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          Thestudy revealthe Ethno Regional Politics in Nigeria betweentheperiods1960-1966, of which politicsatthedomesticlevelwasdetermined byethnicitybecausetheregionswerecarvedalongethniclines,theYorubaof theWest,theHausaoftheNorthandtheIgbooftheEast.Thisaccountedfor thepowertusslesamong thevariouspoliticalpartiesthatemergedimmediately afterindependence. Thestudyalsoshowedthat,despitethefactthatthepolitics ofNigeriaduring theperiodwasdrawnalong ethniclines. Nigeriapartypoliticshasbeenpollutedbyethnicchauvinism.This problem  is  one  of  the  major  qualms  confrontingthe  progress  of  liberal democracy inNigeriasince1960,totheextentthatethnicsentimenthas gradually creptintofindaplaceinevery facedofNigerianpoliticalactivity. Ethnic sentimenthasbeenoneofthe factorsresponsible for mostof the inefficienciesandlowproductivityinNigeria.Themajorfocusofthispaper istotracethehistoricalorigin,growthanddevelopmentofethnicity andthe effectsithashadonpost-colonialgovernance inNigeria.Inthe findingsof this paper, it was discovered that ethnic sentiment was deliberately introduced andpropagated in thepolitybytheBritish colonial government to realize colonialandimperialisteconomic andpoliticalobjectives.Itwasalso foundthatsince theendof colonialismin1960,Nigeria has carriedforward thespiritofethnicity intothepost-colonialNigeria;thisvicehasbeen discoveredtohave beenresponsible for mostof the political,administrative, economic,socialandculturalmaladiesinNigeria.Attheconcluding remark,itissuggestedthat,indigene-settle phenomenonshouldbestrong discouragedwhiletheFederalCharacter principles be genuinely implementedat the federal, state and local government levels in otherto removetheage longethnicunrest in the governanceofNigeria.


TITLE PAGE                                                                                   i

CERTIFICATION                                                                          ii

DEDICATION                                                                                 iii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT                                                              iv

ABSTRACT                                                                                    vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                viii


1.1     Background of the Study                                                                  1

1.2     Aims and Objective of the study                                             5

1.3     Scope of the Study                                                                            6

1.4     Review of Literature                                                                6

1.5     Methodology                                                                           14

1.6     Significance of the Study                                                                  14


2.1     Causes and Manifestation of Contemporary Ethno-nationalism      16

2.2     Pre-Independence Political Setting                                          26

2.3     National Head Count 1962/1963                                            28

2.4     Political parties in Historical Perspective                                31

2.5     Ethnics Politics in Post-colonial Nigeria 1960-1966               38

2.6     Ethnicity and Party Organization                                            41

2.7     Conclusion                                                                              44


CHAPTER THREE: THE EFFECT OF ETHNICITY                          45

3.1     The effects of Ethnicity on Post-colonial Governance in Nigeria45

3.2     Meaning and Characteristics of Nigeria Political System                  49

3.3      Determinant of Political Party Formation and membership Composition                                                                                               53

3.4     Multiplication of Parties in Nigeria                                         56

3.5     Conclusion                                                                              59

CHAPTER FOUR: ETHNO REGIONAL POLITICS AND THE NIGERIA STATE                                                                                                61

4.1     Ethnic Politics and Foreign policy                                           61

4.2     Economy and Foreign Policy                                                  66

4.3     Constitutional Basis for Revenue allocation in the First Republic71

CHAPTER FIVE: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION                           74

5.1     Summary                                                                                 74

5.2     Conclusion                                                                              76

BIBLIOGRAPHY                                                                           78

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+234 8130 686 500
+234 8093 423 853

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  • Pages: 90 Pages
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 497
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    Type Project
    Department History
    Project ID HIS0163
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 90 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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