Nigeria Plc?
2.                  Has it increased the volume of deposits in the bank?
3.                  Has it reduced the cost of services in the bank?
4.                  has it helped in today dynamic and competitive business environment?
5.                  Has it help mangers especially in a modern complex business situation so that they will know that policies and procedures should be implemented at the right true for subordinate to know what they are expected to do.
1.7              RESEARCH HYPOTHEIS
a.                       All cadres of workers in FBN Plc are not involved in effective implementation of organization policies and procedure in Nigeria business.
b.                       All cadres of workers in FBN Plc are involved in effective implementation of organizational policies in Nigeria business.
The effective implementation of organizational policies and procedure in Nigeria business should help effective mangers to maintain or reach to a et objective in the business world. The study is very tiredly especially today that all hard are on deck to enhance business in Nigeria because of the dynamic and competitive business environment we are in and a such this research work is designed to expose and aid the services minded mangers to be adequately equipped to face the challenges ahead as future management  practitioners in business.
For effective implementation of organizational policies and procedures in Nigeria business i.e three decision have to be made.
a.                   Effective strategic planning
b.                  Effective management
c.                   Operational control
Effective implementation of policies in business is the process by which mangers make sure that resources are obtain since the expected rules and regulation are implemented and executed there no way the required resources will not be obtained. It is necessary to work according to organizational polices in business ventures so as not to go country which affect the business rather the business will attain to it equilibrium point.
1.9              DEFINITION OF TERMS
Policies A plan of action and statement of ideas. Implement- To put something into effect effective -producing intended result. Organi8zation- A group of people with a special purpose e.g club or business Procedure – A series of action that need to be completed in order to achieve something. Business-The activity of making buying selling or supping things for money

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Accounting
  • Project ID: ACC0245
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Pages: 83 Pages
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage and Z Test
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2.1K
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    Type Project
    Department Accounting
    Project ID ACC0245
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    Chapters 5 Chapters
    No of Pages 83 Pages
    Methodology Simple Percentage and Z Test
    Reference YES
    Format Microsoft Word

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