effective glass waste management, transportation and proper disposal - Project Ideas | Grossarchive.com

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THE EFFECT OF WASTE MANAGEMENT PRACTICE ON  WASTE DISPOSAL IN NIGERIA (A CASE STUDY OF CUDA) ABSTRACT The research  provides a conceptual and theoretical study on the effect of waste management practice on waste disposal in Nigeria.it analyzes the concept of waste and waste management. It projects the challenges and profers strategies for... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This seminar topic “Solid Waste Management and Disposal system” is based on the research on what solid waste is all about, how it is managed and its methods of disposal systems. Research on this topic enable us to know that solid wastes are discarded solid materials such as scraps of plastic, rubbers nylon, paper, etc. Also, the... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.1     GENERAL BACKGROUND           There were efforts, some of them commendable made at various times, in Enugu to improve the environmental and atmospheric conditions of the different part of the capital city. These have include the clearing of the city of large amounts of refuse site and dumps indiscriminately located... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT A major concern to the government of Lagos state is the problem of solid Waste Management within Lagos metropolis. To ameliorate the situation, the government put in place strategies for effective collection, disposal and management of solid waste to improve the living environment of the people. A new initiative was developed statewide... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Poor waste management has been a major problem to human existence and it affects both rural and urban areas. Various methods of waste disposal exist and this study assessed the waste man- agement practices among residents of Owerri State, Imo state, Nigeria. It was a descriptive cross sectional study in which a total of 282 residents of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The main purpose of this work is to examine the management of solid waste disposal by Enugu State Waste management Authority (ESWAMA). The research utilized library, observations and sample survey technique. Other related literatures were reviewed. Questionnaires based on formulated hypotheses were also employed. Data gathered were... Continue Reading
THE PROBLEMS OF URBAN WASTE DISPOSAL AND MANAGEMENT: A CASE STUDY OF ENUGU URBAN (ENSEPA) ABSTRACT This research project is a very crucial study for the effective management of waste disposal is Enugu urban. This study was motivated as a result of the adverse effects of undisposal and improperly managed solid waste on the environment and health of... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENT Chapter One            Introduction 1.1         Background of the study 1.2         Statement of the problem 1.3         Purpose of the study 1.4         Significance of study 1.5         Research questions 1.6         Scope of study 1.7         Limitation of... Continue Reading
(A Case Study Of Eswama) ABSTRACT Domestic Waste Disposal is any materials from plants and animals which cannot be recycle back into the environments or into the market for future use. This domestic waste management disposal is of national and international concern. From analysis in question 1 it is... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research work deals with an appraisal of efficient inventory management on the performance of manufacturing plant. (A study of Beta Glass, Ughelli). Survey sample were used to determine the perception of the staff... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research was conducted on “Assessment of Solid Waste Disposal Practices in Majidadi ‘B’ ward in the Bauchi metropolis” aimed at assessing the nature and the methods used by the users of the area, which was first carried out through survey with the use of structured questionnaires to some persons chosen from the study area.... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT  Waste accumulation in developing world cities has become common sights in recent times. Management of solid waste has been one of the challenges facing urban areas in the world owing to an aggregation of human settlements and increased consumption thereof that has the potential to produce a large amount of solid waste. The situation is... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Healthcare institutions/facilities generate different types of infectious and/or hazardous medical waste from different department in the hospital that poses enormous risk to patients, healthcare providers, waste pickers, and the community at large, if their disposal is not comprehensively and scientifically managed, about 5.2 million... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The objectives of the study were to find out the impacts of solid waste disposal in the environment. The methods used in sold waste displease, challenges faced and to come up with recommendations on effective solid waste disposal at kitezi landfill. Data was subjected to a number of stages that collectively added up to the whole process... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study assessed the perceived effects of solid waste disposal techniques on health status of residents in Igando Local Government Area. Four (4) Local Communities Development Area Ifeoluwa, Banjo,  Feyintola and Oduduwa The descriptive research method was used in carrying out the study. The population for the study was people within... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project investigates the effect of domestic waste disposal among adults in Oke-Sopen Community, Ijebu-Igbo, Ogun State . The study adopts a descriptive survey method. The research instrument for data collection was questionnaire. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. A total of 200 questionnaires were... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project investigates the effect of domestic waste disposal among adults in Oke-Sopen Community, Ijebu-Igbo, Ogun State . The study adopts a descriptive survey method. The research instrument for data collection was questionnaire. Data were collected from both primary and secondary sources. A total of 200 questionnaires were... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The Reuse of waste glass in concrete production is among the attractive option of achieving waste reduction and preserving the natural resources from further depletion thereby protecting the environment and achieving sustainability. This present study examined the variation in the strength prope1ties of concrete using waste glass... Continue Reading
                                                  ABSTRACT     This study was designed to investigate out how solid waste is managed in Ibadan North East local government area of Oyo State.  One duly validated instrument- Questionnaire on Waste Generation and Disposal (QWGD) (r= 0.75) ans... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research was conducted on “Assessment of Solid Waste Disposal Practices in Majidadi ‘B’ ward in the Bauchi metropolis” aimed at assessing the nature and the methods used by the users of the area, which was first carried out through survey with the use of structured questionnaires to some persons chosen from the study area.... Continue Reading
                                                  ABSTRACT     This study was designed to investigate out how solid waste is managed in Ibadan North East local government area of Oyo State.  One duly validated instrument- Questionnaire on Waste Generation and Disposal (QWGD) (r= 0.75) ans... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research was conducted on “Assessment of Solid Waste Disposal Practices in Majidadi ‘B’ ward in the Bauchi metropolis” aimed at assessing the nature and the methods used by the users of the area, which was first carried out through survey with the use of structured questionnaires to some persons chosen from the study area.... Continue Reading
Table of Contents Declaration ...................................................................................................................... ii Approval .......................................................................................................................... iii Acknowledgement... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study sought to assess the solid waste disposal pattern of sellers in Mile One Market Port Harcourt in order to: identify the solid waste disposal habits of sellers, determine the frequency of clearing dumpsters from the market, determine accessibilityof waste dumpsters to market sellers and ascertain if the pattern of waste disposal... Continue Reading
SOLID WASTE (REFUSE) DISPOSAL MANAGEMENT IN ENUGU STATE. A CASE STUDY OF ENUGU STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY (ENSEPA) ENUGU, ENUGU STATE. ABSTRACT This project death extensively on refuse disposal management in Enugu State with a particular reference to Enugu State Environmental Protection Authority (ENSEPA), Enugu. This research... Continue Reading
EFFECTIVE  SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AS A BOOSTER TO NIGERIA ECONOMY ABSTRACT It is always known that cleanliness is next to godliness and health is wealth Good health is achieved if there is good management of the environment. The need for a good management of the environment cannot be over emphasized since there is a continuing environmental decay... Continue Reading
Proposal This paper is a presentation of the problems of solid waste management in Nigeria and certain important issues that must be addressed in order to achieve success. At the core of the problems of solid waste management are the absence of adequate policies, enabling... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Solid waste management over the years has been a serious problem on the nation  Ghana. This solid waste materials are generated by humans in the cities and  municipalities of almost all developing countries. In this country, it is one of the  most pressing concerns of the government because of the health problems that  comes with it... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Solid waste management over the years has been a serious problem on the nation  Ghana. This solid waste materials are generated by humans in the cities and  municipalities of almost all developing countries. In this country, it is one of the  most pressing concerns of the government because of the health problems that  comes with it... Continue Reading
Waste generated in health care facilities which include general waste, sharps, non – sharps, blood, body parts, chemicals, phamaceuticals, medical devices and radioactive material. When all these are poorly managed, exposes health care personel, waste handler and tfhe community to infectious agents, toxicmaterials and increase risk of injury.... Continue Reading
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