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  • Department: Computer Science
  • Project ID: CPU1777
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Pages: 48 Pages
  • Format: Microsoft Word
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Declaration .1

Acknowledgements .2

Table of contents 3

List of acronyms 6

Abstract 7


1.0 Overview 9

1,1 Background

1.2 Problem statement 12

1.3 Aim and Objectives 12

1.3,1 Specific Objectives 13

1.4 Justification of the study 13

1.5 Scope of the study 14


2.0 Introduction 16

2.1 2Dand3DAnimatjon 16

2.1.1 Two Dimensional Animation 17

2.1.2 Thiee thmens~onaj Animahoii 19

2.2 Multimedia .20

2.3 Computer animation 24

2.3.1 Computer Animation Techniques 26

2.3.2 Computer Animator Hardware Software 28

2.4 2D and 3D computer graphics 31

2.4.1 2DComputergiaphics 35

2.4.2 3D Computer graphics 36


3.0 tnt oduction 38

3.1 Data colk.ction niethods 39

3.2 Definition of prototype used 39


4.1 Software requirements 41

4.2 Hardwme requilerneiits 41

4.3 Prototyp~ 42



5.1 Recommendations 45

5.2 Conclusions 46

5.3 References 46

ABSTRACT Chapter one covered the general definition of w~ at computer automation 15, and what it comprises o~ that is, 2D as well as 3D computer graphics. It also sighted how animation is of importance today. The background mentioned the evolution of computing right from the time they were discovered or in vented up to the current technology of computers. It also mentioned the different generations that computers went through up till the most recent technologies today, specifically sight’ ~ first, second, third, ~b r h and fib generation computers, mentioning the different technologies used and CBS aged. The problem r e~ io wd is about the lack of skilled animators of a Kgb caliber. Chapter one also talked about the specific aims and objectives of the study, sign fng the general as a study’ of pure animation techniques. The scope would also cover new applications oF computer amazon b a multimedia Web environment in terms of content creation and consumption as well as the achievements that computer animation has brought about to the world today, Chapter two was about different authors, scholars and lecturers from ii institutes who shared their point of view of what they thought about Computer Animation as well as its other branches, namely multimedi~ computer graphics. The literature review also included brief descriptions as well as examples along with pictures. The different authors also shared ial~at ~pes of hardware and software tl’~y usually used. The review looked a~ Jessica K. Hodgins, James F. O~Brien, and Robert. Bodenheimer of the College of Computing and Graphics, Visualization, and UsabiIi~ Center, Georgia KstiMe of Technology, Atlanta as th~y shared their view on Animation. Tay Vaughan oe Muhuinedia MaBng it ll~r~ 993 shared his views on Multimedia, what it comprised o~ as well as its applications, hardware and software required. 7 ~erent R and Hodgins 1K from Ohio State University, shared their views on animation, saying that it could bring to the dullest of the features to lUe, and they too talked about the different hardware and sofr~are used as well as the impact of animation in the world today. They specifically mentioned the different techniques used, describing each of them in detail with clear examples. The Cornell University Program of Computer Graphics described a lot on computer graphics and the different techniques used too. They also provided different pictorial representations to explain easier. Chapter two generally looked at 2D and 3D animation, multimedia, computer animation, 2D sarI 3D computer graphics. Chapter three looked at the methodology~ of Computer animation, sighting it as a very wide topic to research on since its consisted of many sub-branches. It also stated that the goal with this project ~as not to go so in-depth and in detail but to outline an overview i of what computer animation is about and what an individual is required to know before he/she can venture into that branch of science. This chapter also outlined the data collection methods. It also outlined the prototype that was created, being a flying wasp. The prototype required some programs to be installed on the viewer’s personal computer before it could be viewed.

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  • Type: Project
  • Department: Computer Science
  • Project ID: CPU1777
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000 ($14)
  • Pages: 48 Pages
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 416
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    Type Project
    Department Computer Science
    Project ID CPU1777
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 48 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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