causes and effects of bacillary dysentery in children age 0 to 5years - Project Ideas |

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In the contemporary Nigerian society, the traditional family values have been abandoned which was mainly influenced by the western ideology. As a result, the stability that characterized the traditional family system has withered away exposing the family to the susceptibility of breaking down. The consequence of these changes in family status has... Continue Reading
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             (A CASE STUDY OF TOM AND JERRY) CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1      Background of the study Children have become MUCH more interested in cartoons, over many years and it has become a primary action to some lives. Typically, Children begin watching cartoons on the television at an... Continue Reading
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ABSTRACT This project took a look on the causes and effects of diarrhea among children in Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo State. The research was carried out alone with other academic working in the school. The method used to collect data is questionnaire method, oral... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work was designed to examine and analyze the causes and effects of cholera during raining season in Benin City. Seven (7) research questions were formulated and questionnaires were administered to one hundred and fifty (150) respondents in order to gather data... Continue Reading
television is widely viewed as a powerful medium .it is therefore necessary to find out the effects it has on children and how it contibutes to the socialization of children... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  It has been observed by researchers that many children today are being influence by what they view or see on the television, especially when it comes to cartoons production.  For instance, there are reported cases of children misbehaving after their exposure to television programme, of cartoon type. Based on the above observation, the... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION 1.1BACKGROUND OF STUDY Television advertisement represents one of the several stimuli to which children are exposed, like other kinds of stimuli existing within their environment. Television advertisement has a powerful tendency to influence children’s behaviour and general way of life, thus study examines the kind of influences or... Continue Reading
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ABSTRACT It has been observed by researchers that many children today are being influence by what they view or see on the television, especially when it comes to cartoons production. For instance, there are reported cases of children misbehaving after their exposure to television programme, of cartoon type. Based on the above observation, the... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 BACKGROUND TO THE STUDY Media technologies (TV, video, games, Internet, music, mobile phones) have brought about a substantial change in the experience of childhood in our society. These changes leave many parents unprepared for the challenge... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF STUDY Television advertisement represents one of the several stimuli to which children are exposed, like other kinds of stimuli existing within their environment. Television advertisement has a powerful tendency to influence children’s behaviour and general way of life, thus study examines the kind of influences or... Continue Reading
IN IGUEBEN LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA OF EDO STATE ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to find out the effects of parental socio-economic background of parents on the academic achievement of their children in school in Igueben Local Government Area... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study investigated the causes and effects of malnutrition in children in Ovia North East Local Government Area, using mothers and health workers as population target. The sampling method was utilized in picking out the respondents. The... Continue Reading
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