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Department: International relations
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Objective of the study The main  thrust  of  this  study  is  to  establish  the  following  significance: - i. To ascertain ideology and fundings as the fundamental factor that propelled terrorism in Nigeria.  ii. To find out if Boko Haram crisis poses a threat to Nigerian‟s economy.  iii. To explore whether the military option is... Continue Reading
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INTRODUCTION It is an undisputable fact that Nigeria of the pre-independence era was predominately small scale in its productions and marketing activities. Industrial revolution brought about a shift from the orthodox trade by barter to a more sophisticated marketing system where consumers satisfaction becomes the ultimate goal of the most... Continue Reading
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CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1    Background of the Study Over the years various activities across the borders of ECOWAS member states have hindered sustainable economic growth and development in the Union (Orji, 2008 :?) Activities such as... Continue Reading
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