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The wide range of donor-funded infrastructural analysis conducted in Kenya in the past years is mainly based on the nationwide surveys and The Africa Infrastructure Country Diagnostic (AICD),(The World Bank, 2010) and the aim has mainly been to assess the success of such projects(Republic of Kenya, 1999). The government has in the recent past, established a number of key performance indicators to improve donor funded infrastructural analysis. The KPI's have servedas the indicators through which infrastructural projects are evaluated. The purpose of the researchwas to identify these key issues and the extent to which they influence infrastructural projects. A general objective guiding the entire study was given. Five specific objectives were also formulated and gave a direction on the study. Further, five research questions guided this study. The significance of the study was also examined and it gave the various sectors, who benefited from the research. To remain relevant, the study focused on only a specific section as outlined in the scope. A literature review was done to determine ,the existing materials and knowledge on the above subject. Knowledge research gaps were therefore, identified and addressed in the study. The target population in the study were workers in ministry of public works, Ministry of Roads, Construction companies and independent project management companies.To establish a clear picture of the scenario, various research methods were employed in the study. Qualitative and quantitative methods of collecting data were used in the research. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to summarize the data. Data analysis, presentation and interpretation was also done to ascertain the relevance of the objectives. The analysis was made possible with the aid of SPSS. The presentation was done in form of tables, figures and frequencies and the explanation of every table given was given as a conclusion after every analysis.All the factors influencing implementation of donor funded infrastructural projects were analyzed in a separate table or figure. Finally, an appropriate summary, conclusion, and recommendations were made based on the results obtained and basing on the objectives of the study.' The main factors summarized include logistics, human factors, proliferation, and coordination and technology. Conclusion involved identifying the impact of the factors in the implementation of donor-funded infrastructural projects as given in the data analysis. The recommendations were given in the study to identify key areas of improvement. In this part, a proposal for future researchers was given for them to consider other determinants in their studies.

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    Type Project
    Department Business Administration and Management
    Project ID BAM3522
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 3 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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