marcro-invertebrate as bio indicator of water quality in kusala and jakara Dam - Project Ideas |

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ABSTRACT This Research or project is on the Assessment of the contributions of the hydrologic cycle to the water quality profile of Otamiri River. Since the quality of the River is polluted by the waste from different sources. This project or research which its objective is to find out exactly the contributions of the hydrologic cycle to the water... Continue Reading
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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Water is an important component of the earth covering about three quarters (3/4) of the earth’s surface and occurs on land, underground and in space. Without water life on earth would be impossible. It is often referred to as the “Liquid of life” because it constitutes up to ninety percent... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Well water samples were collected from different household wells in Ifedapo Estate in Abuja community of Ikorodu Local Government Area, Lagos State, Nigeria. The samples of the well were analyzed for their physiochemical properties. The physiochemical properties of the water samples were analyzed using standard methods. The pH and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT A Low Power Indicator is a device that indicates by way of displaying light to indicate the level or strength of electrical power in a given circuit at a particular time. The transistors T1, T2, T3 are low power transistors that control the flow of electron in the circuit VR1 is employed to vary the frequency of the power.       ... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Urban sprawl is the most challenging effect of man’s activities on the environment; man tends to move from region of low socio-economic activities (Rural areas) to region of high and increasing socio-economic activities. Abuja which lies within Latitude 9o251N and 9o201N of the equator and longitude 5o251E and 7o391E of the Greenwich... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Urban sprawl is the most challenging effect of man’s activities on the environment; man tends to move from region of low socio-economic activities (Rural areas) to region of high and increasing socio-economic activities. Abuja which lies within Latitude 9o251N and 9o201N of the equator and longitude 5o251E and 7o391E of the Greenwich... Continue Reading
(A CASE STUDY OF EKULU RIVER, ENUGU) Abstract The microbiological and organic pollutants characteristics of umuosoko stream in ikwuano local government area, Enugu state, Nigeria were carried out. Twenty water samples were collected from four different... Continue Reading
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Abstract The microbiological and organic pollutants characteristics of umuosoko stream in ikwuano local government area, Enugu state, Nigeria were carried out. Twenty water samples were collected from four different parts of the river.  The pour plate technique was employed for the isolation of micro-organisms. Colonial morphology, Gram staining... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Urban River, streams and wetlands are susceptible to pollution and so, river Mabolo faces a similar problem. This river is a source of water for domestic industrial and agricultural activities for Ankpa municipality and its environs but due to poor waste management... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This Research or project is on the Assessment of the contributions of the hydrologic cycle to the water quality profile of Otamiri River. Since the quality of the River is polluted by the waste from different sources. This project or research... Continue Reading
 ABSTRACT  The construction of a 3-phase motor operation indicator exposes the techniques and skills employed in the construction of complex electrical circuit. The combination of contactors overload relay and other component to achieved the desired goal is diagrammatically and descriptively treated of practical knowledge     TABLE OF CONTENTS... Continue Reading
 ABSTRACT  The construction of a 3-phase motor operation indicator exposes the techniques and skills employed in the construction of complex electrical circuit. The combination of contactors overload relay and other component to achieved the desired goal is diagrammatically and descriptively treated of practical knowledge     TABLE OF CONTENTS... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study assesses the surface and groundwater quality for human consumption within the vicinity of Karu abattoir in Abuja. Water samples were collected from three points along Tauga stream, comprising the discharge point, 40meters before (upstream) and after (downstream) the discharge point. Groundwater samples were also collected... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The evaluation of microbiological quality of tank water at the Institute of Management and Technology campus III Enugu was carried out by using ten samples of water obtained from ten different tank waters. For viable plate count for the presence of pathogenic organisms and organisms indicating organic matter pollution, plating technique... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT   Cover Page i Fly Leafii Title Pageiii Declarationiii Certificationiv Acknowledgementv Table of Contentvi List of Tablesx Abstractxii CHAPTER ONE 1.0 introduction1 1.1.Statement of Research Problems3 1.2.Justification4 1.3.Aim5 1.4.Specific objectives‖5 CHAPTER TWO 2.0.Literature review6 2.1.Water 6 2.1.1.Global Water Supply6... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study aimed to assess the quality of drinking water in Olowotedo community of Ogun state, Nigeria. Five samples were taken from different sources (wells, borehole, tap and sachet water) were analyzed, Selection of water samples was carried out using proportionate allocation, equal allocation, simple random sampling  and systematic... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The evaluation of microbiological quality of tank water at the Institute of Management and Technology campus III Enugu was carried out by using ten samples of water obtained from ten different tank waters. For viable plate count for the presence of pathogenic organisms and organisms indicating organic matter pollution, plating technique... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study aimed to assess the quality of drinking water in Olowotedo community of Ogun state, Nigeria. Five samples were taken from different sources (wells, borehole, tap and sachet water) were analyzed, Selection of water samples was carried out using proportionate allocation, equal allocation, simple random sampling and systematic... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work deals on the design and construction of an automatic power changeover that will change/transfer control from MAINS to Gen set and can switch ON/OFF the Gen automatically. The system integrates phase selector in MAINS and changeover to Gen. It is designed in several blocks all combined to from one functional unit. A +5v... Continue Reading
DEDICATION We dedicate this project work to Almighty God, the source of all knowledge, wisdom and understanding, for being there for us throughout the period of our study and to our lovely parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abido, and Sir & Lady Christopher Korugbo for their parental care, who has always been our inspiration. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to God... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work deals on the design and construction of an automatic power changeover that will change/transfer control from MAINS to Gen set and can switch ON/OFF the Gen automatically. The system integrates phase selector in MAINS and changeover to Gen. It is designed in several blocks all combined to from one functional unit. A +5v... Continue Reading
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