EFFECTIVE SALES FORCE MOTIVATION AS A MEANS OF ACHIEVING INCREASED MARKET SHARE IN A COMPETITIVE INDUSTRY. (A CASE STUDY OF NIGERIA BOTTLING COMPANY PLC, OWERRI) ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of sales force motivation as a means of achieving increased market share in competitive industry using NBC Owerri as a case study. The objective which the researcher intended to achieve were as follows, to appraise the current sales force motivational programme of the NBC, to identify if there are defects in the current sales for motivational programme of NBC, to identify the problems that militates against effectiveness motivation strategies of the NBC etc. The researcher also revealed on several topics in chapter two relating to sales force motivation and some of this topic were as follows. The meaning of sales force motivation, the importance of sales force motivation, difficulties management encountered in determining the right motivational mix, selecting effective combination of motivational tool etc. in order to achieve the intended objectives. In carrying out this work, relevant data were collected from the respondents through survey research (questionnaire) The response from the respondents was analyzed using simple table and percentage and at the end hypothesis were tested to prove or disprove the hypothesis stated in chapter one. Finally, from the responses collected from the respondents, the researcher presented her findings, conclusion and recommendations. TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER ONE 1.1. Background of the study 1.2. Statement of problem: 1.3. Objective of the study: Research question: 1.5. Significance of the study: 1.6. Scope and limitation of the study: 1.7. Limitation of the study: 1.8. Definition of terms CHAPTER TWO 2.0. Literature review: 2.1. Meaning of sales forces motivation: Importance of sales force motivation: Difficulties management encountered in determining the right motivation mix: Selecting effective combination of motivational tools: 2.4.1. General motivational tools: 2.4.2. Specific motivational tools: 2.5. Sales force compensation: 2.5.1. Compensation tools: 2.6. Criteria for good compensation plan: References: CHAPTER THREE 3.0. Research methodology: 3.1. Introduction: 3.2. Research design: 3.3. Sources/methods of data collection: 3.4. Population and sample size 3.5. Sample technique: 3.6. Validity and reliability of instrument: CHAPTER FOUR 4.0. Presentation and analysis of data: 4.1. Introduction: 4.2. Presentation of data: 4.3. Analysis of data: CHAPTER FIVE 5.0. Summary, conclusion and recommendation 5.1. Introduction: 5.2. Summary of findings: 5.3. Conclusion: 5.4. Recommendations: References: Appendix CHAPTER ONE A brief review of the trend of sales force motivation campaign in Nigeria with help us to know place in proper perspective the critical and analytical position of it’s effectiveness activities of Nigeria bottling in Nigeria in several and Imo State in particular. Sales force is an activity other than personal selling advertising and publicity designed to stimulate sales and deals effectiveness which may take the form exhibitions and various non-recurrent effort not in the ordinary routine. 1.1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: A major challenge facing managers in any formal selling as they strive to achieve organizational goals to get the sales forces in the organizational work towards the realization of the corporate goal. Sales force training plays a vital role here because it help in improving the performance of sale force by providing them the relevant skills and knowledge required to carry out their activities even when the sales men have been drafted to the field, it is still the responsibility of the management to continiously monitor their performance through evaluation for the purpose of training them where they are found not performing. NEBO (2006) sales force training can therefore be defined as the effort put forth by an employer to provide the opportunity for the sales person to receive job related culture, skills, knowledge and attitude that result in improved performance in the selling environment. The strategic importance of sale to agent of survival and growth of organization makes it necessary that salesperson should be adequately trained in order to perform their duties efficiently Also the complex nature of today’s selling environment makes it necessary that the sale steam be adequately trained. Today’s selling environment is characterized by fact changing taste of the customers. Complex and sophisticated customers and complexities of certain type of products. The characteristics that are prevailing in the contemporary selling environment market it necessary that sales people adequate trained to enables them cope with these factors. Another is based on the fact that today’s selling job requires a lot of writing because of management reliance on sales report as major of management intelligent. It is therefore necessary that management should train the sales team on the act of report writing, information searching and research techniques. BRIEF HISTORY AND ORIGIN OF NIGERIA BOTTLING COMPANY (NBC) PLC. Nigeria bottling company Plc was developed under modest of circumstances in Atlantic Georgina United States of America on May, 8th 1886 by Dr. John Smith Permberton who produced was to become the coca cola syrup. In a three legged brass pot with boast oar in backyard that was later introduced to Jacob pharmacy where it was placed on sale for five cent a glass as a sofa fountain suggested. The name coca cola. The Nigeria bottling company (NBC) plc was incorporated in Nigeria in 1951 as a subsidiary of AG leventus group with the franchise to bottle and sale coca cola product in Nigeria, form a humble beginning as a family business. The company has grown to become a predominant bottler of non-alcoholic beverages in Nigeria responsible for the sale and manufacturing of over 35 different coca-cola brands of beverages produced by the company. Other brand of the company is Eva water, five alive, fruit juice and newly introduced burn energy drinks. The company presently has about (13) bottling facilities and over eight (8) distribution warehouse located across the country. Since production started Nigeria bottling company plc has remained the largest bottler of non-alcoholic beverages in terms of sales volume with about 1-8 billion bottles sold per year making it the largest market in Africa. Today the Nigeria bottling company is governed by a stable nine member board of director comprising of every prominent individual who has executed in different filed of endaeavours written and outside Nigeria. The board of directors is been headed by Ambassador Olusegun Apota while their management team is been led by Mr. Ronald Ebeh an expatriate professional. 1.3. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Certain conditions or factors can make the sale force to perform ineffectively in their jobs. At present areas of concern that persist include; the poor state of infrastructure particularly road and electricity as well as general insecurity which is as a result of high crime rule in Nigeria. This has been the major area of problems which the Nigeria bottling company is encountegring. Also increased competition in the industry which has led to evaluation of marketing strategies used by companies to out with their competitors and adequately meet the need and wants of the target market. This increased competition come in different forms breeding new strategies of motivation and compensation packages and it is problem to Nigeria bottling. 1.4. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: The general purpose of this research is to determine the significance or otherwise the contributions of the sales force towards attainment of increased market share of achievement of the organization goals given adequate motivation in the NBC. Specifically, the research will achieve the following; To appraise the current sale force motivation programmes of NBC. To identify the defect in the current sale force motivation program of NBC. To identify the problem militating against effective motivation strategies of NBC. To examine the relationship between sales force motivation and the attainment of organizational goals in the Nigeria bottling company. To offer recommendations on how best to improve the sales force motivational strategies of NBC. RESEARCH QUESTION: As an attempt to analyze the effect of motivation of sales force for increased market share in the NBC, serious efforts have been made in providing answers to the following research question; How best can the NBC improve on it’s sales force motivational strategies. What way means will the NBC use to adequately motivate it sales force. What relationship exist between sales force motivation strategies of NBC. How can the NBC current sales force motivational programme of appraised. Are there problems militating against effective motivation strategies of NBC Of what relevance is sales force motivation in achieving increased market share? Are there defects in the current sales force motivation programme of NBC? 1.6. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: Most companies find it difficult to motivate their sale force towards increasing performance and productivity; this is in turn help to reduce their market shares. The Nigeria bottling company becomes a necessary tool to understand how they can use motivation of the sale force to achieve it short and long term goal and objective. 1.7. SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY: This research covers the area of motivation and provides a clear explanation on how sales forces can be motivated to achieve higher performance and increase market share of the company. The researcher cannot get in touch with all the industries in the state and the country at large, the study is restricted to the Nigeria bottling precisely Owerri metropolis. 1.8. LIMITATION OF THE STUDY: Lack of fund, limited time, negative attitude of the company towards answering question given by the respondent formed the limitation of the study. DEFINITION OF TERMS The terms used in this study which have unique meaning that could be subjected to different interpretation by different reader of this project are defined as follows; A. MARKET SHARE: A company’s sales of a given product or set of product to a given set of customers experience as a percentage to total sales of all such product to such customer. B. MOTIVATION: The right use of appropriate incentives to obtain the desired performance standard from the people. C. PERFROMANCE: This is the expectation of the company from the sales force that they (sales force will leave up to desires. D. PRODUCTIVITY: This is the rate of turn over or market share a sales rep acquires for the company. E. SALES FORCE: These are the people employed by the company to serve the company personal link to the customers and effect the sales of the company’s product.
EFFECTIVE SALES FORCE MOTIVATION AS A MEANS OF ACHIEVING INCREASED MARKET SHARE IN A COMPETITIVE INDUSTRY. (A CASE STUDY OF NIGERIA BOTTLING COMPANY PLC, OWERRI) ABSTRACT The major purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of sales force motivation as a means of achieving increased market share in competitive industry using NBC... Continue Reading
MARKET SEMENTATION AS AN EFFICIENT TOOL OF ACHIEVING INCREASED MARKET SHARE (A CASE STUDY OF 7UP BOTTLING COMPANY PLC ABA). ABSTRACT This main aim of business is to seek, attract and retain customers who will use the company various products to meet their needs or solve their problems. Successful service organization must therefore understand how... Continue Reading
STRATEGIC MARKETING PLANNING AS A MEANS OF ACHIEVING INCREASE IN MARKET SHARE IN THE COMPETITIVE MARKET. (A CASE STUDY OF NIGERIA BREWERIES PLC ABA) ABSTRACT Consumer satisfaction is the economic justification for the existence of any business. Hence for any business to exist, survive and grow, the same plan must be strategic. So, this research... Continue Reading
MARKET SEGMENTATION: AS A TOOL OF ACHIEVING ORGANZIATIONAL SALES OBJECTIVE. NIGERIA (A CASE STUDY OF NIGERIA BOTTLING COMPANY, OWERRI IMO STATE) ABSTRACT It has been stated that production is not complete until the product reaches the hands of the final consumer. Consumption is the sole purpose of production. Therefore, it will only be beneficial... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Consumer satisfaction is the economic justification for the existence of any business. Hence for any business to exist, survive and grow, the same plan must be strategic. So, this research work was carried out on the strategic marketing planning as a means of achieving increased, market share in competitive market. (A case study of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This main aim of business is to seek, attract and retain customers who will use the company various products to meet their needs or solve their problems. Successful service organization must therefore understand how customers view services and in what ways it presents a different advantage relative to the company’s offering. Therefore... Continue Reading
MARKETING PLANNING AS A MEANS OF ACHIEVING INCREASE IN MARKET SHARE IN INGERIA. (A CASE STUDY OF NIGERIA UNILIVER PLC ABA) ABSTRACT Consumer satisfaction is the economic justification for the existence of any business. Hence for any business to exist, survive and grow, the same plan must be strategic. So, this research work was carried out on the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The topic treated in this project is “the effects of sales force motivation on productivity. A case study of Emenite Company Limited Emene, Enugu State. This topic is very vast and one cannot claim to have treated all the aspects of the literature covered in the topic within this skeletal outfit. It attempts to identity the various... Continue Reading
THE EFFECT OF SALES FORCE MOTIVATION ON PRODUCTIVITY A CASE STUDY OF EMENITE COMPANY ENUGU Abstract The topic treated in this project is “The Effects of sales forces motivation on productivity. A case study of Emenite Company Limited Emene, Enugu State. This topic is very vast and one cannot claim to have treated all the aspects of the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The topic treated in this project is “The Effects of sales forces motivation on productivity. A case study of Emenite Company Limited Emene, Enugu State. This topic is very vast and one cannot claim to have treated all the aspects of the literature covered the topic within this skeletal outfit. It attempts to identify the various... Continue Reading