the effectiveness of guidance guidance and counseling services in enhancing students adjustment to the school acedemic environment - Project Ideas |

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CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW The literature on guidance and counselling services in schools both in Nigeria and also in the different parts of the world were reviewed in this chapter. The review is as follows: 1.  The meaning of guidance and counseling 2.  Origin and development of guidance and counseling 3.  The needs of university... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT         This study investigated the need for guidance and counseling among Nigerian University Students, a case study of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Edo State. The participants were sixteen thousand, eight hundred and fifty one (16,851) students of Ambrose Alli University drawn from the ten faculties of the school. To address... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The research was undertaken to justify the effectiveness or otherwise of counseling services in sokoto metropolis, the research method used in this research is descriptive survey research method. The population of this research consists of students of secondary schools in Sokoto metropolis these schools consist of boarding, day and... Continue Reading
Abstract The research was undertaken to justify the effectiveness or otherwise of counseling services in sokoto metropolis, the research method used in this research is descriptive survey research method. The population of this research consists of students of secondary schools in Sokoto metropolis these schools consist of boarding, day and... Continue Reading
Alutu (2006) assert that to facilitate learning, the instructor should consciously adopt instructional strategies that will allow for guidance of the learner. The purpose of guidance and counselling services is to impact specific skills and learning opportunities in a proactive and preventive manner which ensures that all students can achieve... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Counseling as a process that involves listening to people talk about their problems and helping them work out solutions for these problems. In the process the counselor guides and counsels in making alternative choice to either cope or over come the problems on looking at Africa tradition Counseling, was a process where a counselor or... Continue Reading
Guidance and counselling programme in Kenyan secondary schools is critical because of the  psychological, social, educational and economic problems the youth face arising from the rapid  changes in the society. In 1977 the Kenya government through the Ministry of Education  institutionalized a policy for the implementation of guidance and... Continue Reading
ABSRTACT The aim of the study was to examine the role of guidance and counseling services towards secondary schools students’ behavioral change at Arusha municipal. A sample of 77 respondents including students, teachers and parents provided the required data for accomplish the study. Specifically the study sought to identify the people’s... Continue Reading
ABSRTACT The aim of the study was to examine the role of guidance and counseling services towards secondary schools students’ behavioral change at Arusha municipal. A sample of 77 respondents including students, teachers and parents provided the required data for accomplish the study. Specifically the study sought to identify the people’s... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS Definition of terms ....................................................................... . CHAPTER ONE Introduction of the study ................................................................ . Rationale of the study ...................................................................... . Theory of the study... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study sought to find out the institutional management practices that enhance the delivery of guidance and counseling services in public secondary schools in Kahuro District, Murang’a County. The objectives that guided the study were:- to find out how the delivery of comprehensive guidance and counseling services was enhanced by the... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION ................................................................................................................ i APPROVAL ...................................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT... Continue Reading
IN ABUBAKAR GUMI COLLEGE  CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study It has been very glaring that Guidance and Counseling has been lacking in our educational system, until recently, this discipline has been grossly omitted in the system. Due to the absence of career guidance, many students have not got... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of guidance and counseling programs on the academic achievement of students in Bushenyi District Uganda. The objectives of the study were; to investigate the counseling needs of students in the selected secondary schools of Bushenyi District; to asses the school counseling programs in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The concerns and arguments for guidance and counseling in secondary schools and the quality of the students behavior performance has been on decline for several years. The number of guidance and counseling teachers is very low in secondary schools. It is against this bad behavior of students shown by the number of increased riots, drop... Continue Reading
IN OKITIPUPA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF ONDO STATE  ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of guidance and counselling programme as perceived by secondary school teacher and other school administrator in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Therefore this study was designed to evaluate the teaching and learning of guidance and counseling in Colleges of Education. Four research question and two Hypotheses guided the study. An evaluation research design was employed in order to carry out the study. A total of twenty nine (29) guidance and counselling lecturers in Colleges of... Continue Reading
1.2 Statement of the problem This is the high time that we identify various tools to aid in the cultivation of discipline in our primary schools. We should avoid confosing punishments with discipline and instead try other tools among them Guidance and counseling. This is because punishments have proved to harden the pupils even more and ignorance... Continue Reading
A CASE STUDY OF OKITIPUPA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF ONDO STATE  ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find the impact of guidance services on secondary school students; a case study of Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State. The research study was also aimed at... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of guidance and counselling programme as perceived by secondary school teacher and other school administrator in... Continue Reading
Discipline is an integral part of the teaching-learning process in any learning institution, without which effective teaching-learning may not occur. Students in secondary schools are in their adolescent stage characterized by numerous changes and may end up being unruly resulting to indiscipline problems. The purpose of the study was to examine... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction This chapter shows the back ground of the study, problem statement, purpose of the study, specific objectives, research questions or Null hypothesis, scope of the study and significance of the study. 1.1 Back ground of the Study Educational, occupational and behavioral styles are rapidly changing here, there and... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1   BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Meaning and Definition of Guidance and Counselling             Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary defines guidance as “advice that is given to somebody especially by someone with more experience while counselling “is a professional advice about a problem”.... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION ................................................................................................................................................ I APPROVAL ...................................................................................................................................................... II... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page                                                                       i        Approval Page                                                                ii Dedication... Continue Reading
THE IMPACT OF GUIDANCE SERVICE ON THE SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS: A CASE STUDY OF OKITIPUPA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF ONDO STATE ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to find the impact of guidance services on secondary school students; a case study of Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State. The research study was also aimed at ascertaining... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work was to investigate in the effects of counseling services on academic performance of students in senior secondary school. A case study of Odeda Local Government Area of Ogun State. Questionnaire was used to collect data and these data were analyzed using simple percentage. The research revealed that the service of... Continue Reading
IN OREDO LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF EDO STATE. ABSTRACT This study is aimed at identifying the role of guidance and counselling services in secondary schools in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. As a result of this, a number of hypothesis emerged and these include.... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Guidance and counseling services is a very essential educational support service without which the aims of education cannot fully be realized. The guidance programme which provides students with information on educational, vocational and personal social issues in the early school years, has been... Continue Reading
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