the impact and effect of rate cutting on insurance company in nigeria - Project Ideas |

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ABSTRACT This study is aim at critically examine the impact of Insurance Companies to economic development in Nigeria.  It was discovered that insurance companies provided meaningful contributions to economic development. We can say that insurance company indemnity their client when a problem in ascertained.  Also, the insurance company provides... Continue Reading
THE ROLE OF INSURANCE COMPANY IN NIGERIA AS NON-BANKING FINANCIAL INSTITUTION: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS: A CASE STUDY OF LIMITED NIGERIA INSURANCE COMPANY (UNIC) ABSTRACT This study attempt to provide a general information and knowledge about the impact of insurance companies in the business world. A case study of business organization in Benin... Continue Reading
Abstract The research work investigated the fraud and its effect in insurance industries in Nigeria; a study of some selected insurance companies in Enugu. The broad objective of the study is to access fraud and its effect in the growth of insurance... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The main purpose of the project is to design a software for insurance institutions. It studies the operations and concept of insurance companies. Insurance as a vital discipline, in the society deals with different security, policies and has a diverse relationship with other professional fields. This project has been specially written and... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The main purpose of the project is to design a software for insurance institutions. It studies the operations and concept of insurance companies. Insurance as a vital discipline, in the society deals with different security, policies and has a diverse relationship with other professional fields. This project has been specially written and... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION An insurance company assumes risk insured by his clients and therefore, he is exposed to the danger that some risk he insured might result to heavy losses or the aggregate or some losses he incurred within a period of time say one year would be so large as to wipe out it profit and possible endanger its risk to the reinsurance... Continue Reading
INTRODUCTION An insurance company assumes risk insured by his clients and therefore, he is exposed to the danger that some risk he insured might result to heavy losses or the aggregate or some losses he incurred within a period of time say one year would be so large as to wipe out it profit and possible endanger its risk to the reinsurance... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work has critically highlighted the compact of claims settlement on profit maximization in insurance industry, the problems of effective claims settlement in Nigeria have been identified and how they can be controlled is also included in the study. Also circumstances given rise to claims, fraudulent claims and effect of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This project work has critically highlighted the compact of claims settlement on profit maximization in insurance industry, the problems of effective claims settlement in Nigeria have been identified and how they can be controlled is also included in the study.  Also circumstances given rise to claims, fraudulent claims and effect of... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page i Approval Page ii Dedication iii Acknowledgement iv Abstract v Table of Content vi CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study 1 1.2 Statement of Problems 6 1.3 Objective of the Study 8 1.4 Research Question 9 1.5 Hypothesis 9 1.6 Significance of the Study 11 1.7 Scope of Limitation of the Study 12 1.8... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Pagei Approval Pageii Dedicationiii Acknowledgement iv Abstractv Table of Contentvi CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1Background of the Study 1 1.2Statement of Problems 6 1.3Objective of the Study 8 1.4Research Question9 1.5Hypothesis9 1.6Significance of the Study 11 1.7Scope of Limitation of the Study 12 1.8Definition of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study is an investigation of the impact of brand equity on company performance a case of Tristar Insurance Company. The company is facing a lot of challenges given the fact that its clientele mainly comprised of corporate customers who are struggling under the current economic conditions. Also competition is intensifying in the... Continue Reading
A CRITICAL REVIEW OF ACCOUNTING SYSTEM IN NIGERIA INSURANCE INDUSTRY A CASE STUDY OF INDUSTRIAL AND GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY LTD ABSTRACT This study will survey a critical review of the accounting system in Nigeria’s insurance industry.This study as a case study is an attempt to review the problems of accounting system in industrial and general... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study will survey a critical review of the accounting system in Nigeria’s insurance industry. This study as a case study is an attempt to review the problems of accounting system in industrial and general insurance company limited.  It has become necessary because of proper understanding and correct treatment in various items in... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT This study will survey a critical review of the accounting system in Nigeria’s insurance industry. This study as a case study is an attempt to review the problems of accounting system in industrial and general insurance company limited. It has become necessary because of proper understanding and correct treatment in various items in the... Continue Reading
1.0 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Until recently the main object and concern of all business ventures is perpetual sustainability and continuity in operation with a sound financial position, this implies, carrying out your business activities in an on going stable manner, and making profits, to ensure stability of its operations over along period of... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The vital role played by insurance in every developed nation of the world is invaluable. However, its penetration in the economy of Nigeria as a nation is at is lowest ebb. The abundant benefits derivable from insurance are enormous yet marketing this product is fraught with challenges. One factor held respondent for this is the poor... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The vital role played by insurance in every developed nation of the world is invaluable. However, its penetration in the economy of Nigeria as a nation is at is lowest ebb.  The abundant benefits derivable from insurance are enormous yet marketing this product is fraught with challenges.  One factor held respondent for this is the poor... Continue Reading
TABLE OF CONTENTS Title page                                                                                              i Approval... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to give a simplified approach to the procedures involved in the services offered by Insurance Companies. Since the insurance company or industry is an industry whereby the use of computer is most unpopular in the country.  The few computerized, Insurance companies are not totally computerized, but partially... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The aim of this project is to give a simplified approach to the procedures involved in the services offered by Insurance Companies. Since the insurance company or industry is an industry whereby the use of computer is most unpopular in the country.  The few computerized, Insurance companies are not totally computerized, but partially... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Insurance companies are legal entities that cover the insured against certain unexpected occurrence of an event in exchange for payment of a predetermined amount of money called premium. In underwriting insured risks insurance companies do accepts risks that have different risk profile but the acceptance of those risks are under different... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Insurance companies are legal entities that cover the insured against certain unexpected occurrence of an event in exchange for payment of a predetermined amount of money called premium. In underwriting insured risks insurance companies do accepts risks that have different risk profile but the acceptance of those risks are under different... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT Insurance companies are legal entities that cover the insured against certain unexpected occurrence of an event in exchange for payment of a predetermined amount of money called premium. In underwriting insured risks insurance... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The need for increase productivity in our industries totally cannot be over emphasized. This is evidenced by the development of new technologies to the highest level. Man is needed in concert with other resources. However, man’s behavior cannot be objectively predicted given the complexity of intervening variable that to a large extent... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The need for increase productivity in our industries totally cannot be  over emphasized. This is  evidenced by the development of new technologies to the highest level. Man is needed in concert with other resources. However, man’s behavior cannot be objectively predicted given the complexity of intervening variable that to a large... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of motivational model on Universal Insurance Company Limited Independent Layout Enugu and their management efficiency. To guide the study, four-research question were formulated. A review of literature was done to expose the researcher to what has already been done to ensure sound... Continue Reading
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of motivational model on Universal Insurance Company Limited Independent Layout Enugu and their management efficiency. To guide the study, four-research question were formulated.  A review of literature was done to expose the researcher to what has already been done to ensure sound... Continue Reading
This study attempts to examine the effect of market segmentation as a tool for improving the performance of insurance companies. Insurance companies are always seeking alternative ways to improve the level of satisfaction among their customers; market segmentation may be a useful tool. Market Segmentation is essential and necessary for any... Continue Reading
This study attempts to examine the effect of market segmentation as a tool for improving the performance of insurance companies. Insurance companies are always seeking alternative ways to improve the level of satisfaction among their customers; market segmentation may be a useful tool. Market Segmentation is essential and necessary for any... Continue Reading
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