Community mobilization is a step process of encouraging and grousing the interest of people so that they well become actively involved in finding solutions to their identified problem, the term secondly transmitted infection has greatly been recognized by an exceeded awareness of infection transmitted use sexual intercourse. The occurrence of STDS in the world is attributed to rampant commercial sex working among the people of reproductive age which has both emotional and psychological consequences in people area in Africa the consequences of STDS are common more especially HIV AIDS and Gonorrhea course reduction of our country economy because of low work force and even loss of lives as common to the training population of the Charanchi Local Government Area as conceived by often by Idowu B. 1979. Also respondents stated that people are dying in their area as a result of STDs which is due to poor uses or in-availability of anti-retroviral drugs because of poor government interest but little concern is shown by NGOs to the affected ones by carrying out health promotive activities. Peoples in the area by themselves make some personal and communal efforts toward prevention and control of STIs such as testing of couple before marriage and improving gluing of couples to one sexual partner. It is recommended that promulgation of byelaws by the local government of closed, ban and disallowed houses or local hotels that are keeping prostitutes for commercial sexes, the government should by virtue of authority encourage the couple to glue to one sexual partners, Government should provide enough and recourse anti-retroviral drugs freely to cater for the affected ones, people should stop rampant commercial sexes and remain only with their married partner and people should indulge in using materials when having sex with different partner.