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Every project creates a unique product, service, or result. Although repetitive elements may be present in some project deliverables, this repetition does not change the fundamental uniqueness of the project work. Effectiveness of project implementation can be thought of as incorporating four basic facets: time criterion, budget criterion, effectiveness criterion, and client satisfaction criterion, it is successful. Studies have been done to unravel the workings behind successful project implementation, but none has attempted to directly undertake an analysis of project implementation by NGOs in Nairobi. The general objective of the study was to undertake the analysis of effective implementation of NGO projects in Nairobi County, but more specifically, the study investigated the role the following variables play in effective implementation of projects; communication; planning; financing; monitoring and controlling. This study was conducted against a backdrop of various studies and theories that have previously been done and which support our assumptions regarding the independent variables and dependent variables. Highlights of these studies include; the magic triangle of project management that visualizes the three objectives that the project manager should monitor all the time. If one is jeopardized, it will affect the two other objectives. These are performance, cost and time. Management support for projects has long been considered of great importance in distinguishing between their ultimate success or failure. Project management is seen as not only dependent on top management for authority, direction, and support, but as ultimately the conduit for implementing top management's plans, or goals, for the organization. A failure in communication can negatively impact the project. As the detailed budget for each key stage is derived, we must compare the total with the project budget and analyze the variance. Internal control processes should be designed with the objectives of promoting the effectiveness and efficiency of operations and increasing the reliability of project outcomes. The study was a descriptive survey research. The data was sampled from a population of two hundred and one NGOs. A sample of fifty percent was studied. Primary data was collected through a survey questionnaire. Findings were represented in tables and analyzed through frequencies, percentages, mean scores and standard deviations. The five point Likert Scale was used to undertake the various analyses of effective implementation of NGO projects, and the magnitude of their impact and usage. The researcher found out that project product delivery and project product quality are the major indicators to show the effectiveness of project implementation. As was examined during the review of literature, previous studies have concluded that cost, time and quality were still three most important indicators of success in projects. From the findings, communication with regard to the application of project management tools and availability of information for decision-making affects project implementation. The researcher also found out that communication is the most critical element for the success; it found that communication and financing have relatively more weight and importance to project implementation than monitoring and planning. The researcher concluded that employees of NGOs who implement projects in Nairobi County feel that communication with regard to the application of project management tools and availability of information for decision-making affects project implementation. Planning, financing and monitoring were also considered important in that order

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    Type Project
    Department Business Administration and Management
    Project ID BAM3738
    Fee ₦5,000 ($14)
    No of Pages 107 Pages
    Format Microsoft Word

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