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Abstract This study is on the influence of laboratory method on student’s academic achievement in basic science and technology and science in general. The total population for the study is 200 staff of selected secondary... Continue Reading
Introduction Biology is an incredibly fascinating field of study, because it is so fundamental to our world. Biology plays a role in everyone’s lives and touches almost... Continue Reading
Introduction Biology is an incredibly fascinating field of study, because it is so fundamental to our world. Biology plays a role in everyone’s lives and touches almost... Continue Reading
IN EGOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA ABSTRACT The aim of this research work is to find out the role of importance of improvisation in the teaching of integrated science in secondary schools, using all  secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State... Continue Reading
    ABSTRACT This study examined teachers attitude towards improvisation of materials for teaching basic science in Kuje Area Council. Three research questions were formulated to guide the study.  The research design adopted for the study was a descriptive survey design.  The sample of the study constituted of 16 respondents. A questionnaire... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The aim of this research work is to find out the role of importance of improvisation in the teaching of integrated science in secondary schools, using all secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The primary objective of this research work was to determine the availability of laboratory facilities for effective teaching and learning of Mathematics, Integrated Science and Computer Science in Junior Secondary Schools in Enugu North L.G.A Enugu State, Nigeria.  The descriptive survey research method was used for the study and data... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The primary objective of this research work was to determine the availability of laboratory facilities for effective teaching and learning of Mathematics, Integrated Science and Computer Science in Junior Secondary Schools in Enugu North L.G.A Enugu State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey research method was used for the study and data... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project is aimed at producing a solar charger controller which help to improve the steady power supply in department of science laboratory technology IMT Enugu the smart charge controller is designed, so that the battery does not get over charged thereby ensuring no reduction of durability of the battery. This kind of system requires... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1     Background to the Study Science had been of great importance worldwide for suitable and socio-economic development as well as for technological advancement of the nations. Knowledge of science education is therefore required in all countries globally due to the numerous challenges that are facing them. The... Continue Reading
Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine the role of science laboratory equipment in the academic comprehension of students in senior secondary schools. Participants were 120 SS III students and five General science teachers in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Science is a systematic enterprise which builds and organizes knowledge in a form of testable explanation and predictions about nature (Editorial Staff 2008).  Miriam Webster dictionary defined science as the knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts learned through experiments and observation while According to... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research project was on, FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR POOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS IN PRIMARY SCIENCES AND COMPUTER SCIENCE (A CASE STUDY OF ENUGU EDUCATION ZONE).  Data were gathered through structured questionnaire information obtained from principals, teachers, assistant head teachers, students and other staff... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This research project was on, FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR POOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF PRIMARY SCHOOL PUPILS IN PRIMARY SCIENCES AND COMPUTER SCIENCE (A CASE STUDY OF ENUGU EDUCATION ZONE).  Data were gathered through structured questionnaire information obtained from principals, teachers, assistant head teachers, students and other staff... Continue Reading
Abstract This research work is a survey of Factors Responsible for low Enrolment of Student in science in colleges of education in colleges of education in Enugu State. It aims at finding out the various factors responsible for low enrolment of students in science education in colleges of education in Enugu state. Four (4) research questions were... Continue Reading
Abstract This research work is a survey of Factors Responsible for low Enrolment of Student in science in colleges of education in colleges of education in Enugu State. It aims at finding out the various factors responsible for low enrolment of students in science education in colleges of education in Enugu state. Four (4) research questions were... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study evaluated computer science education programme in Enugu State College of Education, Technical, Enugu. Four research questions were asked and ensured. The research method used is survey type. The population of the study is 1262 (one thousand two hundred and sixty two). Data were corrected from two hundred students (200) and five... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The study evaluated computer science education programme in Enugu State College of Education, Technical, Enugu. Four research questions were asked and ensured.  The research method used is survey type.  The population of the study is 1262 (one thousand two hundred and sixty two). Data were corrected from two hundred students (200) and... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Background to the Study According to Hornby(2008), science is the knowledge about the structure and behavior of natural and physical world based on facts that can be proved. Science is the study of natural phenomena and is distinguished from other fields because it relies on the hypothetical, deductive and experimental... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project is focused on experimental analysis of impact of water jet on vanes. This work intends to predict the output of a pelton wheel, and to determine its optimum rotational speed. Hence this work explains how the deflection of the jet generates a force on the buckets, and how the force is related to the rate of momentum flow in... Continue Reading
. (A CASE STUDY OF ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT) ABSTRACT This study focused on the attitudes of student’s towards General Studies Education in the college of Ekiadolor –Benin and the relationship, if any, between attitude and performance using the... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT A temperature control apparatus an “Armfield model was refurbished. The methodology employed were to detect the pulty parts of the equipment especially in the sump where leakages were observed. In the repair, the water in the sump was drained off, corrosion and rusting in the tank were... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The construction of the 500 gallous (2,250 litre) of water is a project which has definite mathematical patterns. The choice of a cylindrical pattern of design involved the application of mathematical deductions to analyse the size of materials required. The introductory and scope of the... Continue Reading
Science education must seek to permit the individual to develop to the fullest his capacities for adjustment and continuous change in order that he may meet the problems of his day and solve them successfully when they arise.  Biology, the... Continue Reading
CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction Background to the study Education is the most important instrument of change and resources development. it is much more than mere training and mere knowledge of facts. The real essence of education is the transmission of values and ideas that are meant to be internalize. Accepting the recommended worth-while values as... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The objective of the repair and refurbishing the pilot plant temperature control equipment is to keep the apparatus in good working condition for it to be used for its various purposes. The part of the temperature control changed and new one installed. This was due to series of faults developed by the former one” Electrical accessories... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The objective of the repair and refurbishing the pilot plant temperature control equipment is to keep the apparatus in good working condition for it to be used for its various purposes. The part of the temperature control changed and new one installed. This was due to series of faults developed by the former one” Electrical accessories... Continue Reading
The study was to assess the problemss and prospects of free, fair and credible election in Nigeria conducted election for contestants into various elective posts in 2019. The 2019 general elections characterize free, fair and credible even though there were some states with violence before, during and after the election. The violence that took... Continue Reading
The study was to assess the problemss and prospects of free, fair and credible election in Nigeria conducted election for contestants into various elective posts in 2019. The 2019 general elections characterize free, fair and credible even though there were some states with violence before, during and after the election. The violence that took... Continue Reading
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